
Thorsten Grötker

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6EEGuido Post, Andrea Müller, Thorsten Grötker: A System-Level Co-Verification Environment for ATM Hardware Design. DATE 1998: 424-428
5EEJens Horstmannshoff, Thorsten Grötker, Heinrich Meyr: Mapping multirate dataflow to complex RT level hardware models. ASAP 1997: 283-
4EEMarkus Willems, Volker Bürsgens, Holger Keding, Thorsten Grötker, Heinrich Meyr: System Level Fixed-Point Design Based on an Interpolative Approach. DAC 1997: 293-298
3EEThorsten Grötker, R. Schoenen, Heinrich Meyr: PCC: a modeling technique for mixed control/data flow systems. ED&TC 1997: 482-486
2EEPeter Zepter, Thorsten Grötker, Heinrich Meyr: Digital Receiver Design Using VHDL Generation from Data Flow Graphs. DAC 1995: 228-233
1 Peter Zepter, Thorsten Grötker: Generating Synchronous Timed Descriptions of Digital Receivers from Dynamic Data Flow System Level Configurations. EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC 1994: 672

Coauthor Index

1Volker Bürsgens [4]
2Jens Horstmannshoff [5]
3Holger Keding [4]
4Heinrich Meyr [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Andrea Müller [6]
6Guido Post [6]
7R. Schoenen [3]
8Markus Willems [4]
9Peter Zepter [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)