
Juan del Cuvillo

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10EEGe Gan, Ziang Hu, Juan del Cuvillo, Guang R. Gao: Exploring a Multithreaded Methodology to Implement a Network Communication Protocol on the Cyclops-64 Multithreaded Architecture. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
9EEJuan del Cuvillo, Weirong Zhu, Guang R. Gao: Landing openMP on cyclops-64: an efficient mapping of openMP to a many-core system-on-a-chip. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2006: 41-50
8EEZiang Hu, Juan del Cuvillo, Weirong Zhu, Guang R. Gao: Optimization of Dense Matrix Multiplication on IBM Cyclops-64: Challenges and Experiences. Euro-Par 2006: 134-144
7EEJuan del Cuvillo, Weirong Zhu, Ziang Hu, Guang R. Gao: Toward a Software Infrastructure for the Cyclops-64 Cellular Architecture. HPCS 2006: 9
6 Haiping Wu, Eunjung Park, Long Chen, Juan del Cuvillo, Guang R. Gao: User-Friendly Methodology for Automatic Exploration of Compiler Options: A Case Study on the Intel XScale Microarchitecture. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2006: 866-872
5EEJuan del Cuvillo, Weirong Zhu, Ziang Hu, Guang R. Gao: TiNy Threads: A Thread Virtual Machine for the Cyclops64 Cellular Architecture. IPDPS 2005
4EEDongkeun Kim, Shih-Wei Liao, Perry H. Wang, Juan del Cuvillo, Xinmin Tian, Xiang Zou, Hong Wang, Donald Yeung, Milind Girkar, John Paul Shen: Physical Experimentation with Prefetching Helper Threads on Intel's Hyper-Threaded Processors. CGO 2004: 27-38
3EEGuang R. Gao, Kevin B. Theobald, Ramaswamy Govindarajan, Clement Leung, Ziang Hu, Haiping Wu, Jizhu Lu, Juan del Cuvillo, Adeline Jacquet, Vincent Janot, Thomas L. Sterling: Programming Models and System Software for Future High-End Computing Systems: Work-in-Progress. IPDPS 2003: 206
2EEJuan del Cuvillo, Xinmin Tian, Guang R. Gao, Milind Girkar: Performance Study of a Whole Genome Comparison Tool on a Hyper-Threading Multiprocessor. ISHPC 2003: 450-457
1EEW. S. Martins, Juan del Cuvillo, F. J. Useche, Kevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao: A Multithreaded Parallel Implementation of a Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Sequence Comparison. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2001: 311-322

Coauthor Index

1Long Chen [6]
2Ge Gan [10]
3Guang R. Gao [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
4Milind Girkar [2] [4]
5Ramaswamy Govindarajan [3]
6Ziang Hu [3] [5] [7] [8] [10]
7Adeline Jacquet [3]
8Vincent Janot [3]
9Dongkeun Kim [4]
10Clement Leung [3]
11Shih-Wei Liao [4]
12Jizhu Lu [3]
13W. S. Martins [1]
14Eunjung Park [6]
15John Paul Shen [4]
16Thomas L. Sterling [3]
17Kevin B. Theobald [1] [3]
18Xinmin Tian [2] [4]
19F. J. Useche [1]
20Perry H. Wang [4]
21Hong Wang [4]
22Haiping Wu [3] [6]
23Donald Yeung [4]
24Weirong Zhu [5] [7] [8] [9]
25Xiang Zou [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)