
Yungseon Eo

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14EETaehoon Kim, Dongchul Kim, Jung-A Lee, Yungseon Eo: Compact Models for Signal Transient and Crosstalk Noise of Coupled RLC Interconnect Lines with Ramp Inputs. DELTA 2008: 205-209
13EEDongchul Kim, Taehoon Kim, Jung-A Lee, Yungseon Eo: Experimental Characterisations of Coupled Transmission Lines. DELTA 2008: 262-265
12EETaehoon Kim, Yungseon Eo: Analytical CAD Models for the Signal Transients and Crosstalk Noise of Inductance-Effect-Prominent Multicoupled RLC Interconnect Lines. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(7): 1214-1227 (2008)
11EETaeyong Je, Yungseon Eo: Efficient Signal Integrity Verification of Multi-Coupled Transmission Lines with Asynchronously Switching Non-Linear Drivers. ISQED 2007: 245-250
10EEHyunsik Kim, Yungseon Eo: High-Frequency-Measurement-Based Frequency-Variant Transmission Line Characterization and Circuit Modeling for Accurate Signal Integrity Verification. ISQED 2007: 507-512
9EESeongkyun Shin, Yungseon Eo: Non-Physical Pseudo-Wave-Based Modal Decoupling Technique of Multi- Coupled Co-Planar Transmission Lines with Homogeneous Dielectric Media. ISQED 2006: 278-283
8EETaeyong Je, Yungseon Eo: Efficient Signal Integrity Verification Method of Multi-Coupled RLC Interconnect Lines with Asynchronous Circuit Switching. ISQED 2006: 419-424
7EESeongkyun Shin, Yungseon Eo, William R. Eisenstadt, Jongin Shim: Analytical Dynamic Time Delay Model of Strongly Coupled RLC Interconnect Lines Dependent on Switching. ISQED 2004: 337-342
6 Seongkyun Shin, Yungseon Eo, William R. Eisenstadt, Jongin Shim: Analytical models and algorithms for the efficient signal integrity verification of inductance-effect-prominent multicoupled VLSI circuit interconnects. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 12(4): 395-407 (2004)
5EEYungseon Eo, Seongkyun Shin, William R. Eisenstadt, Jongin Shim: A decoupling technique for efficient timing analysis of VLSI interconnects with dynamic circuit switching. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 23(9): 1321-1337 (2004)
4EESeongkyun Shin, Yungseon Eo, William R. Eisenstadt, Jongin Shim: Analytical signal integrity verification models for inductance-dominant multi-coupled VLSI interconnects. SLIP 2002: 61-68
3EEYungseon Eo, Seongkyun Shin, William R. Eisenstadt, Jongin Shim: Generalized traveling-wave-based waveform approximation technique for the efficient signal integrity verification of multicoupled transmission line system. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 21(12): 1489-1497 (2002)
2EEYungseon Eo, Jongin Shim, William R. Eisenstadt: A traveling-wave-based waveform approximation technique for thetiming verification of single transmission lines. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 21(6): 723-730 (2002)
1EEWoojin Jin, Yungseon Eo, William R. Eisenstadt, Jongin Shim: Fast and accurate quasi-three-dimensional capacitance determination of multilayer VLSI interconnects. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 9(3): 450-460 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1William R. Eisenstadt [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Taeyong Je [8] [11]
3Woojin Jin [1]
4Dongchul Kim [13] [14]
5Hyunsik Kim [10]
6Taehoon Kim [12] [13] [14]
7Jung-A Lee [13] [14]
8Jongin Shim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Seongkyun Shin [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)