
John A. Buzacott

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14EEEvren Sahin, John A. Buzacott, Yves Dallery: Analysis of a newsvendor which has errors in inventory data records. European Journal of Operational Research 188(2): 370-389 (2008)
13EEJohn A. Buzacott: Modelling Teams and Workgroups in Manufacturing. Annals OR 126(1-4): 215-230 (2004)
12EEQ.-M. He, Elizabeth M. Jewkes, John A. Buzacott: Optimal and near-optimal inventory control policies for a make-to-order inventory-production system. European Journal of Operational Research 141(1): 113-132 (2002)
11 John A. Buzacott, Dinah W. Cheng: Bounds on Queues with Delayed Generalized Exponential Arrivals. Queueing Syst. 42(1): 103-106 (2002)
10EEJohn A. Buzacott, Yasemin Kahyaoglu: Flexibility and robustness in manufacturing. IJMTM 2(1-7): 546-558 (2000)
9EEJohn A. Buzacott, Dinah W. Cheng: Improved bounds for queues with delayed arrivals. Queueing Syst. 28(4): 295-316 (1998)
8 Seyed M. R. Iravani, Morton J. M. Posner, John A. Buzacott: A Two-Stage Tandem Queue Attended by a Moving Server with Holding and Switching Costs. Queueing Syst. 26(3-4): 203-228 (1997)
7EELi Zhuang, John A. Buzacott, Xiao-Gao Liu: Approximate mean value performance analysis of cyclic queueing networks with production blocking. Queueing Syst. 16(1-2): 139-165 (1994)
6EEXiao-Gao Liu, John A. Buzacott: A decomposition-related throughput property of tandem queueing networks with blocking. Queueing Syst. 13(4): 361-383 (1993)
5EEJohn A. Buzacott, J. George Shanthikumar: Editorial introduction. Queueing Syst. 12(1-2): 1-2 (1992)
4EEJohn A. Buzacott, J. George Shanthikumar: Design of manufacturing systems using queueing models. Queueing Syst. 12(1-2): 135-213 (1992)
3 Elizabeth M. Jewkes, John A. Buzacott: Flow Time Distributions in a K Class M/G/1 Priority Feedback Queue. Queueing Syst. 8(2): 183-202 (1991)
2 D. Gupta, John A. Buzacott: A Production System with Two Job Classes, Changeover Times and Revisitation. Queueing Syst. 6(4): 353-368 (1990)
1 John A. Buzacott, David D. Yao: On Queueing Network Models of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Queueing Syst. 1(1): 5-27 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Dinah W. Cheng [9] [11]
2Yves Dallery [14]
3D. Gupta [2]
4Q.-M. He [12]
5Seyed M. R. Iravani [8]
6Elizabeth M. Jewkes [3] [12]
7Yasemin Kahyaoglu [10]
8Xiao-Gao Liu [6] [7]
9Morton J. M. Posner [8]
10Evren Sahin [14]
11J. George Shanthikumar [4] [5]
12David D. Yao [1]
13Li Zhuang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)