
Jonathon E. Colburn

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3EEAlvin Jee, Jonathon E. Colburn, V. Swamy Irrinki, Mukesh Puri: Optimizing Memory Tests by Analyzing Defect Coverage. MTDT 2000: 20-28
2 David B. Lavo, Tracy Larrabee, Jonathon E. Colburn: Eliminating the Ouija board: automatic thresholds and probabilistic I_DDQ diagnosis. ITC 1999: 1065-1072
1EEJulie D. Segal, Sergei Bakarian, Jonathon E. Colburn, Madan Kumar, Chang Hong, Alex Shubat: Determining Redundancy Requirements for Memory Arrays with Critical Area Analysis. MTDT 1999: 48-53

Coauthor Index

1Sergei Bakarian [1]
2Chang Hong [1]
3V. Swamy Irrinki [3]
4Alvin Jee [3]
5Madan Kumar [1]
6Tracy Larrabee [2]
7David B. Lavo [2]
8Mukesh Puri [3]
9Julie D. Segal [1]
10Alex Shubat [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)