
Yves Dallery

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27EECéline Gicquel, Michel Minoux, Yves Dallery: On the discrete lot-sizing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent changeover times. Oper. Res. Lett. 37(1): 32-36 (2009)
26EEEvren Sahin, John A. Buzacott, Yves Dallery: Analysis of a newsvendor which has errors in inventory data records. European Journal of Operational Research 188(2): 370-389 (2008)
25EEM. Salah Aguir, O. Zeynep Aksin, Fikri Karaesmen, Yves Dallery: On the interaction between retrials and sizing of call centers. European Journal of Operational Research 191(2): 398-408 (2008)
24EEOualid Jouini, Yves Dallery: Stationary delays for a two-class priority queue with impatient customers. VALUETOOLS 2007: 52
23EEOualid Jouini, Yves Dallery: Predicting queueing delays for multiclass call centers. VALUETOOLS 2006: 66
22EEAndrea Matta, Yves Dallery, Maria di Mascolo: Analysis of assembly systems controlled with kanbans. European Journal of Operational Research 166(2): 310-336 (2005)
21EEEvren Sahin, Yves Dallery: Improving the Performance of Inventory Systems Subject to Errors by Deploying the RFID Technology. Journal of Decision Systems 14(4): 427-449 (2005)
20EEOualid Jouini, Yves Dallery, Rabie Nait-Abdallah: Stochastic Models of Customer Portfolio Management in Call Centers. OR 2004: 59-66
19EEKhaled Hadj Youssef, Christian Van Delft, Yves Dallery: Efficient Scheduling Rules in a Combined Make-to-Stock and Make-to-Order Manufacturing System. Annals OR 126(1-4): 103-134 (2004)
18EEFikri Karaesmen, George Liberopoulos, Yves Dallery: The Value of Advance Demand Information in Production/Inventory Systems. Annals OR 126(1-4): 135-157 (2004)
17EEGuillaume Urvoy, Gérard Hébuterne, Yves Dallery: Deterministic End-to-End Delay Bounds in an Accumulation Network. NETWORKING 2000: 740-751
16 Guillaume Urvoy, Yves Dallery, Gérard Hébuterne: CAC procedures for leaky bucket-constrained sources. Perform. Eval. 41(2-3): 117-132 (2000)
15 Bruno Baynat, Yves Dallery: A Product-Form Approximation Method for General Closed Queueing Networks with Several Classes of Customers. Perform. Eval. 24(3): 165-188 (1996)
14 A. Bouhchouch, Yannik Frein, Yves Dallery: Performance Evaluation of Closed Tandem Queueing Networks with Finite Buffers. Perform. Eval. 26(2): 115-132 (1996)
13 Bruno Baynat, Yves Dallery: Approximate Analysis of Multi-Class Synchronized Closed Queueing Networks. MASCOTS 1995: 23-27
12 Tülin Atmaca, Harry G. Perros, Yves Dallery: Approximate Analysis of a Multi-Class Open Queueing Network with Class Blocking and Push-out. MASCOTS 1994: 90-95
11EEYves Dallery, Zhen Liu, Donald F. Towsley: Equivalence, Reversibility, Symmetry and Concavity Properties in Fork-Join Queueing Networks with Blocking. J. ACM 41(5): 903-942 (1994)
10EEYves Dallery: On modeling failure and repair times in stochastic models of manufacturing systems using generalized exponential distributions. Queueing Syst. 15(1-4): 199-209 (1994)
9 Bruno Baynat, Yves Dallery: A Decomposition Approximation Method for Closed Queueing Networks with Fork/Join Subnetworks. Decentralized and Distributed Systems 1993: 199-210
8 Bruno Baynat, Yves Dallery: A Unified View of Product-Form Approximation Techniques for General Closed Queueing Networks. Perform. Eval. 18(3): 205-224 (1993)
7 Harry G. Perros, Yves Dallery, Guy Pujolle: Analysis of a Queueing Network Model with Class Dependent Window Flow Control. INFOCOM 1992: 968-977
6 Yves Dallery, Xi-Ren Cao: Operational Analysis of Stochastic Closed Queueing Networks. Perform. Eval. 14(1): 43-61 (1992)
5EEYves Dallery, Stanley B. Gershwin: Manufacturing flow line systems: a review of models and analytical results. Queueing Syst. 12(1-2): 3-94 (1992)
4 Yves Dallery: Approximate Analysis of General Open Queuing Networks with Restricted Capacity. Perform. Eval. 11(3): 209-222 (1990)
3 Yannik Frein, Yves Dallery: Analysis of Cyclic Queueing Networks with Finite Buffers and Blocking Before Service. Perform. Eval. 10(3): 197-210 (1989)
2 Yves Dallery, Rajan Suri: Approximate Disaggregation and Performance Bound for Queueing Networks with Multiple-Server Stations. SIGMETRICS 1986: 111-128
1 Yves Dallery, R. David: Some New Results on Operational Analysis. Performance 1984: 119-134

Coauthor Index

1M. Salah Aguir [25]
2O. Zeynep Aksin [25]
3Tülin Atmaca [12]
4Bruno Baynat [8] [9] [13] [15]
5A. Bouhchouch [14]
6John A. Buzacott [26]
7Xi-Ren Cao [6]
8R. David [1]
9Christian Van Delft [19]
10Yannik Frein [3] [14]
11Stanley B. Gershwin [5]
12Céline Gicquel [27]
13Gérard Hébuterne [16] [17]
14Oualid Jouini [20] [23] [24]
15Fikri Karaesmen [18] [25]
16George Liberopoulos [18]
17Zhen Liu [11]
18Maria di Mascolo [22]
19Andrea Matta [22]
20Michel Minoux [27]
21Rabie Nait-Abdallah [20]
22Harry G. Perros [7] [12]
23Guy Pujolle [7]
24Evren Sahin [21] [26]
25Rajan Suri [2]
26Donald F. Towsley [11]
27Guillaume Urvoy [16] [17]
28Khaled Hadj Youssef [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)