
Yibing Wang

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5EEYibing Wang, Markos Papageorgiou, Albert Messmer, Pierluigi Coppola, Athina Tzimitsi, Agostino Nuzzolo: An adaptive freeway traffic state estimator. Automatica 45(1): 10-24 (2009)
4EEUrbano Nunes, Hesham Rakha, Yibing Wang, Der Horng Lee: Special Issue on ITSC 2006. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(1): 1-4 (2008)
3EEMarkos Papageorgiou, Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, Ioannis Papamichail, Yibing Wang: A Misapplication of the Local Ramp Metering Strategy ALINEA. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(2): 360-365 (2008)
2 Yibing Wang, Robert M. Hyatt: A Distributed Task Scheduler for Cluster Computing. PDPTA 2002: 803-808
1 Yibing Wang, Robert M. Hyatt, Barrett R. Bryant: Architectural Considerations with Distributed Computing. ICEIS 2000: 535-536

Coauthor Index

1Barrett R. Bryant [1]
2Pierluigi Coppola [5]
3Robert M. Hyatt [1] [2]
4Elias B. Kosmatopoulos [3]
5Der Horng Lee [4]
6Albert Messmer [5]
7Urbano Nunes [4]
8Agostino Nuzzolo [5]
9Markos Papageorgiou [3] [5]
10Ioannis Papamichail [3]
11Hesham Rakha [4]
12Athina Tzimitsi [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)