
Tom Kean

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12EETom Kean, David McLaren, Carol Marsh: Verifying the Authenticity of Chip Designs with the DesignTag System. HOST 2008: 59-64
11EETom Kean: Déjà vu, all over again. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 22(2): 192 (2005)
10EEValeri F. Tomashau, Tom Kean: Validation of an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) IP Core. FCCM 2004: 291-292
9EETom Kean: Cryptographic rights management of FPGA intellectual property cores. FPGA 2002: 113-118
8EETom Kean: Secure Configuration of Field Programmable Gate Arrays. FPL 2001: 142-151
7EEApostolos Dollas, Kyprianos Papademetriou, Nikolaos Aslanides, Tom Kean: A Reconfigurable Embedded Input Device for Kinetically Challenged Persons. FPL 2001: 326-335
6EETom Kean: It's FPL, Jim - But Not as We Know It! Opportunities for the New Commercial Architectures. FPL 2000: 575-584
5EETom Kean, Ann Duncan: DES Key Breaking, Encryption and Decryption on the XC6216. FCCM 1998: 310-311
4 Tom Kean, Ann Duncan: A 800 Mpixel/sec reconfigurable image correlator on XC6216. FPL 1997: 382-391
3 Tom Kean, Bernie New, Robert Slous: A Fast Constant Coefficient Multiplier for the XC6200. FPL 1996: 230-236
2 Steven Churcher, Tom Kean, Bill Wilkie: XC6200 FastmapTM Processor Interface. FPL 1995: 36-43
1EETom Kean, John Gray: Configurable hardware: Two case studies of micro-grain computation. VLSI Signal Processing 2(1): 9-16 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Nikolaos Aslanides [7]
2Steven Churcher [2]
3Apostolos Dollas [7]
4Ann Duncan [4] [5]
5John Gray [1]
6Carol Marsh [12]
7David McLaren [12]
8Bernie New [3]
9Kyprianos Papademetriou (Kyprianos Papadimitriou) [7]
10Robert Slous [3]
11Valeri F. Tomashau [10]
12Bill Wilkie [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)