
Patrick Brézillon

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68 Patrick Brézillon: Context in the Collaborative Building of an Answer to a Question. CDM 2008: 28-39
67EEPatrick Brézillon, Juliette Brézillon: Context-sensitive decision support systems in road safety. Inf. Syst. E-Business Management 6(3): 279-293 (2008)
66EEPatrick Brézillon, Pascale Zaraté: Group decison Making. Journal of Decision Systems 17(1): 11-26 (2008)
65EEPatrick Brézillon, Marcos R. S. Borges, José A. Pino, Jean-Charles Pomerol: Context and Awareness in Group Work Lessons. Learned from Three Case Studies. Journal of Decision Systems 17(1): 27-40 (2008)
64EEAvelino J. Gonzalez, Patrick Brézillon: Comparing two context-driven approaches for representation of human tactical behavior. Knowledge Eng. Review 23(3): 295-315 (2008)
63EEPatrick Brézillon, Juliette Brézillon: Contextualized Task Modeling. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 22(5): 531-548 (2008)
62EEVaninha Vieira, Patrick Brézillon, Ana Carolina Salgado, P. Tedesco: A Context-Oriented Model for Domain-Independent Context Management. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 22(5): 609-627 (2008)
61EEPatrick Brézillon: Context Modeling: Task Model and Practice Model. CONTEXT 2007: 122-135
60EEJuliette Brézillon, Patrick Brézillon: Context Modeling: Context as a Dressing of a Focus. CONTEXT 2007: 136-149
59EEVaninha Vieira, Patricia Azevedo Tedesco, Ana Carolina Salgado, Patrick Brézillon: Investigating the Specifics of Contextual Elements Management: The CEManTIKA Approach. CONTEXT 2007: 493-506
58 Juliette Brézillon, Patrick Brézillon, Thierry Artières, Charles Tijus: Context-Based Intelligent Educational System for Car Drivers. ICEIS (2) 2007: 403-406
57EEMarcos R. S. Borges, Patrick Brézillon, José A. Pino, Jean-Charles Pomerol: Dealing with the effects of context mismatch in group work. Decision Support Systems 43(4): 1692-1706 (2007)
56EEFlávia Maria Santoro, Patrick Brézillon, Renata Mendes de Araujo: Context Dynamics in Software Engineering Process. CSCWD (Selected Papers) 2006: 377-388
55EEPatrick Brézillon, Avelino J. Gonzalez: Tale of Two Context-Based Formalisms for Representing Human Knowledge. IEA/AIE 2006: 137-145
54EEPatrick Brézillon: Some Characteristics of Context. IEA/AIE 2006: 146-154
53 Flávia Maria Santoro, Patrick Brézillon: The Role of Shared Context in Group Storytelling. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 25(6): (2006)
52EEGhita Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Patrick Brézillon: Context-Based Constraints in Security: Motivations and First Approach. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 146(1): 85-100 (2006)
51EEMary Bazire, Patrick Brézillon: Understanding Context Before Using It. CONTEXT 2005: 29-40
50EESandra de Albuquerque Siebra, Ana Carolina Salgado, Patricia Azevedo Tedesco, Patrick Brézillon: Identifying the Interaction Context in CSCLE. CONTEXT 2005: 464-475
49EEPatrick Brézillon: Task-Realization Models in Contextual Graphs. CONTEXT 2005: 55-68
48EEMary Bazire, Patrick Brézillon, Brigitte Cambon de Lavalette, Charles Tijus: Gaps between rules and uses of the road. CONTEXT Workshop on Safety and Context 2005
47EEFlávia Maria Santoro, Patrick Brézillon: Developing Shared Context Within Group Stories. CRIWG 2005: 232-247
46EEFlávia Maria Santoro, Patrick Brézillon: Group Storytelling Approach to Collect Contextualized Shared Knowledge. DEXA Workshops 2005: 388-392
45 Patrick Brézillon: Role of Context in Social Networks. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 20-25
44 Alexandre Gachet, Patrick Brézillon: A Context-based Representation of Organizational Structures. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 26-31
43 Renata Mendes de Araujo, Patrick Brézillon: Context-based Modeling of Group Work. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 812-813
42EEAlexandre Gachet, Patrick Brézillon: Organizational Structures and Decision Making Processes. A Multi-Level Model. Journal of Decision Systems 14(1-2): 9-37 (2005)
41EEPatrick Brézillon, Renata Mendes de Araujo: Reinforcing Shared Context to Improve Collaboration. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 19(3): 537-556 (2005)
