
Petko Valtchev

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44 Jean François Djoufak Kengue, Jérôme Euzenat, Petko Valtchev: Alignement d'ontologies dirigé par la structure. CAL 2008: 155
43EELaszlo Szathmary, Petko Valtchev, Amedeo Napoli, Robert Godin: Constructing Iceberg Lattices from Frequent Closures Using Generators. Discovery Science 2008: 136-147
42EEPetko Valtchev, Vincent Duquenne: On the Merge of Factor Canonical Bases. ICFCA 2008: 182-198
41EENaouel Moha, Amine Mohamed Rouane Hacene, Petko Valtchev, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc: Refactorings of Design Defects Using Relational Concept Analysis. ICFCA 2008: 289-304
40EEAmal Elkharraz, Hafedh Mili, Petko Valtchev: Mining Functional Aspects from Legacy Code. ICTAI (2) 2008: 403-412
39EEDarina Dicheva, Christo Dichev, Petko Valtchev: Integrating Metadata Harvesting with Semantic Search. Web Intelligence 2008: 869-875
38EEPetko Valtchev, Rokia Missaoui, Robert Godin: A framework for incremental generation of closed itemsets. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(6): 924-949 (2008)
37EETarek Hamrouni, Petko Valtchev, Sadok Ben Yahia, Engelbert Mephu Nguifo: About the Lossless Reduction of the Minimal Generator Family of a Context. ICFCA 2007: 130-150
36EEMohamed Rouane Hacene, Marianne Huchard, Amedeo Napoli, Petko Valtchev: A Proposal for Combining Formal Concept Analysis and Description Logics for Mining Relational Data. ICFCA 2007: 51-65
35EELaszlo Szathmary, Amedeo Napoli, Petko Valtchev: Towards Rare Itemset Mining. ICTAI (1) 2007: 305-312
34EEJean François Djoufak Kengue, Petko Valtchev, Clémentin Tayou Djamégni: Parallel Computation of Closed Itemsets and Implication Rule Bases. ISPA 2007: 359-370
33 Mohamed Rouane Hacene, Michel Dao, Marianne Huchard, Petko Valtchev: Analyse formelle de données relationnelles pour la réingénierie des modèles UML. LMO 2007: 151-166
32EEJean François Djoufak Kengue, Jérôme Euzenat, Petko Valtchev: OLA in the OAEI 2007 Evaluation Contest. OM 2007
31EEMarianne Huchard, Mohamed Rouane Hacene, Cyril Roume, Petko Valtchev: Relational concept discovery in structured datasets. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 49(1-4): 39-76 (2007)
30EERokia Missaoui, Petko Valtchev, Chabane Djeraba, Mehdi Adda: Toward Recommendation Based on Ontology-Powered Web-Usage Mining. IEEE Internet Computing 11(4): 45-52 (2007)
29EEMehdi Adda, Rokia Missaoui, Petko Valtchev: Relation rule mining. IJPEDS 22(6): 439-449 (2007)
28EEMohamed Rouane Hacene, Michel Dao, Marianne Huchard, Petko Valtchev: Aspects de la réingénierie des modèles UML par analyse de données relationnelles. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 12(5): 39-68 (2007)
27EENaouel Moha, Jihene Rezgui, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Petko Valtchev, Ghizlane El-Boussaidi: Using FCA to Suggest Refactorings to Correct Design Defects. CLA 2006: 269-275
26 Michel Dao, Marianne Huchard, Mohamed Rouane Hacene, Cyril Roume, Petko Valtchev: Towards Practical Tools for Mining Abstractions in UML Models. ICEIS (3) 2006: 276-283
25EELei Wu, Houari A. Sahraoui, Petko Valtchev: Caribou: A Supporting Environment for Software e-Development. EEE 2005: 736-739
24EERobert Godin, Petko Valtchev: Formal Concept Analysis-Based Class Hierarchy Design in Object-Oriented Software Development. Formal Concept Analysis 2005: 304-323
23EECéline Frambourg, Petko Valtchev, Robert Godin: Merge-Based Computation of Minimal Generators. ICCS 2005: 181-194
22EELei Wu, Houari A. Sahraoui, Petko Valtchev: Coping with Legacy System Migration Complexity. ICECCS 2005: 600-609
21EEKamal Nehmé, Petko Valtchev, Mohamed Rouane Hacene, Robert Godin: On Computing the Minimal Generator Family for Concept Lattices and Icebergs. ICFCA 2005: 192-207
20EEJean François Djoufak Kengue, Petko Valtchev, Clémentin Tayou Djamégni: A Parallel Algorithm for Lattice Construction. ICFCA 2005: 249-264
19EEJérôme Euzenat, Philippe Guégan, Petko Valtchev: OLA in the OAEI 2005 Alignment Contest. Integrating Ontologies 2005
18EELei Wu, Houari A. Sahraoui, Petko Valtchev: Automatic Detecting Code Cooperation. APSEC 2004: 204-211
17EELei Wu, Houari A. Sahraoui, Petko Valtchev: Program comprehension with dynamic recovery of code collaboration patterns and roles. CASCON 2004: 56-67
16 Jérôme Euzenat, Petko Valtchev: Similarity-Based Ontology Alignment in OWL-Lite. ECAI 2004: 333-337
15EEPhilippe Lahire, Gabriela Arévalo, Hernán Astudillo, Andrew P. Black, Erik Ernst, Marianne Huchard, T. Oplustil, Markku Sakkinen, Petko Valtchev: MASPEGHI 2004 Mechnisms for Specialization, Generalization and Inheritance. ECOOP Workshops 2004: 101-117
14EEMichel Dao, Marianne Huchard, Mohamed Rouane Hacene, Cyril Roume, Petko Valtchev: Improving Generalization Level in UML Models Iterative Cross Generalization in Practice. ICCS 2004: 346-360
13EEPetko Valtchev, Rokia Missaoui, Robert Godin: Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: The New Challenges. ICFCA 2004: 352-371
12EEPetko Valtchev, Mohamed Rouane Hacene, Rokia Missaoui: A Generic Scheme for the Design of Efficient On-Line Algorithms for Lattices. ICCS 2003: 282-295
11EEDavid Grosser, Houari A. Sahraoui, Petko Valtchev: An Analogy-Based Approach for Predicting Design Stability of Java Classes. IEEE METRICS 2003: 252-262
10EEDavid Grosser, Houari A. Sahraoui, Petko Valtchev: Prédiction de la stabilité des interfaces de classes Java : une approche par analogie. L'OBJET 9(1-2): 61-73 (2003)
9EEDavid Grosser, Houari A. Sahraoui, Petko Valtchev: Predicting Software Stability Using Case-Based Reasoning. ASE 2002: 295-
8EEHouari A. Sahraoui, Petko Valtchev, Idrissa Konkobo, Shiqiang Shen: Object Identification in Legacy Code as a Grouping Problem. COMPSAC 2002: 689-696
7EEMarianne Huchard, Hernán Astudillo, Petko Valtchev: MAnaging SPEcialization/Generalization HIerarchies. OOIS Workshops 2002: 1-2
6EEPetko Valtchev, Rokia Missaoui, Pierre Lebrun: A partition-based approach towards constructing Galois (concept) lattices. Discrete Mathematics 256(3): 801-829 (2002)
5EEPetko Valtchev, Rokia Missaoui, Robert Godin, Mohamed Meridji: Generating frequent itemsets incrementally: two novel approaches based on Galois lattice theory. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 14(2-3): 115-142 (2002)
4EEPetko Valtchev, Rokia Missaoui: Building Concept (Galois) Lattices from Parts: Generalizing the Incremental Methods. ICCS 2001: 290-303
3 Hafedh Mili, Petko Valtchev, Anne-Maria Di Sciullo, Philippe Gabrini: Automating the Indexing and Retrieval of Reusable Software Components. NLDB 2001: 75-86
2EEPetko Valtchev: Building Classes in Object-Based Languages by Automatic Clustering. IDA 1999: 303-316
1EEPetko Valtchev, Jérôme Euzenat: Dissimilarity Measure for Collections of Objects and Values. IDA 1997: 259-272

