Volume 8,
Number 1-3,
October 1988
International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processors in Computational Science III,
25-28 August 1987
- A. Kashko, Hilary Buxton, Bernard F. Buxton, David A. Castelow:
Parallel matching and reconstruction algorithms in computer vision.
3-17 BibTeX
- Chris R. Jesshope:
Transputers and switches as objects in OCCAM.
19-30 BibTeX
- H. F. Jordan:
Programming language concepts for multiprocessors.
31-40 BibTeX
- Jack Dongarra, Danny C. Sorensen, K. Connolly, J. Patterson:
Programming methodology and performance issues for advanced computer architectures.
41-58 BibTeX
- Philip C. Treleaven:
Parallel architecture overview.
59-70 BibTeX
- B. M. Forrest, D. Roweth, N. Stroud, D. J. Wallace, G. V. Wilson:
Neural network models.
71-83 BibTeX
- Robert G. Babb II, Lise Storc, Peter G. Eltgroth:
Parallelization schemes for 2-D hydrodynamics codes using the independent time step method.
85-89 BibTeX
- K. Miura, Robert G. Babb II:
Tradeoffs in granularity and parallelization for a Monte Carlo shower simulation code.
91-100 BibTeX
- Clive F. Baillie:
Comparing shared and distributed memory computers.
101-110 BibTeX
- Thomas Brandes:
Determination of dependencies in a knowledge-based parallelization tool.
111-119 BibTeX
- G. Carver:
A spectral meteorological method on the ICL DAP.
121-126 BibTeX
- Maurice Clint, Donal Roantree, Alan Stewart:
Towards the construction of an eigenvalue engine.
127-132 BibTeX
- A. Corona, Claudio Martini, Mauro Morando, Sandro Ridella, Claudia Rolando:
Solving linear equation systems on vector computers with maximum efficiency.
133-139 BibTeX
- Danny Crookes, Philip J. Morrow, Peter Milligan, P. L. Kilpatrick, N. S. Scott:
An array processing language for transputer networks.
141-148 BibTeX
- D. Dent, M. O'Neill:
Microtasking as a complement to macrotasking.
149-154 BibTeX
- Peter G. Eltgroth, Mark K. Seager:
The sub-implicit method: new multiprocessor algorithms for old implicit codes.
155-163 BibTeX
- Rhys S. Francis, Ian D. Mathieson:
Synchronised execution on shared memory multiprocessors.
165-175 BibTeX
- R. Gurke:
The approximate solution of the Euclidean traveling salesman problem on a CRAY X-MP.
177-183 BibTeX
- A. Inoue, A. Maeda:
The architecture of a multi-vector processor system, VVP.
185-193 BibTeX
- Tamás Legendi, Endre Katona, J. Toth, A. Zsótér:
Megacell machine.
195-199 BibTeX
- Heinz Mühlenbein, Ottmar Krämer, F. Limburger, Monika Mevenkamp, S. Streitz:
MUPPET: a programming environment for message-based multiprocessors.
201-221 BibTeX
- Wolfgang E. Nagel:
Using multiple CPUs for problem solving: experiences in multitasking on the CRAY X-MP/48.
223-230 BibTeX
- S. Katz, Wayne A. Ray, G. Walder:
Multiprocessor software for the CYBERPLUS high performance system.
231-244 BibTeX
- J. B. G. Roberts, J. G. Harp, B. C. Merrifield, K. J. Palmer, P. Simpson, J. S. Ward, H. C. Webber:
Evaluating parallel processors for real-time applications.
245-254 BibTeX
- David F. Snelling, G.-R. Hoffmann:
A comparative study of libraries for parallel processing.
255-266 BibTeX
- D. A. Tanqueray, David F. Snelling:
A distributed self-scheduler for partially ordered tasks.
267-273 BibTeX
- R. Wait:
Partitioning and preconditioning of finite element matrices on the DAP.
275-284 BibTeX
- Harvey J. Wasserman, Margaret L. Simmons, Olaf M. Lubeck:
The performance of minisupercomputers: Alliant FX/8, Convex C-1, and SCS-40.
285-293 BibTeX
- Andrew T. Brint, Valerie J. Gillet, Michael F. Lynch, Peter Willett, Gordon A. Manson, G. A. Wilson:
Chemical graph matching using transputer networks.
295-300 BibTeX
- Zahari Zlatev, Phuong Vu, Jerzy Wasniewski, Kjeld Schaumburg:
Computations with symmetric, positive definite and band matrices on a parallel vector processor.
301-312 BibTeX
- J. Berntsen, Terje O. Espelid:
A parallel global adaptive quadrature algorithm for hypercubes.
313-323 BibTeX
- R. Wait, N. G. Brown:
Overlapping block methods for solving tridiagonal systems on transputer arrays.
325-333 BibTeX
- A. J. Davies:
The boundary element method on the ICL DAP.
335-343 BibTeX
- J. J. Du Croz, Peter Mayes, Jerzy Wasniewski, S. Wilson:
Applications of Level 2 BLAS in the NAG library.
345-350 BibTeX
- C.-H. Lai, Heather M. Liddell:
Finite elements using long vectors of the DAP.
351-361 BibTeX
- A. McKerrell, L. M. Delves:
Monte Carlo simulation of neutron diffusion on SIMD architectures.
363-370 BibTeX
- R. Reuter:
Solving tridiagonal systems of linear equations on the IBM 3090 VF.
371-376 BibTeX
- Giuseppe Radicati di Brozolo, Yves Robert, Piero Sguazzero:
Dense linear systems FORTRAN solvers on the IBM 3090 vector multiprocessor.
377-384 BibTeX
- C. Froese Fischer, N. S. Scott, J. Yoo:
Multitasking the calculation of angular integrals on the CRAY-2 and CRAY X-MP.
385-390 BibTeX
- H. Finnemann, Jürgen Brehm, E. Michel, Jens Volkert:
Solution of the neutron diffusion equation through multigrid methods implemented on a memory-coupled 25-processor system.
391-398 BibTeX
- Christine A. Pogue, Edie M. Rasmussen, Peter Willett:
Searching and clustering of databases using the ICL distributed array processor.
399-407 BibTeX
- David F. Snelling:
Standard FORTRAN 77 as a parallel language.
409-414 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:16:18 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)