2008 | ||
53 | EE | Tracy Hall, Sarah Beecham, June M. Verner, David Wilson: The impact of staff turnover on software projects: the importance of understanding what makes software practitioners tick. CPR 2008: 30-39 |
52 | EE | Min Zhang, Tracy Hall, Nathan Baddoo, Paul Wernick: Do bad smells indicate "trouble" in code? DEFECTS 2008: 43-44 |
51 | EE | Nan Ma, Tracy Hall, Trevor Barker: Building a Narrative Based Requirements Engineering Mediation Model. EuroSPI 2008: 1-12 |
50 | Nathan Baddoo, Sarah Beecham, Tracy Hall, Hugh Robinson, Helen Sharp: Motivating Software Engineers - A Theoretically Reflective Model. ICEIS (5) 2008: 174-180 | |
49 | EE | Eisha Hasnain, Tracy Hall: Investigating the Role of Trust in Agile Methods Using a Light Weight Systematic Literature Review. XP 2008: 204-207 |
48 | EE | Tracy Hall, Helen Sharp, Sarah Beecham, Nathan Baddoo, Hugh Robinson: What Do We Know about Developer Motivation? IEEE Software 25(4): 92-94 (2008) |
47 | EE | Sarah Beecham, Nathan Baddoo, Tracy Hall, Hugh Robinson, Helen Sharp: Motivation in Software Engineering: A systematic literature review. Information & Software Technology 50(9-10): 860-878 (2008) |
2007 | ||
46 | EE | Sarah Beecham, Helen Sharp, Nathan Baddoo, Tracy Hall, Hugh Robinson: Does the XP environment meet the motivational needs of the software developer? An empirical study. AGILE 2007: 37-49 |
45 | EE | Tracy Hall, David Wilson, Austen Rainer, Dorota Jagielska: Communication: the neglected technical skill? CPR 2007: 196-202 |
44 | EE | Helen Sharp, Tracy Hall, Nathan Baddoo, Sarah Beecham: Exploring motivational differences between software developers and project managers. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 501-504 |
43 | EE | Helen Sharp, Tracy Hall, Nathan Baddoo, Sarah Beecham: Exploring motivational differences between software developers and project managers. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE (Companion) 2007: 501-504 |
42 | EE | Keith Gallagher, Tracy Hall, Sue Black: Reducing Regression Test Size by Exclusion. ICSM 2007: 154-163 |
41 | EE | Nathan Baddoo, Tracy Hall, Ciaran O'Keeffe: Using multi dimensional scaling to analyse software engineers' de-motivators for SPI. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 12(6): 511-522 (2007) |
40 | EE | Tracy Hall, Dorota Jagielska, Nathan Baddoo: Motivating developer performance to improve project outcomes in a high maturity organization. Software Quality Journal 15(4): 365-381 (2007) |
2006 | ||
39 | EE | Tracy Hall: Longitudinal Studies in Evidence-Based Software Engineering. Empirical Software Engineering Issues 2006: 41 |
38 | EE | Nilay V. Oza, Tracy Hall, Austen Rainer, Susan Grey: Trust in software outsourcing relationships: An empirical investigation of Indian software companies. Information & Software Technology 48(5): 345-354 (2006) |
37 | EE | Nathan Baddoo, Tracy Hall, Dorota Jagielska: Software developer motivation in a high maturity company: a case study. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 11(3): 219-228 (2006) |
2005 | ||
36 | EE | Guy Saward, Mahmood Shah, Tracy Hall: Using Existing Website Ontologies to Assist Navigation and Exploration. AWIC 2005: 387-393 |
35 | EE | Karl Trygve Kalleberg, Tracy Hall, Ran Ettinger: Making Slicing Mainstream How can we be Weiser?. Beyond Program Slicing 2005 |
34 | EE | Sue Black, Steve Counsell, Tracy Hall, Paul Wernick: Using Program Slicing to Identify Faults in Software. Beyond Program Slicing 2005 |
33 | EE | Tracy Hall, Austen Rainer, Dorota Jagielska: Using Software Development Progress Data to Understand Threats to Project Outcomes. IEEE METRICS 2005: 18 |
32 | EE | Rizwan Ahmed, Tracy Hall, Paul Wernick, Stewart Robinson: Evaluating a rapid simulation modelling process (RSMP) through controlled experiments. ISESE 2005: 325-334 |
31 | EE | Austen Rainer, Dorota Jagielska, Tracy Hall: Software engineering practice versus evidence-based software engineering research. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005) |
30 | EE | Sarah Beecham, Tracy Hall, Carol Britton, Michaela Cottee, Austen Rainer: Using an expert panel to validate a requirements process improvement model. Journal of Systems and Software 76(3): 251-275 (2005) |
29 | EE | Sarah Beecham, Tracy Hall, Austen Rainer: Defining a Requirements Process Improvement Model. Software Quality Journal 13(3): 247-279 (2005) |
2004 | ||
28 | EE | Paul Wernick, Tracy Hall: The Impact of Using Pair Programming on System Evolution: A Simulation-Based Study. ICSM 2004: 422-426 |
