other persons with the same name:
2009 | ||
90 | EE | Mingsheng Hong, Mirek Riedewald, Christoph Koch, Johannes Gehrke, Alan J. Demers: Rule-based multi-query optimization. EDBT 2009: 120-131 |
89 | EE | Oliver Kennedy, Christoph Koch, Alan J. Demers: Dynamic Approaches to In-network Aggregation. ICDE 2009: 1331-1334 |
88 | EE | Dan Olteanu, Jiewen Huang, Christoph Koch: SPROUT: Lazy vs. Eager Query Plans for Tuple-Independent Probabilistic Databases. ICDE 2009: 640-651 |
87 | EE | Christoph Koch: A compositional query algebra for second-order logic and uncertain databases. ICDT 2009: 127-140 |
86 | EE | Michaela Götz, Christoph Koch: A compositional framework for complex queries over uncertain data. ICDT 2009: 149-161 |
85 | EE | Lucja Kot, Christoph Koch: Cooperative Update Exchange in the Youtopia System CoRR abs/0903.5346: (2009) |
84 | EE | Walker M. White, Christoph Koch, Johannes Gehrke, Alan J. Demers: Better scripts, better games. Commun. ACM 52(3): 42-47 (2009) |
2008 | ||
83 | EE | Christoph Koch, Stefanie Scherzinger, Michael Schmidt: XML Prefiltering as a String Matching Problem. ICDE 2008: 626-635 |
82 | EE | Lyublena Antova, Thomas Jansen, Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu: Fast and Simple Relational Processing of Uncertain Data. ICDE 2008: 983-992 |
81 | EE | Christoph Koch: Approximating predicates and expressive queries on probabilistic databases. PODS 2008: 99-108 |
80 | EE | Lyublena Antova, Christoph Koch: On APIs for probabilistic databases. QDB/MUD 2008: 41-56 |
79 | EE | Michael Benedikt, Christoph Koch: XPath leashed. ACM Comput. Surv. 41(1): (2008) |
78 | EE | Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu: Conditioning Probabilistic Databases CoRR abs/0803.2212: (2008) |
77 | EE | Christoph Koch: A Compositional Query Algebra for Second-Order Logic and Uncertain Databases CoRR abs/0807.4620: (2008) |
76 | EE | Oliver Kennedy, Christoph Koch, Alan J. Demers: Dynamic Approaches to In-Network Aggregation CoRR abs/0810.3227: (2008) |
75 | EE | Gavin M. Bierman, Christoph Koch: Information systems preface. Inf. Syst. 33(4-5): 333-334 (2008) |
74 | EE | Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu: Conditioning probabilistic databases. PVLDB 1(1): 313-325 (2008) |
73 | EE | Christoph Koch: On Query Algebras for Probabilistic Databases. SIGMOD Record 37(4): 78-85 (2008) |
72 | EE | Dan Olteanu, Christoph Koch, Lyublena Antova: World-set decompositions: Expressiveness and efficient algorithms. Theor. Comput. Sci. 403(2-3): 265-284 (2008) |
2007 | ||
71 | Christoph Koch, Johannes Gehrke, Minos N. Garofalakis, Divesh Srivastava, Karl Aberer, Anand Deshpande, Daniela Florescu, Chee Yong Chan, Venkatesh Ganti, Carl-Christian Kanne, Wolfgang Klas, Erich J. Neuhold: Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, University of Vienna, Austria, September 23-27, 2007 ACM 2007 | |
70 | EE | Michaela Götz, Christoph Koch, Wim Martens: Efficient Algorithms for the Tree Homeomorphism Problem. DBPL 2007: 17-31 |
69 | EE | Lyublena Antova, Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu: MayBMS: Managing Incomplete Information with Probabilistic World-Set Decompositions. ICDE 2007: 1479-1480 |
68 | EE | Michael Schmidt, Stefanie Scherzinger, Christoph Koch: Combined Static and Dynamic Analysis for Effective Buffer Minimization in Streaming XQuery Evaluation. ICDE 2007: 236-245 |
67 | EE | Lyublena Antova, Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu: 10106 Worlds and Beyond: Efficient Representation and Processing of Incomplete Information. ICDE 2007: 606-615 |
66 | EE | Christoph Koch, Tilmann Rabl, Günther Hölbling, Harald Kosch: Fast Send Protocol - minimizing sending time in high-speed bulk data transfers. ICDIM 2007: 173-179 |
65 | EE | Lyublena Antova, Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu: World-Set Decompositions: Expressiveness and Efficient Algorithms. ICDT 2007: 194-208 |
64 | EE | Christoph Koch: XPath Leashed. PLAN-X 2007: 0-1 |
63 | EE | Walker M. White, Alan J. Demers, Christoph Koch, Johannes Gehrke, Rajmohan Rajagopalan: Scaling games to epic proportion. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 31-42 |
62 | EE | Lyublena Antova, Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu: From complete to incomplete information and back. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 713-724 |
61 | EE | Mingsheng Hong, Alan J. Demers, Johannes Gehrke, Christoph Koch, Mirek Riedewald, Walker M. White: Massively multi-query join processing in publish/subscribe systems. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 761-772 |
60 | EE | Christoph Koch, Stefanie Scherzinger, Michael Schmidt: The GCX System: Dynamic Buffer Minimization in Streaming XQuery Evaluation. VLDB 2007: 1378-1381 |
