Volume 3,
Number 1,
Volume 3,
Numbers 2-3,
Special issue on causal modeling
- Werner Horn:
Special issue on causal modeling: Preface.
- Bert Bredeweg:
Introducing meta-levels to qualitative reasoning.
85-100 BibTeX
- Hans Voß, Marc Linster:
Interval-Based envisioning in HIQUAL.
101-128 BibTeX
- Timothy W. Finin, David Klein:
Characterizing knowledge depth in intelligent safety systems.
129-142 BibTeX
- Richard J. Doyle:
Creating and using causal models.
143-166 BibTeX
- Barbara White, John Frederiksen:
Causal models as intelligent learning environments for science and engineering education.
167-190 BibTeX
- Mallory Selfridge:
Toward a natural language-based causal model acquisition system.
191-212 BibTeX
- Luc Steels:
Diagnosis with a function-fault model.
213-237 BibTeX
- Jean-Marc David, Jean-Paul Krivine:
Augmenting experience-based diagnosis with causal reasoning.
239-248 BibTeX
- Oksana Senyk, Ramesh S. Patil, Frank A. Sonnenberg:
Systematic knowledge base design for medical.
249-274 BibTeX
- Jon Sticklen, B. Chandrasekaran:
Integrating classification-based complied level reasoning with function-based deep level reasoning.
275-304 BibTeX
- Werner Horn:
MESICAR - A medical expert system integrating causal and associative reasoning.
305-336 BibTeX
- David E. Hirsch, Sheldon R. Simon, Tom Bylander, Michael A. Weintraub, Peter Szolovits:
Using causal reasoning in gait analysis.
337-356 BibTeX
- Phyllis Koton:
A method for improving the efficiency of model-based reasoning systems.
357-366 BibTeX
- William J. Long:
Medical Diagnosis using a probabilistic causal network.
367-383 BibTeX
- Kristian G. Olesen, Uffe Kjærulff, Frank Jensen, Finn Verner Jensen, Björn Falck, Steen Andreassen, Stig K. Andersen:
A munin network for the median nerve - a case study on loops.
385-403 BibTeX
Volume 3,
Number 4,
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:49:04 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)