
Krishna Bharath

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6EEKrishna Bharath, Ege Engin, Madhavan Swaminathan: Automatic package and board decoupling capacitor placement using genetic algorithms and M-FDM. DAC 2008: 560-565
5EEKrishna Bharath, Ege Engin, Madhavan Swaminathan, Kazuhide Uriu, Toru Yamada: Computationally Efficient Power Integrity Simulation for System-on-Package Applications. DAC 2007: 612-617
4EEEge Engin, Krishna Bharath, Madhavan Swaminathan: Analysis for Signal and Power Integrity Using the Multilayered Finite Difference Method. ISCAS 2007: 1493-1496
3EERohan Mandrekar, Krishna Bharath, Krishna Srinivasan, Ege Engin, Madhavan Swaminathan: System level signal and power integrity analysis methodology for system-in-package applications. DAC 2006: 1009-1012
2EESudarshan Bahukudumbi, Krishna Bharath: A Low Overhead High Speed Histogram Based Test Methodology for Analog Circuits and IP Cores. VLSI Design 2005: 804-807
1EEN. Venkateswaran, Krishna Bharath: Frequency Domain Testing of General Purpose Processors at the Instruction Execution Level. DELTA 2004: 15-22

Coauthor Index

1Sudarshan Bahukudumbi [2]
2Ege Engin [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Rohan Mandrekar [3]
4Krishna Srinivasan [3]
5Madhavan Swaminathan [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Kazuhide Uriu [5]
7N. Venkateswaran [1]
8Toru Yamada [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)