
Marc-André Hermanns

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9 Jan Seidel, Rudolf Berrendorf, Ace Crngarov, Marc-André Hermanns: Optimization Strategies for Data Distribution Schemes in a Parallel File System. PARCO 2007: 425-432
8 William D. Gropp, Wolfgang Frings, Marc-André Hermanns, Ed Jedlicka, Kirk E. Jordan, Fred Mintzer, Boris Orth: Scaling Science Applications on Blue Gene. PARCO 2007: 583-584
7 Hermann Lederer, Gavin J. Pringle, Denis Girou, Marc-André Hermanns, Giovanni Erbacci: DEISA: Extreme Computing in an Advanced Supercomputing Environment. PARCO 2007: 687-688
6EEMarc-André Hermanns, Rudolf Berrendorf, Marcel Birkner, Jan Seidel: Flexible I/O Support for Reconfigurable Grid Environments. Euro-Par 2006: 415-424
5EEAndrej Kühnal, Marc-André Hermanns, Bernd Mohr, Felix Wolf: Specification of Inefficiency Patterns for MPI-2 One-Sided Communication. Euro-Par 2006: 47-62
4EEJan Seidel, Rudolf Berrendorf, Marcel Birkner, Marc-André Hermanns: High-Bandwidth Remote Parallel I/O with the Distributed Memory Filesystem MEMFS. PVM/MPI 2006: 222-229
3EEMarc-André Hermanns, Bernd Mohr, Felix Wolf: Event-Based Measurement and Analysis of One-Sided Communication. Euro-Par 2005: 156-165
2 Bernd Mohr, Andrej Kühnal, Marc-André Hermanns, Felix Wolf: Performance Analysis of One-sided Communication Mechanisms. PARCO 2005: 885-892
1EERudolf Berrendorf, Marc-André Hermanns, Jan Seidel: Remote Parallel I/O in Grid Environments. PPAM 2005: 212-219

Coauthor Index

1Rudolf Berrendorf [1] [4] [6] [9]
2Marcel Birkner [4] [6]
3Ace Crngarov [9]
4Giovanni Erbacci [7]
5Wolfgang Frings [8]
6Denis Girou [7]
7William Gropp (William D. Gropp, Bill Gropp) [8]
8Ed Jedlicka [8]
9Kirk E. Jordan [8]
10Andrej Kühnal [2] [5]
11Hermann Lederer [7]
12Fred Mintzer (Frederick C. Mintzer) [8]
13Bernd Mohr [2] [3] [5]
14Boris Orth [8]
15Gavin J. Pringle [7]
16Jan Seidel [1] [4] [6] [9]
17Felix Wolf [2] [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)