59 | EE | Lyublena Antova, Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu: Query language support for incomplete information in the MayBMS system. VLDB 2007: 1422-1425 |
58 | EE | Lyublena Antova, Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu: World-set Decompositions: Expressiveness and Efficient Algorithms CoRR abs/0705.4442: (2007) |
57 | EE | Lyublena Antova, Thomas Jansen, Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu: Fast and Simple Relational Processing of Uncertain Data CoRR abs/0707.1644: (2007) |
56 | EE | Walker M. White, Christoph Koch, Nitin Gupta, Johannes Gehrke, Alan J. Demers: Database research opportunities in computer games. SIGMOD Record 36(3): 7-13 (2007) |
55 | EE | Martin Grohe, Christoph Koch, Nicole Schweikardt: Tight lower bounds for query processing on streaming and external memory data. Theor. Comput. Sci. 380(1-2): 199-217 (2007) |
54 | EE | Christoph Koch, Stefanie Scherzinger: Attribute grammars for scalable query processing on XML streams. VLDB J. 16(3): 317-342 (2007) |
2006 | ||
53 | EE | Michael Benedikt, Christoph Koch: Interpreting Tree-to-Tree Queries. ICALP (2) 2006: 552-564 |
52 | EE | Christoph Koch: Processing queries on tree-structured data efficiently. PODS 2006: 213-224 |
51 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch: A Formal Comparison of Visual Web Wrapper Generators. SOFSEM 2006: 30-48 |
50 | EE | Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu, Stefanie Scherzinger: Building a Native XML-DBMS as a Term Project in a Database Systems Course. XIME-P 2006 |
49 | EE | Christoph Koch: On the complexity of nonrecursive XQuery and functional query languages on complex values. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 31(4): 1215-1256 (2006) |
48 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Klaus U. Schulz: Conjunctive Queries over Trees CoRR abs/cs/0602004: (2006) |
47 | EE | Christoph Koch: A Visual Query Language for Complex-Value Databases CoRR abs/cs/0602006: (2006) |
46 | EE | Lyublena Antova, Christoph Koch, Dan Olteanu: 10^(10^6) Worlds and Beyond: Efficient Representation and Processing of Incomplete Information CoRR abs/cs/0606075: (2006) |
45 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Klaus U. Schulz: Conjunctive queries over trees. J. ACM 53(2): 238-272 (2006) |
44 | EE | Gavin M. Bierman, Christoph Koch: Report on the 10th International Symposium on Database Programming Languages: (DBPL 2005). SIGMOD Record 35(1): 45-47 (2006) |
2005 | ||
43 | Gavin M. Bierman, Christoph Koch: Database Programming Languages, 10th International Symposium, DBPL 2005, Trondheim, Norway, August 28-29, 2005, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2005 | |
42 | EE | Martin Grohe, Christoph Koch, Nicole Schweikardt: The Complexity of Querying External Memory and Streaming Data. FCT 2005: 1-16 |
41 | EE | Martin Grohe, Christoph Koch, Nicole Schweikardt: Tight Lower Bounds for Query Processing on Streaming and External Memory Data. ICALP 2005: 1076-1088 |
40 | EE | Christoph Koch: On the complexity of nonrecursive XQuery and functional query languages on complex values. PODS 2005: 84-97 |
39 | EE | Robert Baumgartner, Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob, Marcus Herzog, Christoph Koch: Information Extraction for the Semantic Web. Reasoning Web 2005: 275-289 |
38 | Christoph Koch: On the role of composition in XQuery. WebDB 2005: 37-42 | |
37 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Reinhard Pichler: Efficient algorithms for processing XPath queries. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 30(2): 444-491 (2005) |
36 | EE | Christoph Koch: On the Complexity of Nonrecursive XQuery and Functional Query Languages on Complex Values CoRR abs/cs/0503062: (2005) |
35 | EE | Martin Grohe, Christoph Koch, Nicole Schweikardt: Tight Lower Bounds for Query Processing on Streaming and External Memory Data CoRR abs/cs/0505002: (2005) |
34 | François Bry, Christoph Koch, Tim Furche, Sebastian Schaffert, Liviu Badea, Sacha Berger: Querying the Web Reconsidered: Design Principles for Versatile Web Query Languages. Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst. 1(2): 1-21 (2005) | |
33 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Reinhard Pichler, Luc Segoufin: The complexity of XPath query evaluation and XML typing. J. ACM 52(2): 284-335 (2005) |
2004 | ||
32 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Robert Baumgartner, Marcus Herzog, Sergio Flesca: The Lixto Data Extraction Project - Back and Forth between Theory and Practice. PODS 2004: 1-12 |
31 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Klaus U. Schulz: Conjunctive Queries over Trees. PODS 2004: 189-200 |
