
Sue Black

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11EEEmad Ghosheh, Sue Black, Jihad Qaddour: Design metrics for web application maintainability measurement. AICCSA 2008: 778-784
10EEEmad Ghosheh, Sue Black, Jihad Qaddour: An Industrial Study Using UML Design Metrics for Web Applications. Computer and Information Science 2008: 231-241
9EESue Black: Deriving an approximation algorithm for automatic computation of ripple effect measures. Information & Software Technology 50(7-8): 723-736 (2008)
8EEKeith Gallagher, Tracy Hall, Sue Black: Reducing Regression Test Size by Exclusion. ICSM 2007: 154-163
7EEMark Harman, Sue Black, Paolo Tonella: Workshop Introduction Astrenet Aspect Analysis. WCRE 2006: 323
6EESue Black: Is ripple effect intuitive? A pilot study. ISSE 2(2): 88-98 (2006)
5EESue Black, Philipp Bouillon: And Now For Something Completely Different.... Beyond Program Slicing 2005
4EESue Black, Steve Counsell, Tracy Hall, Paul Wernick: Using Program Slicing to Identify Faults in Software. Beyond Program Slicing 2005
3 Peter Rosner, Sue Black: Measuring Ripple Effect for the Object Oriented Paradigm. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 37-42
2 Sue Black: Computing ripple effect for software maintenance. Journal of Software Maintenance 13(4): 263-279 (2001)
1EESue Black, Francis Clark: Measuring the Ripple Effect of Pascal Programs. IWSM 2000: 161-171

Coauthor Index

1Philipp Bouillon [5]
2Francis Clark [1]
3Steve Counsell [4]
4Keith Brian Gallagher (Keith Gallagher) [8]
5Emad Ghosheh [10] [11]
6Tracy Hall [4] [8]
7Mark Harman [7]
8Jihad Qaddour [10] [11]
9Peter Rosner [3]
10Paolo Tonella [7]
11Paul Wernick [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)