
Chang-Hyun Jo

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21EEChang-Hyun Jo, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant: Special track on Programming Languages: editorial message. SAC 2008: 189-190
20EEChang-Hyun Jo, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant: Editorial message: programming languages track. SAC 2006: 1601-1602
19EEChang-Hyun Jo, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant: Editorial: programming languages track. SAC 2005: 1383-1384
18EEChang-Hyun Jo, Jeffery M. Einhorn: A BDI Agent-Based Software Process. Journal of Object Technology 4(9): 101-121 (2005)
17EEChang-Hyun Jo, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant: Editorial message: special track on the programming languages. SAC 2004: 1453-1454
16EEChang-Hyun Jo, Guobin Chen, James Choi: A new approach to the BDI agent-based modeling. SAC 2004: 1541-1545
15EEChang-Hyun Jo: A New Way of Discovery of Belief, Desire and Intention in the BDI Agent-Based Software Modeling. JACIII 8(1): 2-6 (2004)
14 Xin Feng, Chang-Hyun Jo: Agent-Based Stock Trader. Computers and Their Applications 2003: 275-278
13 Wei Zhao, Chang-Hyun Jo: A Compiler Design for the Agent-Based Programming Language. Computers and Their Applications 2003: 393-396
12 Dongqing Lin, Thomas P. Wiggen, Chang-Hyun Jo: A Restaurant Finder using Belief-Desire-Intention Agent Model and Java Technology. Computers and Their Applications 2003: 404-407
11 Chang-Hyun Jo, Rajeev R. Raje: Programming Languages and Object Technologies Track Editorial. SAC 2003: 1046-1047
10 Chang-Hyun Jo, Allen J. Arnold: A Portable and Collaborative Distributed Programming Environment. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 198-203
9 Chang-Hyun Jo, Jeffery M. Einhorn: A Process for BDI Agent-Based Software Construction. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 204-209
8EEChang-Hyun Jo, Allen J. Arnold: The Agent-based Programming Language: APL. SAC 2002: 27-31
7EEChang-Hyun Jo, Rajeev R. Raje: Editorial message: special track on the programming languages and object technologies. SAC 2002: 925-926
6EEChang-Hyun Jo: A seamless approach to the agent development. SAC 2001: 641-647
5 Timothy E. Denehy, Chang-Hyun Jo: Parallel C++ for the Java Virtual Machine. SAC (2) 2000: 843-848
4EEChang-Hyun Jo, Jea Gi Son, Younwoo Kang, Phill Soo Lim: The Distributed Programming Environment on the Internet. SAC 1999: 85-90
3EEChang-Hyun Jo, Chan-Ho Lee, Jea Gi Son: A realization of a concurrent object-oriented programming. SAC 1998: 558-563
2EEChang-Hyun Jo, Phil Sun Kim, Hyeung Sik Im, Eui Hyun Paik, Byung-Sun Lee: A design and prototyping of an object-oriented program debugger. SAC 1997: 45-51
1EEChang-Hyun Jo: An experiment on a concurrent object-oriented programming language. SAC 1996: 98-104

Coauthor Index

1Allen J. Arnold [8] [10]
2Barrett R. Bryant [17] [19] [20] [21]
3Guobin Chen [16]
4James Choi [16]
5Timothy E. Denehy [5]
6Jeffery M. Einhorn [9] [18]
7Xin Feng [14]
8Hyeung Sik Im [2]
9Younwoo Kang [4]
10Phil Sun Kim [2]
11Byung-Sun Lee [2]
12Chan-Ho Lee [3]
13Phill Soo Lim [4]
14Dongqing Lin [12]
15Marjan Mernik [17] [19] [20] [21]
16Eui Hyun Paik [2]
17Rajeev R. Raje [7] [11]
18Jea Gi Son [3] [4]
19Thomas P. Wiggen [12]
20Wei Zhao [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)