
Wolfgang Frings

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10EEMorris Riedel, Wolfgang Frings, Sonja Habbinga, Thomas Eickermann, Daniel Mallmann, Achim Streit, Felix Wolf, Thomas Lippert, Andreas Ernst, Rainer Spurzem: Extending the collaborative online visualization and steering framework for computational Grids with attribute-based authorization. GRID 2008: 104-111
9EEDaniel Becker, Wolfgang Frings, Felix Wolf: Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Parallel Grid Computing Applications. PDP 2008: 193-199
8EEMorris Riedel, Thomas Eickermann, Wolfgang Frings, Sonja Dominiczak, Daniel Mallmann, Thomas Düssel, Achim Streit, Paul Gibbon, Felix Wolf, Wolfram Schiffmann, Thomas Lippert: Design and evaluation of a collaborative online visualization and steering framework implementation for computational grids. GRID 2007: 169-176
7EEDaniel Becker, Felix Wolf, Wolfgang Frings, Markus Geimer, Brian J. N. Wylie, Bernd Mohr: Automatic Trace-Based Performance Analysis of Metacomputing Applications. IPDPS 2007: 1-10
6EEMorris Riedel, Wolfgang Frings, Sonja Dominiczak, Thomas Eickermann, Daniel Mallmann, Paul Gibbon, Thomas Düssel: VISIT/GS: Higher Level Grid Services for Scientific Collaborative Online Visualization and Steering in UNICORE Grids. ISPDC 2007: 69-76
5 William D. Gropp, Wolfgang Frings, Marc-André Hermanns, Ed Jedlicka, Kirk E. Jordan, Fred Mintzer, Boris Orth: Scaling Science Applications on Blue Gene. PARCO 2007: 583-584
4EEMorris Riedel, Thomas Eickermann, Sonja Habbinga, Wolfgang Frings, Paul Gibbon, Daniel Mallmann, Felix Wolf, Achim Streit, Thomas Lippert, Felix Wolf, Wolfram Schiffmann, Andreas Ernst, Rainer Spurzem, Wolfgang E. Nagel: Computational Steering and Online Visualization of Scientific Applications on Large-Scale HPC Systems within e-Science Infrastructures. eScience 2007: 483-490
3EETatjana Eitrich, Wolfgang Frings, Bruno Lang: HyParSVM - A New Hybrid Parallel Software for Support Vector Machine Learning on SMP Clusters. Euro-Par 2006: 350-359
2 Paul Gibbon, Wolfgang Frings, Bernd Mohr: Performance Analysis and Visualization of the N-Body Tree Code PEPC on Massively Parallel Computers. PARCO 2005: 367-374
1EEThomas Eickermann, Wolfgang Frings, Stefan Posse, Gernot Goebbels, Roland Völpel: Distributed Applications in a German Gigabit WAN. HPDC 1999

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Becker [7] [9]
2Sonja Dominiczak [6] [8]
3Thomas Düssel [6] [8]
4Thomas Eickermann [1] [4] [6] [8] [10]
5Tatjana Eitrich [3]
6Andreas Ernst [4] [10]
7Markus Geimer [7]
8Paul Gibbon [2] [4] [6] [8]
9Gernot Goebbels [1]
10William Gropp (William D. Gropp, Bill Gropp) [5]
11Sonja Habbinga [4] [10]
12Marc-André Hermanns [5]
13Ed Jedlicka [5]
14Kirk E. Jordan [5]
15Bruno Lang [3]
16Thomas Lippert [4] [8] [10]
17Daniel Mallmann [4] [6] [8] [10]
18Fred Mintzer (Frederick C. Mintzer) [5]
19Bernd Mohr [2] [7]
20Wolfgang E. Nagel [4]
21Boris Orth [5]
22Stefan Posse [1]
23Morris Riedel [4] [6] [8] [10]
24Wolfram Schiffmann [4] [8]
25Rainer Spurzem [4] [10]
26Achim Streit [4] [8] [10]
27Roland Völpel [1]
28Felix Wolf [4] [7] [8] [9] [10]
29Brian J. N. Wylie [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)