2007 |
7 | EE | Vincent Danjean,
Roland Gillard,
Serge Guelton,
Jean-Louis Roch,
Thomas Roche:
Adaptive loops with kaapi on multicore and grid: applications in symmetric cryptography.
PASCO 2007: 33-42 |
2006 |
6 | EE | Claire Bardel,
Vincent Danjean,
Emmanuelle Génin:
ALTree: association detection and localization of susceptibility sites using haplotype phylogenetic trees.
Bioinformatics 22(11): 1402-1403 (2006) |
2005 |
5 | EE | Vincent Danjean,
Raymond Namyst,
Pierre-André Wacrenier:
An Efficient Multi-level Trace Toolkit for Multi-threaded Applications.
Euro-Par 2005: 166-175 |
4 | EE | Vincent Danjean,
Pierre-André Wacrenier:
Mécanismes de traces efficaces pour programmes multithreadés.
Technique et Science Informatiques 24(5): 525-545 (2005) |
2003 |
3 | EE | Vincent Danjean,
Raymond Namyst:
Controlling Kernel Scheduling from User Space: An Approach to Enhancing Applications' Reactivity to I/O Events.
HiPC 2003: 490-499 |
2002 |
2 | EE | Luc Bougé,
Vincent Danjean,
Raymond Namyst:
Improving Reactivity to I/O Events in Multithreaded Environments Using a Uniform, Scheduler-Centric API.
Euro-Par 2002: 605-614 |
2000 |
1 | EE | Vincent Danjean,
Raymond Namyst,
Robert D. Russell:
Integrating Kernel Activations in a Multithreaded Runtime System on Top of LINUX.
IPDPS Workshops 2000: 1160-1167 |