27 | EE | Austen Rainer, Tracy Hall: Identifying the Causes of Poor Progress in Software Projects. IEEE METRICS 2004: 184-195 |
26 | EE | Guy Saward, Tracy Hall, Trevor Barker: Assessing Usability through Perceptions of Information Scent. IEEE METRICS 2004: 337-346 |
25 | EE | Nilay V. Oza, Tracy Hall, Austen Rainer, Susan Grey: Critical factors in software outsourcing: a pilot study. WISER 2004: 67-71 |
2003 | ||
24 | EE | Austen Rainer, Tracy Hall, Nathan Baddoo: Persuading Developers to 'Buy into' Software Process Improvement: Local Opinion and Empirical Evidence. ISESE 2003: 326-335 |
23 | Sarah Beecham, Tracy Hall, Austen Rainer: Software Process Improvement Problems in Twelve Software Companies: An Empirical Analysis. Empirical Software Engineering 8(1): 7-42 (2003) | |
22 | EE | Nathan Baddoo, Tracy Hall: De-motivators for software process improvement: an analysis of practitioners' views. Journal of Systems and Software 66(1): 23-33 (2003) |
21 | EE | Austen Rainer, Tracy Hall: A quantitative and qualitative analysis of factors affecting software processes. Journal of Systems and Software 66(1): 7-21 (2003) |
2002 | ||
20 | Nathan Baddoo, Tracy Hall: Software Process Improvement Motivators: An Analysis using Multidimensional Scaling. Empirical Software Engineering 7(2): 93-114 (2002) | |
19 | Tracy Hall, Sarah Beecham, Austen Rainer: Requirements problems in twelve software companies: an empirical analysis. IEE Proceedings - Software 149(5): 153-160 (2002) | |
18 | EE | Austen Rainer, Tracy Hall: Key success factors for implementing software process improvement: a maturity-based analysis. Journal of Systems and Software 62(2): 71-84 (2002) |
17 | EE | Nathan Baddoo, Tracy Hall: Motivators of Software Process Improvement: an analysis of practitioners' views. Journal of Systems and Software 62(2): 85-96 (2002) |
16 | EE | Nathan Baddoo, Tracy Hall: Practitioner roles in software process improvement: an analysis using grid technique. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 7(1): 17-31 (2002) |
15 | EE | Tracy Hall, Austen Rainer, Nathan Baddoo: Implementing software process improvement: an empirical study. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 7(1): 3-15 (2002) |
14 | EE | Paul Wernick, Tracy Hall: Simulating global software evolution processes by combining simple models: an initial study. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 7(3-4): 113-126 (2002) |
2001 | ||
13 | EE | Tracy Hall, Austen Rainer, Nathan Baddoo, Sarah Beecham: An Empirical Study of Maintenance Issues within Process Improvement Programmes in the Software Industry. ICSM 2001: 422-430 |
12 | Tracy Hall, Valerie Flynn: Ethical Issues in Software Engineering Research: A Survey of Current Practice. Empirical Software Engineering 6(4): 305-317 (2001) | |
11 | EE | David N. Wilson, Tracy Hall, Nathan Baddoo: A framework for evaluation and prediction of software process improvement success. Journal of Systems and Software 59(2): 135-142 (2001) |
10 | EE | Austen Rainer, Tracy Hall: An analysis of some core studies of software process improvement. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 6(4): 169-187 (2001) |
2000 | ||
9 | EE | Peter Rosner, Tracy Hall, Tobias Mayer: Measuring Object-Orientedness: The Invocation Profile. IWSM 2000: 18-28 |
8 | EE | Tracy Hall, Nathan Baddoo, David N. Wilson: Measurement in Software Process Improvement Programmes: An Empirical Study. IWSM 2000: 73-82 |
1999 | ||
7 | EE | Tobias Mayer, Tracy Hall: Measuring OO Systems: A Critical Analysis of the MOOD Metrics. TOOLS (29) 1999: 108-117 |
6 | D. W. Williams, Tracy Hall, M. Kennedy: A Framework for Improving the Requirements Engineering Process Management. Software Quality Journal 8(2): 133-147 (1999) | |
5 | Tobias Mayer, Tracy Hall: A Critical Analysis of Current OO Design Metrics. Software Quality Journal 8(2): 97-110 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
4 | David N. Wilson, Tracy Hall: Perceptions of software quality : a pilot study. Software Quality Journal 7(1): 67-75 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
3 | Tracy Hall, Norman E. Fenton: Implementing Effective Software Metrics Programs. IEEE Software 14(2): 55-65 (1997) | |
2 | Tracy Hall: Managing Software Quality, by Brian Hambling, McGraw-Hill, 1996 (Book Review). Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 7(3): 194 (1997) | |
1995 | ||
1 | EE | Tracy Hall: No Quality Without Equality. IEEE Software 12(2): 101-102 (1995) |