
Harukazu Igarashi

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14EEHarukazu Igarashi, K. Nakamura, Seiji Ishihara: Learning of soccer player agents using a policy gradient method: Coordination between kicker and receiver during free kicks. IJCNN 2008: 46-52
13EESeiji Ishihara, Harukazu Igarashi: Behavior Learning Based on a Policy Gradient Method: Separation of Environmental Dynamics and State Values in Policies. PRICAI 2008: 164-174
12EESeiji Ishihara, Harukazu Igarashi: A Task Decomposition Algorithm Using Mixtures of Normal Distributions for Classification Problems. HIS 2006: 28
11EESeiji Ishihara, Harukazu Igarashi: Applying the policy gradient method to behavior learning in multiagent systems: The pursuit problem. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(10): 101-109 (2006)
10EESeiji Ishihara, Harukazu Igarashi: A Task Decomposition Algorithm Using Radial Basis Functions for Classification Problems. DICTA 2005: 2
9 Seiji Ishihara, Harukazu Igarashi: Policy Gradient Methods in Multi-Agent Systems. HIS 2003: 789-798
8EEHarukazu Igarashi, Kiyoshi Ioi: Navigation of a mobile robot formulated in terms of discrete optimization problems. Systems and Computers in Japan 34(6): 59-68 (2003)
7EEKiyoshi Ioi, Harukazu Igarashi, Ayanobu Murakami: Design of a gravitational wheeled robot. Advanced Robotics 16(8): 785-793 (2002)
6EEHarukazu Igarashi: Path Planning of a Mobile Robot as a Discrete Optimization Problem an Adjustment of Weight Parameters in the Objective Function by Reinforcement Learning. RoboCup 2000: 315-320
5EEHarukazu Igarashi, Yusuke Yamauchi, Shuichi Iidoi: RoboCup 2000 Simulation League: Team KU-Yam2000. RoboCup 2000: 445-448
4 Harukazu Igarashi, Shougo Kosue, Takashi Sakurai: RoboCup-99 Simulation League: Team KU-Sakura2. RoboCup 1999: 596-599
3EEHarukazu Igarashi, Shougo Kosue, Masatoshi Miyahara: Individual Tactical Play and Pass with Communication between Players - Team descriptions of Team Miya2. RoboCup 1998: 364-370
2 Harukazu Igarashi, Shougo Kosue, Masatoshi Miyahara, Toshiro Umaba: Individual Tactical Play and Action Decision Based on a Short-Term Goal - Team Descriptions of Team Miya and Team Niken. RoboCup 1997: 420-427
1EEHideo Itoyama, Harukazu Igarashi, Hironao Kawashima: Adjustment of term weights in an energy function used in the simulated annealing approach to vehicle scheduling problems. Systems and Computers in Japan 28(2): 1-10 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Shuichi Iidoi [5]
2Kiyoshi Ioi [7] [8]
3Seiji Ishihara [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
4Hideo Itoyama [1]
5Hironao Kawashima [1]
6Shougo Kosue [2] [3] [4]
7Masatoshi Miyahara [2] [3]
8Ayanobu Murakami [7]
9K. Nakamura [14]
10Takashi Sakurai [4]
11Toshiro Umaba [2]
12Yusuke Yamauchi [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)