
Howard C. Card

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33 Howard C. Card: Input Multiplexing in Artificial Neurons Employing Stochastic Arithmetic. Neural Processing Letters 15(1): 1-8 (2002)
32EEDean K. McNeill, Howard C. Card: Dynamic range and error tolerance of stochastic neural rate codes. Neurocomputing 48(1-4): 905-917 (2002)
31EEBradley D. Brown, Howard C. Card: Stochastic Neural Computation I: Computational Elements. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(9): 891-905 (2001)
30EEBradley D. Brown, Howard C. Card: Stochastic Neural Computation II: Soft Competitive Learning. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(9): 906-920 (2001)
29EEHoward C. Card: Stochastic Radial Basis Functions. Int. J. Neural Syst. 11(2): 203-210 (2001)
28EEHoward C. Card: Dynamics of stochastic artificial neurons. Neurocomputing 41(1-4): 173-182 (2001)
27EENatalija Vlajic, Thomas Kunz, Howard C. Card: Image-Compression for Wireless World Wide Web Browsing: A Neural Network Approach. IJCNN (1) 2000: 169-176
26EEAndrew D. Brown, Howard C. Card: Cooperative Coevolution of Neural Representations. Int. J. Neural Syst. 10(4): 311-320 (2000)
25EERoland S. Schneider, Howard C. Card: Instabilities and Oscillation in the Deterministic Boltzmann Machine. Int. J. Neural Syst. 10(4): 321-330 (2000)
24EEDean K. McNeill, Howard C. Card: Competitive Learning and its Application in Adaptive Vision for Autonomous Mobile Robots. Connect. Sci. 11(3-4): 345-357 (1999)
23 Andrew D. Brown, Howard C. Card: Cooperative-Competitive Algorithms for Evolutionary Networks Classifying Noisy Digital Images. Neural Processing Letters 10(3): 223-229 (1999)
22 Howard C. Card, G. K. Rosendahl, Dean K. McNeill, Robert D. McLeod: Competitive Learning Algorithms and Neurocomputer Architecture. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(8): 847-858 (1998)
21EEHoward C. Card: Doubly stochastic Poisson processes in artificial neural learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(1): 229-231 (1998)
20EEHoward C. Card, Dean K. McNeill, Christian R. Schneider, Roland S. Schneider, Brion K. Dolenko: Tolerance of On-Chip Learning to Various Circuit Inaccuracies. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 8(2): 315-327 (1998)
19EEG. K. Rosendahl, Robert D. McLeod, Howard C. Card: A DSP-FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Computer. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 8(4): 453-459 (1998)
18EEHoward C. Card: Artificial Neural Computations in Digital Arrays. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 8(5-6): 525-539 (1998)
17EEHoward C. Card, Srigouri Kamarsu, Dean K. McNeill: Competitive learning and vector quantization in digital VLSI systems. Neurocomputing 18(1-3): 195-227 (1998)
16 Howard C. Card, Dean K. McNeill, Christian R. Schneider, Roland S. Schneider: The Impact of VLSI Fabrication on Neural Learning. ISCAS 1995: 985-988
15EEH. Zhou, Howard C. Card, Gregory E. Bridges: Parallel pseudorandom number generation in GaAs cellular automata for high speed circuit testing. J. Electronic Testing 6(3): 325-330 (1995)
14EEHoward C. Card, Christian R. Schneider, Roland S. Schneider: Learning capacitive weights in analog CMOS neural networks. VLSI Signal Processing 8(3): 209-225 (1994)
13EEHoward C. Card: Analog Circuits For Relaxation Networks. Int. J. Neural Syst. 4(4): 359-379 (1993)
12EEHoward C. Card, Christian R. Schneider: Analog Cmos Neural Circuits - In Situ Learning. Int. J. Neural Syst. 3(2): 103-124 (1992)
11 Peter D. Hortensius, Robert D. McLeod, Howard C. Card: Cellular Automata-Based Signature analysis for Built-in Self-Test. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(10): 1273-1283 (1990)
10 Christopher J. Zarowski, Howard C. Card: On Addition and Multiplication with Hensel Codes. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(12): 1417-1423 (1990)
9EEHoward C. Card, Will R. Moore: Silicon models of associative learning in Aplysia. Neural Networks 3(3): 333-346 (1990)
8 Peter D. Hortensius, Robert D. McLeod, Howard C. Card: Parallel Random Number Generation for VLSI Systems Using Cellular Automata. IEEE Trans. Computers 38(10): 1466-1473 (1989)
7 Peter D. Hortensius, Howard C. Card, Robert D. McLeod, Werner Pries: Importance Sampling for Ising Computers Using One-Dimensional Cellular Automata. IEEE Trans. Computers 38(6): 769-774 (1989)
6EEPeter D. Hortensius, Robert D. McLeod, Werner Pries, D. M. Miller, Howard C. Card: Cellular automata-based pseudorandom number generators for built-in self-test. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 8(8): 842-859 (1989)
5EEHoward C. Card, Will R. Moore: Vlsi Devices and Circuits for Neural Networks. Int. J. Neural Syst. 1(2): 149-165 (1989)
4 Howard C. Card, P. Glenn Gulak, Robert D. McLeod, Werner Pries: (lambda, T) Complexity Measures for VLSI Computations in Constant Chip Area. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(1): 112-117 (1987)
3 Gregory E. Bridges, Werner Pries, Robert D. McLeod, M. Yunik, P. Glenn Gulak, Howard C. Card: Dual Systolic Architectures for VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(10): 916-923 (1986)
2 Werner Pries, Adonios Thanailakis, Howard C. Card: Group Properties of Cellular Automata and VLSI Applications. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(12): 1013-1024 (1986)
1 Howard C. Card, Adonios Thanailakis, Werner Pries, Robert D. McLeod: Analysis of Bounded Linear Cellular Automata Based on a Method of Image Charges. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 33(3): 473-480 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Gregory E. Bridges [3] [15]
2Andrew D. Brown [23] [26]
3Bradley D. Brown [30] [31]
4Brion K. Dolenko [20]
5P. Glenn Gulak [3] [4]
6Peter D. Hortensius [6] [7] [8] [11]
7Srigouri Kamarsu [17]
8Thomas Kunz [27]
9Robert D. McLeod [1] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [11] [19] [22]
10Dean K. McNeill [16] [17] [20] [22] [24] [32]
11D. M. Miller [6]
12Will R. Moore [5] [9]
13Werner Pries [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
14G. K. Rosendahl [19] [22]
15Christian R. Schneider [12] [14] [16] [20]
16Roland S. Schneider [14] [16] [20] [25]
17Adonios Thanailakis (Antonios Thanailakis) [1] [2]
18Natalija Vlajic [27]
19M. Yunik [3]
20Christopher J. Zarowski [10]
21H. Zhou [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)