
Kevin B. Theobald

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19EEFei Chen, Kevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao: Implementing parallel conjugate gradient on the EARTH multithreaded architecture. CLUSTER 2004: 459-469
18EEGuang R. Gao, Kevin B. Theobald, Ramaswamy Govindarajan, Clement Leung, Ziang Hu, Haiping Wu, Jizhu Lu, Juan del Cuvillo, Adeline Jacquet, Vincent Janot, Thomas L. Sterling: Programming Models and System Software for Future High-End Computing Systems: Work-in-Progress. IPDPS 2003: 206
17EEHongbo Yang, Ramaswamy Govindarajan, Guang R. Gao, Kevin B. Theobald: Power-Performance Trade-Offs for Energy-Efficient Architectures: A Quantitative Study. ICCD 2002: 174-179
16EEGuang R. Gao, Kevin B. Theobald, Ziang Hu, Haiping Wu, Jizhu Lu, Keshav Pingali, Paul Stodghill, Thomas L. Sterling, Rick Stevens, Mark Hereld: Next Generation System Software for Future High-End Computing Systems. IPDPS 2002
15 Kevin B. Theobald, Rishi Kumar, Gagan Agrawal, Gerd Heber, Ruppa K. Thulasiram, Guang R. Gao: Implementation and evaluation of a communication intensive application on the EARTH multithreaded system. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14(3): 183-201 (2002)
14EEW. S. Martins, Juan del Cuvillo, F. J. Useche, Kevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao: A Multithreaded Parallel Implementation of a Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Sequence Comparison. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2001: 311-322
13EEKevin B. Theobald, Rishi Kumar, Gagan Agrawal, Gerd Heber, Ruppa K. Thulasiram, Guang R. Gao: Developing a Communication Intensive Application on the EARTH Multithreaded Architecture (Distinguished Paper). Euro-Par 2000: 625-637
12EEKevin B. Theobald, Gagan Agrawal, Rishi Kumar, Gerd Heber, Guang R. Gao, Paul Stodghill, Keshav Pingali: Landing CG on EARTH: A Case Study of Fine-Grained Multithreading on an Evolutionary Path. SC 2000
11EEParimala Thulasiraman, Kevin B. Theobald, Ashfaq A. Khokhar, Guang R. Gao: Multithreaded algorithms for the fast Fourier transform. SPAA 2000: 176-185
10 Sean Ryan, José Nelson Amaral, Guang R. Gao, Zachary Ruiz, Andrés Márquez, Kevin B. Theobald: Coping with very High Latencies in Petaflop Computer Systems. ISHPC 1999: 71-82
9 Maria-Dana Tarlescu, Kevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao: Elastic History Buffer: A Low-Cost Method to Improve Branch Prediction Accuracy. ICCD 1997: 82-87
8EEXinan Tang, Jing Wang, Kevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao: Thread Partitioning and Scheduling Based on Cost Model. SPAA 1997: 272-281
7EEOlivier Maquelin, Guang R. Gao, Herbert H. J. Hum, Kevin B. Theobald, Xinmin Tian: Polling Watchdog: Combining Polling and Interrupts for Efficient Message Handling. ISCA 1996: 179-188
6 Kevin B. Theobald: The W-Network: A low-cost fault-tolerant multistage interconnection network for fine-grain multiprocessing. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 8(6): 415-428 (1996)
5 Kevin B. Theobald, Herbert H. J. Hum, Guang R. Gao: A Design Frame for Hybrid Access Caches. HPCA 1995: 144-153
4 Herbert H. J. Hum, Kevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao: Building Multithreaded Architectures with Off-the-Shelf Microprocessors. IPPS 1994: 288-294
3EEKevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao, Laurie J. Hendren: Speculative Execution and Branch Prediction on Parallel Machines. International Conference on Supercomputing 1993: 77-86
2EEKevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao, Laurie J. Hendren: On the limits of program parallelism and its smoothability. MICRO 1992: 10-19
1EEKevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao: An efficient parallel algorithm for all pairs examination. SC 1991: 742-753

Coauthor Index

1Gagan Agrawal [12] [13] [15]
2José Nelson Amaral (José N. Amaral) [10]
3Fei Chen [19]
4Juan del Cuvillo [14] [18]
5Guang R. Gao [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
6Ramaswamy Govindarajan [17] [18]
7Gerd Heber [12] [13] [15]
8Laurie J. Hendren [2] [3]
9Mark Hereld [16]
10Ziang Hu [16] [18]
11Herbert H. J. Hum [4] [5] [7]
12Adeline Jacquet [18]
13Vincent Janot [18]
14Ashfaq A. Khokhar [11]
15Rishi Kumar [12] [13] [15]
16Clement Leung [18]
17Jizhu Lu [16] [18]
18Olivier Maquelin [7]
19Andrés Márquez [10]
20W. S. Martins [14]
21Keshav Pingali [12] [16]
22Zachary Ruiz [10]
23Sean Ryan [10]
24Thomas L. Sterling [16] [18]
25Rick L. Stevens (Rick Stevens) [16]
26Paul Stodghill [12] [16]
27Xinan Tang [8]
28Maria-Dana Tarlescu [9]
29Ruppa K. Thulasiram [13] [15]
30Parimala Thulasiraman [11]
31Xinmin Tian [7]
32F. J. Useche [14]
33Jing Wang [8]
34Haiping Wu [16] [18]
35Hongbo Yang [17]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)