
Andrew Rock

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7EEDavid Billington, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, René Hexel, Andrew Rock: Using Temporal Consistency to Improve Robot Localisation. RoboCup 2006: 232-244
6EEDavid Billington, Andrew Rock: Constructive Plausible Logic Is Relatively Consistent. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2003: 954-965
5 Michael J. Maher, Andrew Rock, Grigoris Antoniou, David Billington, Tristan Miller: Efficient Defeasible Reasoning Systems. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 10(4): 483-501 (2001)
4 David Billington, Andrew Rock: Propositional Plausible Logic: Introduction and Implementation. Studia Logica 67(2): 243-269 (2001)
3EEAndrew Rock, David Billington: An Implementation of Propositional Plausible Logic. ACSC 2000: 204-210
2 Grigoris Antoniou, David Billington, Guido Governatori, Michael J. Maher, Andrew Rock: A Family of Defeasible Reasoning Logics and its Implementation. ECAI 2000: 459-463
1EEMichael J. Maher, Andrew Rock, Grigoris Antoniou, David Billington, Tristan Miller: Efficient defeasible reasoning systems. ICTAI 2000: 384-392

Coauthor Index

1Grigoris Antoniou [1] [2] [5]
2David Billington [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Vladimir Estivill-Castro [7]
4Guido Governatori [2]
5René Hexel [7]
6Michael J. Maher [1] [2] [5]
7Tristan Miller [1] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)