2008 |
51 | | Günter Rudolph,
Thomas Jansen,
Simon M. Lucas,
Carlo Poloni,
Nicola Beume:
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN X, 10th International Conference Dortmund, Germany, September 13-17, 2008, Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
50 | EE | Benjamin Doerr,
Thomas Jansen,
Christian Klein:
Comparing global and local mutations on bit strings.
GECCO 2008: 929-936 |
49 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Frank Neumann:
Computational complexity and evolutionary computation.
GECCO (Companion) 2008: 2417-2444 |
48 | EE | Lyublena Antova,
Thomas Jansen,
Christoph Koch,
Dan Olteanu:
Fast and Simple Relational Processing of Uncertain Data.
ICDE 2008: 983-992 |
47 | EE | Mehdi Amirijoo,
Remco Litjens,
Kathleen Spaey,
Martin Döttling,
Thomas Jansen,
Neil Scully,
Ulrich Türke:
Use Cases, Requirements and Assessment Criteria for Future Self-Organising Radio Access Networks.
IWSOS 2008: 275-280 |
2007 |
46 | EE | Thomas Jansen:
On the Brittleness of Evolutionary Algorithms.
FOGA 2007: 54-69 |
45 | EE | Richard A. Watson,
Thomas Jansen:
A building-block royal road where crossover is provably essential.
GECCO 2007: 1452-1459 |
44 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Madeleine Theile:
Stability in the self-organized evolution of networks.
GECCO 2007: 931-938 |
43 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Dennis Weyland:
Analysis of evolutionary algorithms for the longest common subsequence problem.
GECCO 2007: 939-946 |
42 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Frank Neumann:
Computational complexity and evolutionary computation.
GECCO (Companion) 2007: 3225-3250 |
41 | EE | Lyublena Antova,
Thomas Jansen,
Christoph Koch,
Dan Olteanu:
Fast and Simple Relational Processing of Uncertain Data
CoRR abs/0707.1644: (2007) |
40 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
A comparison of simulated annealing with a simple evolutionary algorithm on pseudo-boolean functions of unitation.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 386(1-2): 73-93 (2007) |
2006 |
39 | | Hans-Georg Beyer,
Thomas Jansen,
Colin R. Reeves,
Michael D. Vose:
Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms, 15.-20. February 2004
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 |
38 | | Dirk V. Arnold,
Thomas Jansen,
Michael D. Vose,
Jonathan E. Rowe:
Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms, 05.02. - 10.02.2006
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 |
37 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
On the local performance of simulated annealing and the (1+1) evolutionary algorithm.
GECCO 2006: 469-476 |
36 | EE | Dirk V. Arnold,
Thomas Jansen,
Jonathan E. Rowe,
Michael D. Vose:
06061 Abstracts Collection -- Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms.
Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms 2006 |
35 | EE | Dirk V. Arnold,
Thomas Jansen,
Jonathan E. Rowe,
Michael D. Vose:
06061 Executive Summary -- Theory of Evolutionary Algoritms.
Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms 2006 |
34 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
On the analysis of a dynamic evolutionary algorithm.
J. Discrete Algorithms 4(1): 181-199 (2006) |
33 | EE | Stefan Droste,
Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
Upper and Lower Bounds for Randomized Search Heuristics in Black-Box Optimization.
Theory Comput. Syst. 39(4): 525-544 (2006) |
2005 |
32 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Dirk Sudholt:
Design and analysis of an asymmetric mutation operator.
Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 190-197 |
31 | EE | Thomas Jansen:
A Comparison of Simulated Annealing with a Simple Evolutionary Algorithm.
FOGA 2005: 37-57 |
30 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Ulf Schellbach:
Theoretical analysis of a mutation-based evolutionary algorithm for a tracking problem in the lattice.
GECCO 2005: 841-848 |
29 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
Real royal road functions--where crossover provably is essential.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 149(1-3): 111-125 (2005) |
28 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Kenneth A. De Jong,
Ingo Wegener:
On the Choice of the Offspring Population Size in Evolutionary Algorithms.
Evolutionary Computation 13(4): 413-440 (2005) |
2004 |
27 | EE | Bartosz von Rymon-Lipinski,
Nils Hanssen,
Thomas Jansen,
Lutz Ritter,
Erwin Keeve:
Efficient Point-Based Isosurface Exploration Using the Span-Triangle.
IEEE Visualization 2004: 441-448 |
26 | | Nils Hanssen,
Zbigniew Burgielski,
Thomas Jansen,
Marc Liévin,
Lutz Ritter,
Bartosz von Rymon-Lipinski,
Erwin Keeve:
NERVES - Level Sets for Interactive 3D Segmentation of Nerve Channels.
ISBI 2004: 201-204 |
25 | EE | Patrick Briest,
Dimo Brockhoff,
Bastian Degener,
Matthias Englert,
Christian Gunia,
Oliver Heering,
Thomas Jansen,
Michael Leifhelm,
Kai Plociennik,
Heiko Röglin,
Andrea Schweer,
Dirk Sudholt,
Stefan Tannenbaum,
Ingo Wegener:
Experimental Supplements to the Theoretical Analysis of EAs on Problems from Combinatorial Optimization.
