
Robert Slous

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6EEDonald MacVicar, Satnam Singh, Robert Slous: Be'zier Curve Rendering on Virtex(tm). FCCM 1999: 314-
5 Stefan H.-M. Ludwig, Robert Slous, Satnam Singh: Implementing Photoshop Filters in Virtex. FPL 1999: 233-242
4 Lorenz Huelsbergen, Edward A. Rietman, Robert Slous: Evolving oscillators in silico. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 3(3): 197-204 (1999)
3EESatnam Singh, Robert Slous: Accelerating Adobe Photoshop with the Reconfigurable Logic. FCCM 1998: 236-244
2EELorenz Huelsbergen, Edward A. Rietman, Robert Slous: Evolution of Astable Multivibrators in Silico. ICES 1998: 66-77
1 Tom Kean, Bernie New, Robert Slous: A Fast Constant Coefficient Multiplier for the XC6200. FPL 1996: 230-236

Coauthor Index

1Lorenz Huelsbergen [2] [4]
2Tom Kean [1]
3Stefan H.-M. Ludwig [5]
4Donald MacVicar [6]
5Bernie New [1]
6Edward A. Rietman [2] [4]
7Satnam Singh [3] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)