
John A. Keane

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51EEParaskevas Yiapanis, David J. Haglin, Anna M. Manning, Ken Mayes, John A. Keane: Variable-grain and dynamic work generation for Minimal Unique Itemset mining. CLUSTER 2008: 33-41
50EEAnna M. Manning, David J. Haglin, John A. Keane: A recursive search algorithm for statistical disclosure assessment. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 16(2): 165-196 (2008)
49EEXiao-Jun Zeng, John Yannis Goulermas, Panos Liatsis, Di Wang, John A. Keane: Hierarchical Fuzzy Systems for Function Approximation on Discrete Input Spaces With Application. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 16(5): 1197-1215 (2008)
48EEDi Wang, Xiao-Jun Zeng, John A. Keane: An Input-Output Clustering Method for Fuzzy System Identification. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
47EEDavid Tian, John A. Keane, Xiao-Jun Zeng: Core-generating Approximate Minimum Entropy Discretization for Rough Set Feature Selection: An Experimental Investigation. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
46EEHuina Mao, Xiao-Jun Zeng, Gang Leng, Yongjie Zhai, John A. Keane: Short-Term Load Forecasting Based On Self-Organizing Fuzzy Neural Networks. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
45EESiyamand Ayubi, Maybin K. Muyeba, John A. Keane: An Algorithm to Mine General Association Rules from Tabular Data. IDEAL 2007: 705-717
44EEDi Wang, Xiao-Jun Zeng, John A. Keane: Hierarchical hybrid fuzzy-neural networks for approximation with mixed input variables. Neurocomputing 70(16-18): 3019-3033 (2007)
43EESrisupa Palakvangsa-Na-Ayudhya, John A. Keane: Proximity within paragraph: a measure to enhance eocument retrieval performance. WWW 2006: 1033-1034
42EEXiao-Jun Zeng, John A. Keane: Approximation capabilities of hierarchical hybrid systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 36(5): 1029-1039 (2006)
41EEXiao-Jun Zeng, John A. Keane: Approximation Capabilities of Hierarchical Fuzzy Systems. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 13(5): 659-672 (2005)
40 Hujun Yin, Nigel M. Allinson, Richard T. Freeman, John A. Keane, Simon J. Hubbard: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2002, Third International Conference, Manchester, UK, August 12-14, Proceedings Springer 2002
39EEXinfeng Ye, John A. Keane, Guoqing Zhang: Transactional Multiple Agents. IDEAL 2002: 237-242
38EEPaul Parkins, John A. Keane: Alpha-Beta Search Revisited. IDEAL 2002: 582-587
37 Rizos Sakellariou, John A. Keane, John R. Gurd, Len Freeman: Euro-Par 2001: Parallel Processing, 7th International Euro-Par Conference Manchester, UK August 28-31, 2001, Proceedings Springer 2001
36EEAnna M. Manning, John A. Keane: Data Allocation Algorithm for Parallel Association Rule Discovery. PAKDD 2001: 413-420
35EEJohn A. Keane, Walter Hussak: A Method of Verification in Design. HICSS 2000
34 Maybin K. Muyeba, John A. Keane: A Concurrent Approach to the Key-Preserving Attribute-Oriented Induction Method. PAKDD 2000: 306-316
33EEMaybin K. Muyeba, John A. Keane: Interestingness in Attribute-Oriented Induction (AOI): Multiple-Level Rule Generation. PKDD 2000: 542-549
32EES. Fotis, John A. Keane, R. I. Scott: Parallel Data Mining in the HYPERBANK Project. Euro-Par 1999: 1195-1198
31EEAnna M. Manning, John A. Keane: Inducing Load Balancing and Efficient Data Distribution Prior to Association Rule Discovery in a Parallel Environment. Euro-Par 1999: 1460-1463
30 Maybin K. Muyeba, John A. Keane: Extending Attribute-Oriented Induction as a Key-Preserving Data Mining Method. PKDD 1999: 448-455
29 John A. Keane: A co-ordination framework for distributed financial applications. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 11(4): 205-219 (1999)
28EEWalter Hussak, John A. Keane: Formal Analysis of Memory Requirements. Requir. Eng. 4(4): 188-197 (1999)
27 John A. Keane, Walter Hussak: A Design Phase Directed Formal Verification Process. Software Quality Journal 8(4): 255-269 (1999)
26EER. I. Scott, Michael Fisher, John A. Keane: Parallel Temporal Tableaux. Euro-Par 1998: 852-861
25 John A. Keane, Ian Watson, L. Zuo: Dynamic Load Balancing in a Variable-Grained Parallel Computational Model. Euro-PDS 1997: 131-136
24EEXinfeng Ye, John A. Keane: Collecting Cyclic Garbage in Distributed Systems. ISPAN 1997: 227-231
23 Anna M. Manning, Andy Brass, Carole A. Goble, John A. Keane: Clustering Techniques in Biological Sequence Analysis. PKDD 1997: 315-322
22 John A. Keane, A. J. Grant: Identifying parallelism in pattern matching. EUROSIM 1996: 119-126
21 John A. Keane, Xinfeng Ye: A fault tolerant model for a parallel database system. EUROSIM 1996: 127-134
20 John A. Keane, Ming Q. Xu: Supporting a parallel functional language computational model. EUROSIM 1996: 135-140
19 Xinfeng Ye, John A. Keane: Concurrent checkpointing and rollback recovery for distributed systems. EUROSIM 1996: 211-218
18 Xinfeng Ye, John A. Keane: Delivering multicast message to mobile hosts. EUROSIM 1996: 353-360
17 Xinfeng Ye, John A. Keane: A concurrent hierarchical approach to global snapshots. EUROSIM 1996: 389-396
16 John A. Keane: Parallel systems in financial information processing. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 8(10): 757-768 (1996)
15 Walter Hussak, John A. Keane: Expressing Requirements on a Parallel System Formally. Requir. Eng. 1(4): (1996)
14EEJohn A. Keane, Ian Watson, Xinfeng Ye: Locality issues in a fine-grained parallel machine. Simul. Pr. Theory 4(2-3): 67-80 (1996)
13 Carole A. Goble, John A. Keane: Advances in Databases, 13th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 13, Manchester, United Kingdom, July 12-14, 1995, Proceedings Springer 1995
12 Xinfeng Ye, John A. Keane: Detecting Distributed Termination in the Presence of Node Failure. ASIAN 1995: 195-209
11 Walter Hussak, John A. Keane: Concurrency Control of Tiered Flat Transactions. BNCOD 1995: 172-182
10EEJohn A. Keane, T. N. Franklin, R. Dipper, A. J. Grant, R. Sumner, Ming Q. Xu: Benchmarking financial database queries on a parallel machine. HICSS (2) 1995: 402-411
9 John A. Keane, Xinfeng Ye: A Parallel Termination Detection Algorithm. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 147-150
8 Michael Fisher, Robert Johnson, John A. Keane: Graph Structure Management in Parallel Symbolic Systems. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 210-215
7 John A. Keane, Xinfeng Ye: Parallelisation as Adaptive and Preventive Maintenance. Applied Informatics 1994: 302-305
6 John A. Keane, Ian Watson: Increasing Locality in a Fine-Grained Parallel Machine. EUROSIM 1994: 179-186
5EEJohn A. Keane, Walter Hussak: A Formal Approach to Determining Parallel Resource Bindings: Experience Report. ICSE 1994: 15-22
4 Xinfeng Ye, John A. Keane: A Fault Tolerant Distributed Termination Detection Scheme. IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 300-305
3 John A. Keane: An Overview of the Flagship System. J. Funct. Program. 4(1): 19-45 (1994)
2 Walter Hussak, John A. Keane: Representation of Coherency Classes for Parallel Systems. SPDP 1993: 391-399
1 Xinfeng Ye, John A. Keane: Token Scheme: An Algorithm for Distributed Termination Detection and Its Proof of Correctness. IFIP Congress (1) 1992: 357-364

