
Renato Fernandes Hentschke

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12EERenato Fernandes Hentschke, Ricardo Reis: A 3D-Via Legalization Algorithm for 3D VLSI Circuits and its Impact on Wire Length. ISCAS 2007: 2036-2039
11EERenato Fernandes Hentschke, Jaganathan Narasimham, Marcelo O. Johann, Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis: Maze routing steiner trees with effective critical sink optimization. ISPD 2007: 135-142
10EERenato Fernandes Hentschke, Guilherme Flach, Felipe Pinto, Ricardo Reis: 3D-Vias Aware Quadratic Placement for 3D VLSI Circuits. ISVLSI 2007: 67-72
9EEGuilherme Flach, Marcelo de Oliveira Johann, Renato Fernandes Hentschke, Ricardo Reis: Cell placement on graphics processing units. SBCCI 2007: 87-92
8EERenato Fernandes Hentschke, Guilherme Flach, Felipe Pinto, Ricardo Reis: Quadratic placement for 3d circuits using z-cell shifting, 3d iterative refinement and simulated annealing. SBCCI 2006: 220-225
7EERenato Fernandes Hentschke, Sandro Sawicki, Marcelo de Oliveira Johann, Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis: An Algorithm for I/O Partitioning Targeting 3D Circuits and Its Impact on 3D-Vias. VLSI-SoC 2006: 128-133
6EERenato Fernandes Hentschke, Jagannathan Narasimhan, David S. Kung: Improving run times by pruned application of synthesis transforms. SBCCI 2005: 38-43
5 Júlio C. B. de Mattos, Lisane B. de Brisolara, Renato Fernandes Hentschke, Luigi Carro, Flávio Rech Wagner: Design Space Exploration with Automatic Generation of IP-Based Embedded Software. DIPES 2004: 237-246
4EEFernanda Lima Kastensmidt, Gustavo Neuberger, Renato Fernandes Hentschke, Luigi Carro, Ricardo Reis: Designing Fault-Tolerant Techniques for SRAM-Based FPGAs. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 21(6): 552-562 (2004)
3EERenato Fernandes Hentschke, Ricardo Reis: Plic-Plac: a novel constructive algorithm for placement. ISCAS (5) 2003: 461-464
2EERenato Fernandes Hentschke, Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis: Improving Simulated Annealing Placement by Applying Random and Greedy Mixed Perturbations. SBCCI 2003: 267-
1 Renato Fernandes Hentschke, Marcelo de Oliveira Johann, Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis: A study on the performance of fast initial placement algorithms. VLSI-SOC 2003: 204-

Coauthor Index

1Lisane B. de Brisolara [5]
2Luigi Carro [4] [5]
3Guilherme Flach [8] [9] [10]
4Marcelo de Oliveira Johann (Marcelo O. Johann) [1] [7] [9] [11]
5Fernanda Gusmão de Lima Kastensmidt (Fernanda Gusmão de Lima, Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt) [4]
6David S. Kung [6]
7Júlio C. B. de Mattos [5]
8Jaganathan Narasimham [11]
9Jagannathan Narasimhan [6]
10Gustavo Neuberger [4]
11Felipe Pinto [8] [10]
12Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis (Ricardo A. L. Reis, Ricardo Reis) [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
13Sandro Sawicki [7]
14Flávio Rech Wagner [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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