
Thimoty Barbieri

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7EEThimoty Barbieri, Lorenzo Mosca, Licia Sbattella: Learning Math for Visually Impaired Users. ICCHP 2008: 907-914
6EEThimoty Barbieri, Lorenzo Mosca, Licia Sbattella: Haptic and Aural Graphs Exploration for Visually Impaired Users. CVHI 2007
5EEThimoty Barbieri, Antonio Bianchi, Licia Sbattella: Minus-Two: Multimedia, Sound Spatialization and 3D Representation for Cognitively Impaired Children. ICCHP 2004: 1054-1061
4 Thimoty Barbieri, Franca Garzotto, Giovanni Beltrame, Luca Ceresoli, Marco Gritti, Daniele Misani: From Dust to Stardust: A Collaborative 3D Virtual Museum of Computer Science. ICHIM (2) 2001: 341-345
3EEThimoty Barbieri, Paolo Paolini: Reconstructing Leonardo's ideal city - from handwritten codexes to webtalk-II: a 3D collaborative virtual environment system. Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage 2001: 61-66
2 Thimoty Barbieri: Networked Virtual Environments for the Web: The WebTalk-I & WebTalk-II Architectures. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 179-182
1 Paolo Paolini, Thimoty Barbieri, Paolo Loiudice, Francesca Alonzo, Marco Zanti, Giuliano Gaia: Visiting a museum together: How to share a visit to a virtual world. JASIS 51(1): 33-38 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Francesca Alonzo [1]
2Giovanni Beltrame [4]
3Antonio Bianchi [5]
4Luca Ceresoli [4]
5Giuliano Gaia [1]
6Franca Garzotto [4]
7Marco Gritti [4]
8Paolo Loiudice [1]
9Daniele Misani [4]
10Lorenzo Mosca [6] [7]
11Paolo Paolini [1] [3]
12Licia Sbattella [5] [6] [7]
13Marco Zanti [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)