Coauthor Index

1Nigel M. Allinson [40]
2Siyamand Ayubi [45]
3Andy Brass [23]
4R. Dipper [10]
5Michael Fisher [8] [26]
6S. Fotis [32]
7T. N. Franklin [10]
8Len Freeman [37]
9Richard T. Freeman [40]
10Carole A. Goble [13] [23]
11John Yannis Goulermas [49]
12A. J. Grant [10] [22]
13John R. Gurd [37]
14David J. Haglin [50] [51]
15Simon J. Hubbard [40]
16Walter Hussak [2] [5] [11] [15] [27] [28] [35]
17Robert Johnson [8]
18Gang Leng [46]
19Panos Liatsis [49]
20Anna M. Manning [23] [31] [36] [50] [51]
21Huina Mao [46]
22Kenneth R. Mayes (Ken Mayes) [51]
23Maybin K. Muyeba [30] [33] [34] [45]
24Srisupa Palakvangsa-Na-Ayudhya [43]
25Paul Parkins [38]
26Rizos Sakellariou [37]
27R. I. Scott [26] [32]
28R. Sumner [10]
29David Tian [47]
30Di Wang [44] [48] [49]
31Ian Watson [6] [14] [25]
32Ming Q. Xu [10] [20]
33Xinfeng Ye [1] [4] [7] [9] [12] [14] [17] [18] [19] [21] [24] [39]
34Paraskevas Yiapanis [51]
35Hujun Yin [40]
36Xiao-Jun Zeng [41] [42] [44] [46] [47] [48] [49]
37Yongjie Zhai [46]
38Guoqing Zhang [39]
39L. Zuo [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)