30 | EE | Christoph Koch, Stefanie Scherzinger, Nicole Schweikardt, Bernhard Stegmaier: FluXQuery: An Optimizing XQuery Processor for Streaming XML Data. VLDB 2004: 1309-1312 |
29 | EE | Christoph Koch, Stefanie Scherzinger, Nicole Schweikardt, Bernhard Stegmaier: Schema-based Scheduling of Event Processors and Buffer Minimization for Queries on Structured Data Streams. VLDB 2004: 228-239 |
28 | EE | Christoph Koch: Query rewriting with symmetric constraints. AI Commun. 17(2): 41-55 (2004) |
27 | EE | Christoph Koch, Stefanie Scherzinger, Nicole Schweikardt, Bernhard Stegmaier: Schema-based Scheduling of Event Processors and Buffer Minimization for Queries on Structured Data Streams CoRR cs.DB/0406016: (2004) |
26 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch: Monadic datalog and the expressive power of languages for Web information extraction. J. ACM 51(1): 74-113 (2004) |
25 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch: Logic-based Web Information Extraction. SIGMOD Record 33(2): 87-94 (2004) |
2003 | ||
24 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch: XPath Query Processing. DBPL 2003: 20 |
23 | EE | Christoph Koch, Stefanie Scherzinger: Attribute Grammars for Scalable Query Processing on XML Streams. DBPL 2003: 233-256 |
22 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Reinhard Pichler: XPath Query Evaluation: Improving Time and Space Efficiency. ICDE 2003: 379-390 |
21 | EE | Markus Frick, Martin Grohe, Christoph Koch: Query Evaluation on Compressed Trees (Extended Abstract). LICS 2003: 188- |
20 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Reinhard Pichler: The complexity of XPath query evaluation. PODS 2003: 179-190 |
19 | EE | Peter Buneman, Martin Grohe, Christoph Koch: Path Queries on Compressed XML. VLDB 2003: 141-152 |
18 | EE | Christoph Koch: Efficient Processing of Expressive Node-Selecting Queries on XML Data in Secondary Storage: A Tree Automata-based Approach. VLDB 2003: 249-260 |
17 | EE | Christoph Koch, Nicola Leone, Gerald Pfeifer: Enhancing disjunctive logic programming systems by SAT checkers. Artif. Intell. 151(1-2): 177-212 (2003) |
16 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch: A Formal Comparison of Visual Web Wrapper Generators CoRR cs.DB/0310012: (2003) |
15 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Reinhard Pichler: XPath Processing in a Nutshell. SIGMOD Record 32(1): 12-19 (2003) |
14 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Reinhard Pichler: XPath processing in a nutshell. SIGMOD Record 32(2): 21-27 (2003) |
2002 | ||
13 | EE | Christoph Koch: Query Rewriting with Symmetric Constraints. FoIKS 2002: 130-147 |
12 | EE | Nicola Leone, Gerald Pfeifer, Wolfgang Faber, Francesco Calimeri, Tina Dell'Armi, Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob, Giovambattista Ianni, Giuseppe Ielpa, Christoph Koch, Simona Perri, Axel Polleres: The DLV System. JELIA 2002: 537-540 |
11 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch: Monadic Queries over Tree-Structured Data. LICS 2002: 189-202 |
10 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch: Monadic Datalog and the Expressive Power of Languages for Web Information Extraction. PODS 2002: 17-28 |
9 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Reinhard Pichler: Efficient Algorithms for Processing XPath Queries. VLDB 2002: 95-106 |
8 | EE | Christoph Koch: Optimizing Queries Using a Meta-level Database CoRR cs.DB/0205060: (2002) |
7 | EE | Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch: Monadic Datalog and the Expressive Power of Languages for Web Information Extraction CoRR cs.DB/0211020: (2002) |
2001 | ||
6 | EE | Tina Dell'Armi, Wolfgang Faber, Giuseppe Ielpa, Christoph Koch, Nicola Leone, Simona Perri, Gerald Pfeifer: System Description: DLV. LPNMR 2001: 424-428 |
2000 | ||
5 | EE | Christoph Koch, Zsolt Kovacs, Jean-Marie Le Goff, Richard McClatchey, Paolo Petta, Tony Solomonides: Explicit Modeling of the Semantics of Large Multi-layered Object-Oriented Databases. ER 2000: 52-65 |
4 | EE | Christoph Koch, Paolo Petta: Coordination Issues in Multi-agent Event Data Processing. ESAW 2000: 64-77 |
3 | EE | Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, Christoph Koch, Nicola Leone, Gerald Pfeifer: DLV - A System for Declarative Problem Solving CoRR cs.AI/0003036: (2000) |
1999 | ||
2 | Christoph Koch, Nicola Leone: Stable Model Checking Made Easy. IJCAI 1999: 70-75 | |
1997 | ||
1 | Simona Citrigno, Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Nicola Leone, Cristinel Mateis, Gerald Pfeifer, Francesco Scarcello: The dlv System: Model Generator and Advanced Frontends (system description). WLP 1997: 0- |