PPSN 2004: 21-30 |
24 | EE | Patrick Briest,
Dimo Brockhoff,
Bastian Degener,
Matthias Englert,
Christian Gunia,
Oliver Heering,
Thomas Jansen,
Michael Leifhelm,
Kai Plociennik,
Heiko Röglin,
Andrea Schweer,
Dirk Sudholt,
Stefan Tannenbaum,
Ingo Wegener:
The Ising Model: Simple Evolutionary Algorithms as Adaptation Schemes.
PPSN 2004: 31-40 |
23 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
R. Paul Wiegand:
Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice.
PPSN 2004: 61-71 |
22 | EE | Hans-Georg Beyer,
Thomas Jansen,
Colin R. Reeves,
Michael D. Vose:
04081 Abstracts Collection - Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms.
Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms 2004 |
21 | | Thomas Jansen,
Bartosz von Rymon-Lipinski,
Nils Hanssen,
Erwin Keeve:
Fourier Volume Rendering on the GPU Using a Split-Stream-FFT.
VMV 2004: 395-403 |
20 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
R. Paul Wiegand:
The Cooperative Coevolutionary (1+1) EA.
Evolutionary Computation 12(4): 405-434 (2004) |
2003 |
19 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
R. Paul Wiegand:
Exploring the Explorative Advantage of the Cooperative Coevolutionary (1+1) EA.
GECCO 2003: 310-321 |
18 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
R. Paul Wiegand:
Sequential versus parallel cooperative coevolutionary (1+1) EAs.
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (1) 2003: 30-37 |
17 | EE | Erwin Keeve,
Thomas Jansen,
Bartosz von Rymon-Lipinski,
Zbigniew Burgielski,
Nils Hanssen,
Lutz Ritter,
Marc Liévin:
An Open Software Framework for Medical Applications.
IS4TH 2003: 302-310 |
16 | EE | Stefan Droste,
Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
Upper and Lower Bounds for Randomized Search Heuristics in Black-Box Optimization
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(048): (2003) |
2002 |
15 | | Thomas Jansen,
Kenneth A. De Jong:
An Analysis Of The Role Of Offspring Population Size In EAs.
GECCO 2002: 238-246 |
14 | EE | Thomas Jansen:
On the Analysis of Dynamic Restart Strategies for Evolutionary Algorithms.
PPSN 2002: 33-43 |
13 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
The Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms - A Proof That Crossover Really Can Help.
Algorithmica 34(1): 47-66 (2002) |
12 | EE | Stefan Droste,
Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
On the analysis of the (1+1) evolutionary algorithm.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 276(1-2): 51-81 (2002) |
11 | | Stefan Droste,
Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
Optimization with randomized search heuristics - the (A)NFL theorem, realistic scenarios, and difficult functions.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 287(1): 131-144 (2002) |
2001 |
10 | | Bartosz von Rymon-Lipinski,
Thomas Jansen,
Zdzislaw Król,
Lutz Ritter,
Erwin Keeve:
JULIUS - an extendable application framework for medical visualization and surgical planning.
CARS 2001: 184-189 |
9 | | Zdzislaw Król,
Peter Zerfass,
Bartosz von Rymon-Lipinski,
Thomas Jansen,
W. Hauck,
Robert Sader,
Hans-Florian Zeilhofer,
Erwin Keeve:
Computer assisted osteotomy design for autografts in craniofacial reconstructive surgery.
CARS 2001: 44-50 |
8 | EE | Erwin Keeve,
Thomas Jansen,
Zdzislaw Król,
Lutz Ritter,
Bartosz von Rymon-Lipinski,
Robert Sader,
Hans-Florian Zeilhofer,
Peter Zerfass:
JULIUS - An Extendable Software Framework for Surgical Planning and Image-Guided Navigation.
MICCAI 2001: 1336-1337 |
7 | | Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
Evolutionary algorithms - how to cope with plateaus of constant fitness and when to reject strings of the same fitness.
IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 5(6): 589-599 (2001) |
2000 |
6 | | Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
On the Choice of the Mutation Probability for the (1+1) EA.
PPSN 2000: 89-98 |
1999 |
5 | EE | Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
On the Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms - A Proof That Crossover Really Can Help.
ESA 1999: 184-193 |
4 | | Stefan Droste,
Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
Perhaps Not a Free Lunch But At Least a Free Appetizer.
GECCO 1999: 833-839 |
1998 |
3 | EE | Stefan Droste,
Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
On the Optimization of Unimodal Functions with the (1 + 1) Evolutionary Algorithm.
PPSN 1998: 13-22 |
2 | | Stefan Droste,
Thomas Jansen,
Ingo Wegener:
A Rigorous Complexity Analysis of the (1 + 1) Evolutionary Algorithm for Separable Functions with Boolean Inputs.
Evolutionary Computation 6(2): 185-196 (1998) |
1997 |
1 | EE | Thomas Jansen:
Introduction to the Theory of Complexity and Approximation Algorithms.
Lectures on Proof Verification and Approximation Algorithms 1997: 5-28 |