
Vanderlei Bonato

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7EEVanderlei Bonato, Eduardo Marques, George A. Constantinides: A Parallel Hardware Architecture for Image Feature Detection. ARC 2008: 136-147
6EEVanderlei Bonato, Eduardo Marques, George A. Constantinides: A floating-point Extended Kalman Filter implementation for autonomous mobile robots. FPL 2007: 576-579
5EEVanderlei Bonato, Rafael Peron, Denis F. Wolf, José A. M. de Holanda, Eduardo Marques, João M. P. Cardoso: An FPGA Implementation for a Kalman Filter with Application to Mobile Robotics. SIES 2007: 148-155
4EEVanderlei Bonato, José A. de Holanda, Eduardo Marques: An Embedded Multi-camera System for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. ARC 2006: 109-114
3 Vanderlei Bonato, Adriano K. Sanches, Márcio M. Fernandes, João M. P. Cardoso, Eduardo D. V. Simões, Eduardo Marques: A Real Time Gesture Recognition System for Mobile Robots. ICINCO (2) 2004: 207-214
2EEVanderlei Bonato, Rolf Fredi Molz, João Carlos Furtado, Marcos Flôres Ferrão, Fernando Gehm Moraes: Design of a fingerprint system using a hardware/software environment. FPGA 2003: 240
1EEVanderlei Bonato, Rolf Fredi Molz, João Carlos Furtado, Marcos Flôres Ferrão, Fernando Gehm Moraes: Propose of a Hardware Implementation for Fingerprint Systems. FPL 2003: 1158-1161

Coauthor Index

1João M. P. Cardoso [3] [5]
2George A. Constantinides [6] [7]
3Márcio M. Fernandes [3]
4Marcos Flôres Ferrão [1] [2]
5João Carlos Furtado [1] [2]
6José A. M. de Holanda [5]
7José A. de Holanda [4]
8Eduardo Marques [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Rolf Fredi Molz [1] [2]
10Fernando Gehm Moraes (Fernando Moraes) [1] [2]
11Rafael Peron [5]
12Adriano K. Sanches [3]
13Eduardo D. V. Simões [3]
14Denis F. Wolf [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)