
Frédéric Gaffiot

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17EEJ. Liu, Ian O'Connor, David Navarro, Frédéric Gaffiot: Novel CNTFET-based Reconfigurable Logic Gate Design. DAC 2007: 276-277
16EEMatthieu Briere, Bruno Girodias, Youcef Bouchebaba, Gabriela Nicolescu, Fabien Mieyeville, Frédéric Gaffiot, Ian O'Connor: System level assessment of an optical NoC in an MPSoC platform. DATE 2007: 1084-1089
15EEJ. Liu, Ian O'Connor, David Navarro, Frédéric Gaffiot: Design of a Novel CNTFET-based Reconfigurable Logic Gate. ISVLSI 2007: 285-290
14 J. Liu, Ian O'Connor, David Navarro, Frédéric Gaffiot: A Family of Ultra-Fine Grain CNTFET-based Reconfigurable Logic Gates. ReCoSoC 2007: 177-185
13EEIan O'Connor, Faress Tissafi-Drissi, Frédéric Gaffiot, Joni Dambre, Michiel De Wilde, Jan Van Campenhout, D. Van Thourhout, Dirk Stroobandt: Systematic Simulation-Based Predictive Synthesis of Integrated Optical Interconnect. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 15(8): 927-940 (2007)
12EEDavid Navarro, D. Ramat, Fabien Mieyeville, Ian O'Connor, Frédéric Gaffiot, L. Carrel: VHDL & VHDL-AMS Modelling and Simulation of a CMOS Imager IP. FDL 2005: 179-183
11EEIan O'Connor, Faress Tissafi-Drissi, G. Revy, Frédéric Gaffiot: UML/XML based approach to hierarchical AMS Synthesis. FDL 2005: 89-101
10EEMatthieu Briere, Emmanuel Drouard, Fabien Mieyeville, David Navarro, Ian O'Connor, Frédéric Gaffiot: Heterogeneous Modelling of an Optical Network-on-Chip with SystemC. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2005: 10-16
9 Ian O'Connor, Matthieu Briere, Emmanuel Drouard, Art Kazmierczak, Faress Tissafi-Drissi, David Navarro, Fabien Mieyeville, Joni Dambre, Dirk Stroobandt, J.-M. Fedeli, Zbigniew Lisik, Frédéric Gaffiot: Towards reconfigurable optical networks on chip. ReCoSoC 2005: 121-128
8EEFaress Tissafi-Drissi, Ian O'Connor, Frédéric Gaffiot: RUNE: Platform for Automated Design of Integrated Multi-Domain Systems. Application to High-Speed CMOS Photoreceiver Front-Ends. DATE 2004: 16-21
7EEMatthieu Briere, L. Carrel, T. Michalke, Fabien Mieyeville, Ian O'Connor, Frédéric Gaffiot: Design and Behavioral Modeling Tools for Optical Network-on-Chip. DATE 2004: 738-739
6EEGrzegorz Tosik, Zbigniew Lisik, Malgorzata Langer, Frédéric Gaffiot, Ian O'Connor: Simulation of Electrical and Optical Interconnections for Future VLSI ICs. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 1037-1044
5EEFaress Tissafi-Drissi, Ian O'Connor, F. Mieyeveville, Frédéric Gaffiot: Hierarchical synthesis of high-speed CMOS photoreceiver front-ends using a multi-domain behavioural description language. FDL 2003: 151-163
4EEFabien Mieyeville, Matthieu Briere, Ian O'Connor, Frédéric Gaffiot, Gilles Jacquemod: A VHDL-AMS library of hierarchical optoelectronic device models. FDL 2003: 7-19
3EEGrzegorz Tosik, Frédéric Gaffiot, Zbigniew Lisik, Ian O'Connor, Faress Tissafi-Drissi: Optical versus Electrical Interconnections for Clock Distribution Networks in New VLSI Technologies. PATMOS 2003: 461-470
2EEFaress Tissafi-Drissi, Ian O'Connor, Fabien Mieyeville, Frédéric Gaffiot: Design Methodologies for High-Speed CMOS Photoreceiver Front-Ends. SBCCI 2003: 323-328
1EEH. Mathias, J. Berger-Toussan, Frédéric Gaffiot, L. Hébrard, Gilles Jacquemod, Michel Le Helley: Automatic layout generation for CMOS analog transistors. EURO-DAC 1994: 54-58

Coauthor Index

1J. Berger-Toussan [1]
2Youcef Bouchebaba [16]
3Matthieu Briere [4] [7] [9] [10] [16]
4Jan M. Van Campenhout (Jan Van Campenhout) [13]
5L. Carrel [7] [12]
6Joni Dambre (J. Dambre) [9] [13]
7Emmanuel Drouard [9] [10]
8J.-M. Fedeli [9]
9Bruno Girodias [16]
10L. Hébrard [1]
11Michel Le Helley [1]
12Gilles Jacquemod [1] [4]
13Art Kazmierczak [9]
14Malgorzata Langer [6]
15Zbigniew Lisik [3] [6] [9]
16J. Liu [14] [15] [17]
17H. Mathias [1]
18T. Michalke [7]
19F. Mieyeveville [5]
20Fabien Mieyeville [2] [4] [7] [9] [10] [12] [16]
21David Navarro [9] [10] [12] [14] [15] [17]
22Gabriela Nicolescu [16]
23Ian O'Connor [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
24D. Ramat [12]
25G. Revy [11]
26Dirk Stroobandt [9] [13]
27D. Van Thourhout [13]
28Faress Tissafi-Drissi [2] [3] [5] [8] [9] [11] [13]
29Grzegorz Tosik [3] [6]
30Michiel De Wilde [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)