40EEAlexandre Gachet, Patrick Brézillon: A Context-Based Representation of Knowledge Flows in Dynamic Organizations. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 19(3): 557-574 (2005)
39EEPatrick Brézillon: Contextualizations in a Social Network. Context in Social networks and virtual communities. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 19(3): 575-594 (2005)
38EEMarcos R. S. Borges, Patrick Brézillon, José A. Pino, Jean-Charles Pomerol: Groupware System Design and the Context Concept. CSCWD (Selected papers) 2004: 45-54
37 Ghita Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Patrick Brézillon: A Context-Based Approach of Security Policies. FLAIRS Conference 2004
36 Patrick Brézillon, Marcos R. S. Borges, José A. Pino, Jean-Charles Pomerol: Context-Based Awareness in Group Work. FLAIRS Conference 2004
35 Patrick Brézillon, E. Marquois: Context-Based Representation of the Task/Method Paradigm. FLAIRS Conference 2004
34EEGhita Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Jacques Pasquier-Rocha, Patrick Brézillon: Context-Aware Computing: A Guide for the Pervasive Computing Community. ICPS 2004: 39-48
33EEPatrick Brézillon, Ghita Kouadri Mostéfaoui: Context-Based Security Policies: A New Modeling Approach. PerCom Workshops 2004: 154-158
32EEGhita Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Patrick Brézillon: Modeling Context-Based Security Policies with Contextual Graphs. PerCom Workshops 2004: 28-32
31 Patrick Brézillon: Context and Virtual Communities In a Firm. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 23(2): (2004)
30EELeslie Ganet, Patrick Brézillon, Charles Tijus: Explanation as Contextual Categorization. CONTEXT 2003: 142-153
29EEGhita Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Patrick Brézillon: A Generic Framework for Context-Based Distributed Authorizations. CONTEXT 2003: 204-217
28EEJean-Charles Pomerol, Patrick Brézillon: Context Proceduralization in Decision Making. CONTEXT 2003: 491-498
27EEPatrick Brézillon: Context Dynamic and Explanation in Contextual Graphs. CONTEXT 2003: 94-106
26EEPatrick Brézillon, Frédéric Adam, Jean-Charles Pomerol: Supporting Complex Decision Making Processes with Collaborative Applications - A Case Study. CRIWG 2003: 261-276
25EEPatrick Brézillon: Using Context for Supporting Users Efficiently. HICSS 2003: 127
24EEPatrick Brézillon: Individual and Team Contexts in a Design Process. HICSS 2003: 27
23EEPatrick Brézillon: Context-Based Intelligent Assistant Systems: A Discussion Based on the Analysis of Two Projects. HICSS 2003: 83
22EEPatrick Brézillon: Focusing on Context in Human-Centered Computing. IEEE Intelligent Systems 18(3): 62-66 (2003)
21EEJean-Charles Pomerol, Patrick Brézillon: About Some Relationships between Knowledge and Context. CONTEXT 2001: 461-464
20EEJean-Charles Pomerol, Patrick Brézillon, Laurent Pasquier: Operational Knowledge Representation for Practical Decision Making. HICSS 2001
19EEPatrick Brézillon, Laurent Pasquier, Jean-Charles Pomerol: Representing Operational Knowledge by Contextual Graphs. IBERAMIA-SBIA 2000: 245-258
18 Brian Drabble, Laurent Chaudron, Catherine Tessier, Sue Abu-Hakima, Steven Willmott, Jim Austin, Boi Faltings, Eugene C. Freuder, Gerhard Friedrich, Alex Alves Freitas, Ulises Cortés, Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, David W. Aha, Irma Becerra-Fernandez, Héctor Muñoz-Avila, Aditya Ghose, Tim Menzies, Ken Satoh, Mary Elaine Califf, Michael T. Cox, Sandip Sen, Patrick Brézillon, Jean-Charles Pomerol, Roy M. Turner, Elise H. Turner: Reports on the AAAI 1999 Workshop Program. AI Magazine 21(1): 95-100 (2000)
17 Paolo Bouquet, Luciano Serafini, Patrick Brézillon, Massimo Benerecetti, F. Castellani: Modeling and Using Context, Second International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT'99, Trento, Italy, September 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
16EEJean-Charles Pomerol, Patrick Brézillon: Dynamics between Contextual Knowledge and Proceduralized Context. CONTEXT 1999: 284-295
15EELaurent Pasquier, Patrick Brézillon, Jean-Charles Pomerol: Context and Decision Graphs for Incident Management on a Subway Line. CONTEXT 1999: 499-502
