
A. Lee

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6EES. Bohonos, A. Lee, A. Malik, C. Thai, Roberto Manduchi: Cellphone Accessible Information Via Bluetooth Beaconing for the Visually Impaired. ICCHP 2008: 1117-1121
5EES. Bohonos, A. Lee, A. Malik, C. Thai, Roberto Manduchi: Universal real-time navigational assistance (URNA): an urban bluetooth beacon for the blind. HealthNet 2007: 83-88
4EEGraham A. Jullien, Vassil S. Dimitrov, B. Li, William C. Miller, A. Lee, Majid Ahmadi: A hybrid DBNS processor for DSP computation. ISCAS (1) 1999: 5-8
3EEA. Lee, Majid Ahmadi, Graham A. Jullien, R. S. Lashkan, William C. Miller: Design of 1-D FIR filters with genetic algorithms. ISCAS (3) 1999: 295-298
2 J. S. Weston, Maurice Clint, A. Lee: Array Processor Algorithms for the Symmetric Eigenproblem: An Evaluation. PARCO 1993: 231-240
1EEDennis Tsichritzis, Stavros Christodoulakis, P. Economopoulos, Christos Faloutsos, A. Lee, D. Lee, J. Vandenbroeck, Carson C. Woo: A Multimedia Office Filing System. VLDB 1983: 2-7

Coauthor Index

1Majid Ahmadi [3] [4]
2S. Bohonos [5] [6]
3Stavros Christodoulakis [1]
4Maurice Clint [2]
5Vassil S. Dimitrov [4]
6P. Economopoulos [1]
7Christos Faloutsos [1]
8Graham A. Jullien [3] [4]
9R. S. Lashkan [3]
10D. Lee [1]
11B. Li [4]
12A. Malik [5] [6]
13Roberto Manduchi [5] [6]
14William C. Miller [3] [4]
15C. Thai [5] [6]
16Dennis Tsichritzis [1]
17J. Vandenbroeck [1]
18J. S. Weston [2]
19Carson C. Woo (Carson Woo) [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)