
Stefan Droste

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15EELothar M. Schmitt, Stefan Droste: Convergence to global optima for genetic programming systems with dynamically scaled operators. GECCO 2006: 879-886
14EEStefan Droste: A rigorous analysis of the compact genetic algorithm for linear functions. Natural Computing 5(3): 257-283 (2006)
13EEStefan Droste, Thomas Jansen, Ingo Wegener: Upper and Lower Bounds for Randomized Search Heuristics in Black-Box Optimization. Theory Comput. Syst. 39(4): 525-544 (2006)
12EEStefan Droste: Not all linear functions are equally difficult for the compact genetic algorithm. GECCO 2005: 679-686
11EEStefan Droste: Analysis of the (1+1) EA for a Noisy OneMax. GECCO (1) 2004: 1088-1099
10EEStefan Droste: Analysis of the (1+1) EA for a Dynamically Bitwise Changing OneMax. GECCO 2003: 909-921
9EEStefan Droste, Thomas Jansen, Ingo Wegener: Upper and Lower Bounds for Randomized Search Heuristics in Black-Box Optimization Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(048): (2003)
8EEStefan Droste, Thomas Jansen, Ingo Wegener: On the analysis of the (1+1) evolutionary algorithm. Theor. Comput. Sci. 276(1-2): 51-81 (2002)
7 Stefan Droste, Thomas Jansen, Ingo Wegener: Optimization with randomized search heuristics - the (A)NFL theorem, realistic scenarios, and difficult functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 287(1): 131-144 (2002)
6 Stefan Droste, Dirk Wiesmann: Metric Based Evolutionary Algorithms. EuroGP 2000: 29-43
5 Stefan Droste, Dominic Heutelbeck, Ingo Wegener: Distributed Hybrid Genetic Programming for Learning Boolean Functions. PPSN 2000: 181-190
4 Stefan Droste, Thomas Jansen, Ingo Wegener: Perhaps Not a Free Lunch But At Least a Free Appetizer. GECCO 1999: 833-839
3EEStefan Droste, Thomas Jansen, Ingo Wegener: On the Optimization of Unimodal Functions with the (1 + 1) Evolutionary Algorithm. PPSN 1998: 13-22
2 Stefan Droste, Thomas Jansen, Ingo Wegener: A Rigorous Complexity Analysis of the (1 + 1) Evolutionary Algorithm for Separable Functions with Boolean Inputs. Evolutionary Computation 6(2): 185-196 (1998)
1EEStefan Droste: New Results on Visual Cryptography. CRYPTO 1996: 401-415

Coauthor Index

1Dominic Heutelbeck [5]
2Thomas Jansen [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9] [13]
3Lothar M. Schmitt [15]
4Ingo Wegener [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [13]
5Dirk Wiesmann [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)