
Leslie A. Kuhn

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8EEMing Lei, Maria I. Zavodszky, Leslie A. Kuhn, M. F. Thorpe: Sampling protein conformations and pathways. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(9): 1133-1148 (2004)
7 Michael L. Raymer, Travis E. Doom, Leslie A. Kuhn, William F. Punch III: Knowledge discovery in medical and biological datasets using a hybrid Bayes classifier/evolutionary algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 33(5): 802-813 (2003)
6EEMaria I. Zavodszky, Paul C. Sanschagrin, Rajesh S. Korde, Leslie A. Kuhn: Distilling the essential features of a protein surface for improving protein-ligand docking, scoring, and virtual screening. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 16(12): 883-902 (2002)
5 Michael L. Raymer, Leslie A. Kuhn, William F. Punch III: Knowledge Discovery in Biological Databasets Using a Hybrid Bayes Classifier/Evolutionary Algorithm. BIBE 2001: 236-245
4EEElizabeth E. Howell, Ushma Shukla, Stephanie N. Hicks, R. Derike Smiley, Leslie A. Kuhn, Maria I. Zavodszky: One site fits both: A model for the ternary complex of folate + NADPH in R67 dihydrofolate reductase, a D2 symmetric enzyme. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 15(11): 1035-1052 (2001)
3 Michael L. Raymer, William F. Punch III, Erik D. Goodman, Leslie A. Kuhn, Anil K. Jain: Dimensionality reduction using genetic algorithms. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 4(2): 164-171 (2000)
2 Volker Schnecke, Leslie A. Kuhn: Database Screening for HIV Protease Ligands: The Influence of Binding-Site Conformation and Representation on Ligand Selectivity. ISMB 1999: 242-251
1 Michael L. Raymer, William F. Punch III, Erik D. Goodman, Paul C. Sanschagrin, Leslie A. Kuhn: Simultanous Feature Extraction and Selection Using a Genetic Algorithm. ICGA 1997: 561-567

Coauthor Index

1Travis E. Doom [7]
2Erik D. Goodman [1] [3]
3Stephanie N. Hicks [4]
4Elizabeth E. Howell [4]
5Anil K. Jain [3]
6Rajesh S. Korde [6]
7Ming Lei [8]
8William F. Punch (William F. Punch III) [1] [3] [5] [7]
9Michael L. Raymer [1] [3] [5] [7]
10Paul C. Sanschagrin [1] [6]
11Volker Schnecke [2]
12Ushma Shukla [4]
13R. Derike Smiley [4]
14M. F. Thorpe [8]
15Maria I. Zavodszky [4] [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)