
David Harris

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13EENan Jiang, David Harris: Parallelized radix-2 scalable Montgomery multiplier. VLSI-SoC 2007: 146-150
12EEDavid Harris, Ram Krishnamurthy, Mark Anders, Sanu Mathew, Steven Hsu: An Improved Unified Scalable Radix-2 Montgomery Multiplier. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 2005: 172-178
11EEKyle Kelley, David Harris: Very High Radix Scalable Montgomery Multipliers. IWSOC 2005: 400-404
10EESarah Harris, David Harris: Inexpensive Student-Assembled FPGA/Microcontroller Board. MSE 2005: 101-102
9EEDavid Harris: An Exponentiation Unit for an OpenGL Lighting Engine. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(3): 251-258 (2004)
8EEDavid Harris, Genevieve Breed, Matt Erler, David Diaz: Comparison of noise tolerant precharge (NTP) to conventional feedback keepers for dynamic logic. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2003: 261-264
7EEDavid Harris, David Diaz: TestosterICs: A Low-Cost Functional Chip Tester. MSE 2003: 74-75
6 Michael Senglaub, David Harris, Elaine M. Raybourn: A Roadmap Towards a Peircean System of Reasoning. IC-AI 2002: 812-818
5EEAngel Asencio, Sam Cardman, David Harris, Ellen Laderman: Relating Expectations to Automatically Recovered Design Patterns. WCRE 2002: 87-96
4 David Harris: Standardised Model Data Exchange for Dispersed Systems Engineering Design Teams. DIISM 2000: 340-351
3EEBill Coates, Jo C. Ebergen, Jon K. Lexau, Scott Fairbanks, Ian W. Jones, Alex Ridgway, David Harris, Ivan E. Sutherland: A Counterflow Pipeline Experiment. ASYNC 1999: 161-172
2 William J. Dally, Larry R. Dennison, David Harris, Kinhong Kan, Thucydides Xanthopoulos: The Reliable Router: A Reliable and High-Performance Communication Substrate for Parallel Computers. PCRCW 1994: 241-255
1 David Harris: A Hybrid Structured Object and Constraint Representation Language. AAAI 1986: 986-990

Coauthor Index

1Mark Anders [12]
2Angel Asencio [5]
3Genevieve Breed [8]
4Sam Cardman [5]
5Bill Coates [3]
6William J. Dally [2]
7Larry R. Dennison [2]
8David Diaz [7] [8]
9Jo C. Ebergen [3]
10Matt Erler [8]
11Scott Fairbanks [3]
12Sarah Harris [10]
13Steven Hsu [12]
14Nan Jiang [13]
15Ian W. Jones [3]
16Kinhong Kan [2]
17Kyle Kelley [11]
18Ram Krishnamurthy [12]
19Ellen Laderman [5]
20Jon K. Lexau [3]
21Sanu Mathew [12]
22Elaine M. Raybourn [6]
23Alex Ridgway [3]
24Michael Senglaub [6]
25Ivan E. Sutherland [3]
26Thucydides Xanthopoulos [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)