14 Patrick Brézillon: Context in Artificial Intelligence: I. A Survey of the Literature. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 18(4): (1999)
13 Patrick Brézillon: Context in Artificial Intelligence II. Key Elements of Contexts. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 18(5): (1999)
12 Dina Berkeley, George R. Widmeyer, Patrick Brézillon, Vladislav Rajkovic: Context Sensitive Decision Support Systems, IFIP TC8/WG8.3 International Conference on Context Sensitive Decision Support Systems, 13-15 July 1998, Bled, Slovenia Chapman & Hall 1998
11 Patrick Brézillon, Jean-Charles Pomerol: Using contextual information in decision making. Context Sensitive Decision Support Systems 1998: 158-173
10EEJean-Charles Pomerol, Patrick Brézillon: From DSSs to Cooperative Systems: Some Hard Problems Still Remain. HICSS (5) 1998: 64-71
9EEPatrick Brézillon: Introduction to the Special Issue "Using context in applications". Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 48(3): 303-305 (1998)
8EEPatrick Brézillon, Jean-Charles Pomerol, I. Saker: Contextual and contextualized knowledge: an application in subway control. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 48(3): 357-373 (1998)
7EEPatrick Brézillon: Successes and failures of KBSs in real-world applications: Report on the international conference. Knowl.-Based Syst. 10(4): 253-257 (1998)
6EEJean-Charles Pomerol, Patrick Brézillon: Organizational experiences with multicriteria decision support systems : problems and issues. HICSS (3) 1997: 320-327
5 Patrick Brézillon, Suhayya Abu-Hakima: Using Knowledge in Its Context: Report on the IJCAI-93 Workshop. AI Magazine 16(1): 87-91 (1995)
4 Catherine Vicat, Patrick Brézillon, Christian Nottola: Knowledge Validation in the Building of a KBS. EUROVAV 1993: 311-323
3EEDong-Yih Bau, Patrick Brézillon: Model-Based Diagnosis of Power-Station Control Systems. IEEE Expert 7(1): 36-44 (1992)
2EEPatrick Brézillon, Dong-Yih Bau, Alain Hertz, A. P. Fauquembergue Maizener: Elaboration of the SEPT Expert System as the Coupling of a Simulator and a Diagnostician. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1990: 54-60
1 Patrick Brézillon: Interpretation and Rule Packet in Expert Systems. Application to the SEPT Expert System. KBCS 1989: 78-87

Coauthor Index

1Sue Abu-Hakima [18]
2Suhayya Abu-Hakima [5]
3Frédéric Adam [26]
4David W. Aha [18]
5Renata Mendes de Araujo [41] [43] [56]
6Thierry Artières [58]
7Jim Austin (James Austin) [18]
8Dong-Yih Bau [2] [3]
9Mary Bazire [48] [51]
10Irma Becerra-Fernandez [18]
11Massimo Benerecetti [17]
12Dina Berkeley [12]
13Marcos R. S. Borges [36] [38] [57] [65]
14Paolo Bouquet [17]
15Juliette Brézillon [58] [60] [63] [67]
16Mary Elaine Califf [18]
17F. Castellani [17]
18Laurent Chaudron [18]
19Ulises Cortés [18]
20Michael T. Cox [18]
21Brian Drabble [18]
22Boi Faltings [18]
23Alex Alves Freitas [18]
24Eugene C. Freuder [18]
25Gerhard Friedrich [18]
26Alexandre Gachet [40] [42] [44]
27Leslie Ganet [30]
28Aditya K. Ghose (Aditya Ghose) [18]
29Avelino J. Gonzalez [55] [64]
30Alain Hertz [2]
31Brigitte Cambon de Lavalette [48]
32A. P. Fauquembergue Maizener [2]
33E. Marquois [35]
34Tim Menzies [18]
35Ghita Kouadri Mostéfaoui [29] [32] [33] [34] [37] [52]
36Hector Muñoz-Avila (Héctor Muñoz-Avila) [18]
37Christian Nottola [4]
38Laurent Pasquier [15] [19] [20]
39Jacques Pasquier-Rocha (Jacques Pasquier-Boltuck, Jacques Pasquier) [34]
40José A. Pino [36] [38] [57] [65]
41Jean-Charles Pomerol [6] [8] [10] [11] [15] [16] [18] [19] [20] [21] [26] [28] [36] [38] [57] [65]
42Vladislav Rajkovic [12]
43I. Saker [8]
44Ana Carolina Salgado [50] [59] [62]
45Miquel Sànchez-Marrè [18]
46Flávia Maria Santoro [46] [47] [53] [56]
47Ken Satoh [18]
48Sandip Sen [18]
49Luciano Serafini [17]
50Sandra de Albuquerque Siebra [50]
51P. Tedesco [62]
52Patricia Azevedo Tedesco [50] [59]
53Catherine Tessier [18]
54Charles Tijus [30] [48] [58]
55Elise H. Turner [18]
56Roy M. Turner [18]
57Catherine Vicat [4]
58Vaninha Vieira [59] [62]
59George R. Widmeyer [12]
60Steven Willmott [18]
61Pascale Zaraté [66]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)