
Haoxun Chen

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21EEYugang Yu, Feng Chu, Haoxun Chen: A Stackelberg game and its improvement in a VMI system with a manufacturing vendor. European Journal of Operational Research 192(3): 929-948 (2009)
20EEZhihai Xiang, Chengbin Chu, Haoxun Chen: The study of a dynamic dial-a-ride problem under time-dependent and stochastic environments. European Journal of Operational Research 185(2): 534-551 (2008)
19EEYugang Yu, Haoxun Chen, Feng Chu: A new model and hybrid approach for large scale inventory routing problems. European Journal of Operational Research 189(3): 1022-1040 (2008)
18EELionel Amodeo, Haoxun Chen, Aboubacar El Hadji: Multi-objective Supply Chain Optimization: An Industrial Case Study. EvoWorkshops 2007: 732-741
17 Karim Labadi, Haoxun Chen, Lionel Amodeo: Transformation analysis methods for the BDSPN model. ICINCO-SPSMC 2007: 135-141
16EEJianxiang Li, Feng Chu, Haoxun Chen: Probabilistic analysis on three-level distribution systems. SMC 2007: 1729-1734
15EEYugang Yu, Feng Chu, Haoxun Chen: A note on coordination of production and distribution planning. European Journal of Operational Research 177(1): 626-629 (2007)
14EEY. Hani, Lionel Amodeo, Farouk Yalaoui, Haoxun Chen: Ant colony optimization for solving an industrial layout problem. European Journal of Operational Research 183(2): 633-642 (2007)
13EEKarim Labadi, Haoxun Chen, Lionel Amodeo: Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Inventory Systems Using Batch Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 37(6): 1287-1302 (2007)
12EEZhihai Xiang, Chengbin Chu, Haoxun Chen: A fast heuristic for solving a large-scale static dial-a-ride problem under complex constraints. European Journal of Operational Research 174(2): 1117-1139 (2006)
11EEKarim Labadi, Haoxun Chen, Lionel Amodeo: Batch deterministic and stochastic Petri nets modeling, analysis and its application to supply chain. SMC (5) 2004: 4515-4520
10 Haoxun Chen, Chengbin Chu: Supply chain planning with order/setup costs and capacity constraints a new Lagrangian relaxation approach. ICRA 2003: 1743-1748
9EEHaoxun Chen, Peter B. Luh: An alternative framework to Lagrangian relaxation approach for job shop scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research 149(3): 499-512 (2003)
8 Haoxun Chen, Lionel Amodeo, Feng Chu: Batch Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets: A Tool for Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Supply Chain. ICRA 2002: 78-83
7 Haoxun Chen, Peter B. Luh, Lei Fang: A Time Window Based Approach for Job Shop Scheduling. ICRA 2001: 842-847
6EEHaoxun Chen, Hans-Michael Hanisch: Analysis of Hybrid Systems Based on Hybrid Net Condition/Event System Model. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 11(1-2): 163-185 (2001)
5 Haoxun Chen, Peter B. Luh: Scheduling and Coordination in Manufacturing Enterprise Automation. ICRA 2000: 389-394
4 Haoxun Chen, Hans-Michael Hanisch: Control synthesis of timed discrete event systems based on predicate invariance. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 30(5): 713-724 (2000)
3 Haoxun Chen, Jürgen Ihlow, Carsten Lehmann: A Genetic Algorithm for Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling. ICRA 1999: 1120-1125
2EEHaoxun Chen, Hans-Michael Hanisch: Control Synthesis of Hybrid Systems Based on Predicate Invariance. Hybrid Systems 1997: 1-15
1 Haoxun Chen, Chengbin Chu, Jean-Marie Proth: A More Efficient lagrangian Relaxation Approach to Job-Shop Scheduling Problems. ICRA 1995: 496-501

Coauthor Index

1Lionel Amodeo [8] [11] [13] [14] [17] [18]
2Chengbin Chu [1] [10] [12] [20]
3Feng Chu [8] [15] [16] [19] [21]
4Lei Fang [7]
5Aboubacar El Hadji [18]
6Y. Hani [14]
7Hans-Michael Hanisch [2] [4] [6]
8Jürgen Ihlow [3]
9Karim Labadi [11] [13] [17]
10Carsten Lehmann [3]
11Jianxiang Li [16]
12Peter B. Luh [5] [7] [9]
13Jean-Marie Proth [1]
14Zhihai Xiang [12] [20]
15Farouk Yalaoui [14]
16Yugang Yu [15] [19] [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)