
Jason Wright

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4EEKevin Cleary, Jill Bruno, Jason Wright, Filip Banovac: Computer-assisted and image-guided abdominal interventions. ISBI 2008: 1379-1382
3EEJason R. Gilder, Michael R. Peterson, Jason Wright, Travis E. Doom: A versatile tool for student projects: an ASM programming language for the Lego mindstorm. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 3(1): (2003)
2 Phil Nigh, David P. Vallett, Atul Patel, Jason Wright, Franco Motika, Donato Forlenza, Ray Kurtulik, Wendy Chong: Failure analysis of timing and IDDq-only failures from the SEMATECH test methods experiment. ITC 1999: 1152-1161
1EEPhil Nigh, David P. Vallett, Atul Patel, Jason Wright: Failure analysis of timing and IDDq-only failures from the SEMATECH test methods experiment. ITC 1998: 43-

Coauthor Index

1Filip Banovac [4]
2Jill Bruno [4]
3Wendy Chong [2]
4Kevin Cleary [4]
5Travis E. Doom [3]
6Donato Forlenza [2]
7Jason R. Gilder [3]
8Ray Kurtulik [2]
9Franco Motika [2]
10Phil Nigh [1] [2]
11Atul Patel [1] [2]
12Michael R. Peterson [3]
13David P. Vallett [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)