Coauthor Index

1Mehdi Adda [29] [30]
2Gabriela Arévalo [15]
3Hernán Astudillo [7] [15]
4Andrew P. Black [15]
5Michel Dao [14] [26] [28] [33]
6Christo Dichev [39]
7Darina Dicheva [39]
8Clémentin Tayou Djamégni [20] [34]
9Chabane Djeraba [30]
10Vincent Duquenne [42]
11Ghizlane El-Boussaidi [27]
12Amal Elkharraz [40]
13Erik Ernst [15]
14Jérôme Euzenat [1] [16] [19] [32] [44]
15Céline Frambourg [23]
16Philippe Gabrini [3]
17Robert Godin [5] [13] [21] [23] [24] [38] [43]
18David Grosser [9] [10] [11]
19Philippe Guégan [19]
20Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc [27] [41]
21Amine Mohamed Rouane Hacene [41]
22Mohamed Rouane Hacene [12] [14] [21] [26] [28] [31] [33] [36]
23Tarek Hamrouni [37]
24Marianne Huchard [7] [14] [15] [26] [28] [31] [33] [36]
25Jean François Djoufak Kengue [20] [32] [34] [44]
26Idrissa Konkobo [8]
27Philippe Lahire [15]
28Pierre Lebrun [6]
29Mohamed Meridji [5]
30Hafedh Mili [3] [40]
31Rokia Missaoui [4] [5] [6] [12] [13] [29] [30] [38]
32Naouel Moha [27] [41]
33Amedeo Napoli [35] [36] [43]
34Kamal Nehmé [21]
35Engelbert Mephu Nguifo [37]
36T. Oplustil [15]
37Jihene Rezgui [27]
38Cyril Roume [14] [26] [31]
39Houari A. Sahraoui [8] [9] [10] [11] [17] [18] [22] [25]
40Markku Sakkinen [15]
41Anne-Maria Di Sciullo [3]
42Shiqiang Shen [8]
43Laszlo Szathmary [35] [43]
44Lei Wu [17] [18] [22] [25]
45Sadok Ben Yahia [37]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)