Volume 14,
Number 5,
- Ulises Cortés, Miquel Sànchez-Marrè:
Binding Environmental Sciences and Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Modelling & Software.
335-337 BibTeX
- Floor Verdenius, Jan Broeze:
Generalised and instance-specific modelling for biological systems.
339-348 BibTeX
- Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, Ulises Cortés, Ignasi R.-Roda, Manel Poch:
Sustainable case learning for continuos domains.
349-357 BibTeX
- Josh M. P. King, René Bañares-Alcántara, Zainuddin A. Manan:
Minimising environmental impact using CBR: an azeotropic distillation case study.
359-366 BibTeX
- R. Paggio, Genadi Agre, Christo Dichev, Gábor Umann, T. Rozman, L. Batachia, M. Stocchero:
A cost-effective programmable environment for developing environmental decision support systems.
367-382 BibTeX
- Juan Baeza, David Gabriel, Javier Lafuente:
An expert supervisory system for a pilot WWTP.
383-390 BibTeX
- Ludmila Sazonova, Gennady Osipov, Maxim Godovnikov:
Intelligent system for fish stock prediction and allowable catch evaluation.
391-399 BibTeX
- Octavio Cabezut-Boo, Antonio Sánchez-Aguilar:
Towards an ontology of waste water treatment plants: the identification phase.
401-408 BibTeX
- Lluís A. Belanche Muñoz, Julio J. Valdés, Joaquim Comas, Ignasi R.-Roda, Manel Poch:
Towards a model of input-output behaviour os wastewater treatment plants using soft computing techniques.
409-419 BibTeX
- A. Bockreis, J. Jager:
Odour monitoring by the combination of sensores and neural networks.
421-426 BibTeX
- Aaron A. Jennings, Ramagopal Pisipati:
The impact of Brinkman's extension of Darcy's law in the nighborhood of a circular preferntial flow pathway.
427-435 BibTeX
- Indrani Gupta, A. Gupta, P. Khanna:
Genetic algorithm for optimization of water distribution systems.
437-446 BibTeX
- R. N. Nair, T. M. Krishnamoorthy:
Probabilistic safety assesment model for near surface radiocative waste disposal facilities.
447-460 BibTeX
- Babita Tyagi, Sunita Gakkhar, D. S. Bhargava:
Mathematical modelling of stream DO-BOD accounting for setteable BOD and periodically varying BOD source.
461-471 BibTeX
- Alexey Voinov, Robert Costanza, Lisa Waigner, Roelof Boumans, Ferdinando Villa, Thomas Maxwell, Helena Voinov:
Patuxent landscape model: integrated ecological economic modeling of a wathershed.
473-491 BibTeX
Volume 46,
Number 6,
November 1999
- Andrea Emilio Rizzoli, J. Richard Davis:
Integration and re-use of Environmental Models.
493-494 BibTeX
- P. G. Neil, R. A. Sherlock, K. P. Bright:
Integration of legacy sub-system components into an object-oriented simulation model of a complete pastoral dairy farm.
495-502 BibTeX
- Michael Reed, Susan M. Cuddy, Andrea Emilio Rizzoli:
A framework for modelling multiple resource management issues - an open modelling approach.
503-509 BibTeX
- Thomas Maxwell:
A paris-model approach to modular simulation.
511-517 BibTeX
- Lawrence Lau, R. A. Young, G. McKeon, J. Syktus, Frank Duncalfe, N. Graham, J. McGregor:
Downscaling global information for regional benefit: coupling spatial models at varying space and time scales.
519-529 BibTeX
- Danijel Rebolj, Peter J. Sturm:
A GIS based component-oriented integrated system for estimation, visualization and analysis of road traffic air pollution.
531-539 BibTeX
- Leorey O. Marquez, Nariida C. Smith:
A framework for linking urban form and air quality.
541-548 BibTeX
- D. M. Jansen, S. T. Buijze, H. L. Boogaard:
Ex-ante assessment of costs for reducing nitrate leaching from agriculture-dominated regions.
549-565 BibTeX
- Michelle Scoccimarro, Andrew Walker, Claude Dietrich, Sergei Schreider, Tony Jakeman, Helen Ross:
A framework for integrated catchment assessment in northern Thailand.
567-577 BibTeX
- Sten Blomgren:
A digital elevation model for estimating flooding scenarios at the Falsterbo Peninsula.
579-587 BibTeX
- Daniel W. McKenney, Brendon G. Mackey, Dennis Joyce:
Seedwhere: a computer tool to support seed transfer and ecological restoration decisions.
589-595 BibTeX
- David I. Stern, Robert K. Kaufmann:
Econometric analysis of global climate change.
597-605 BibTeX
- L. Li, D. A. Barry, J. Morris, F. Stagnitti:
CXTANNEAL: an improved program for estimating solute transport parameters.
607-611 BibTeX
- S. A. Cryer, P. L. Havens:
Regional sensitivity analysis using a fractional factorial method for the USDA model GLEAMS.
613-624 BibTeX
- Aaron A. Jennings, Puneet Mansharamani:
Modeling electrokinetically-enhanced aggregate remediation.
625-634 BibTeX
- Andreas Bott:
A numerical model of the cloud-topped planetary boundary-layer: cloud processing of aerosol particles in marine stratus.
635-643 BibTeX
- Andrej Sirca, Rudi Rajar, Reed C. Harris, Milena Horvat:
Mercury transport and fate in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic) - a two-dimensional modelling approach.
645-655 BibTeX
- M. Mousavi, M. Soltanieh, A. Badakhshan:
Influence of turbulence and atmospheric chemistry on grid size with respect to location in modeling and simulation of photochemical smog formation and transport.
657-663 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:58:31 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)