
Alok Jain

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11EEPraveen Tiwari, Raj S. Mitra, Manu Chopra, Alok Jain: Tutorial T4B: Formal Assertion-Based Verification in Industrial Setting. VLSI Design 2007: 7
10EEAlok Jain, Rajiv Saxena, S. C. Saxena: An improved and simplified design of cosine-modulated pseudo-QMF filterbanks. Digital Signal Processing 16(3): 225-232 (2006)
9EEAlok Jain, Rajiv Saxena, S. C. Saxena: Anti-image FIR filters for large interpolation factors. Signal Processing 86(11): 3240-3245 (2006)
8EEVishnu A. Patankar, Alok Jain, Randal E. Bryant: Formal Verification of an ARM Processor. VLSI Design 1999: 282-287
7 Miroslav N. Velev, Randal E. Bryant, Alok Jain: Efficient Modeling of Memory Arrays in Symbolic Simulation. CAV 1997: 388-399
6EEKyle L. Nelson, Alok Jain, Randal E. Bryant: Formal Verification of a Superscalar Execution Unit. DAC 1997: 161-166
5 Alok Jain, Kyle L. Nelson, Randal E. Bryant: Verifying Nondeterministic Implementations of Deterministic Systems. FMCAD 1996: 109-125
4EESamir Jain, Randal E. Bryant, Alok Jain: Automatic Clock Abstraction from Sequential Circuits. DAC 1995: 707-711
3EEManish Pandey, Alok Jain, Randal E. Bryant, Derek L. Beatty, Gary York, Samir Jain: Extraction of finite state machines from transistor netlists by symbolic simulation. ICCD 1995: 596-601
2EEAlok Jain, Randal E. Bryant: Inverter minimization in multi-level logic networks. ICCAD 1993: 462-465
1EEAlok Jain, Randal E. Bryant: Mapping Switch-Level Simulation onto Gate-Level Hardware Accelerators. DAC 1991: 219-222

Coauthor Index

1Derek L. Beatty [3]
2Randal E. Bryant [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Manu Chopra [11]
4Samir Jain [3] [4]
5Raj S. Mitra [11]
6Kyle L. Nelson [5] [6]
7Manish Pandey [3]
8Vishnu A. Patankar [8]
9Rajiv Saxena [9] [10]
10S. C. Saxena [9] [10]
11Praveen Tiwari [11]
12Miroslav N. Velev [7]
13Gary York [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)