2009 | ||
67 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Adam Ganz, Stewart McKie: The structure of narrative: The case of film scripts. Pattern Recognition 42(2): 302-312 (2009) |
2008 | ||
66 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Jean-Luc Starck: Wavelet and Curvelet Moments for Image Classification: Application to Aggregate Mixture Grading CoRR abs/0802.3528: (2008) |
65 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Geometric Data Analysis, From Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis (book review) CoRR abs/0804.1244: (2008) |
64 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Adam Ganz, Stewart McKie: The Structure of Narrative: the Case of Film Scripts CoRR abs/0805.3799: (2008) |
63 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: The Correspondence Analysis Platform for Uncovering Deep Structure in Data and Information CoRR abs/0807.0908: (2008) |
62 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Between the Information Economy and Student Recruitment: Present Conjuncture and Future Prospects CoRR abs/0809.0874: (2008) |
61 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Origins of Modern Data Analysis Linked to the Beginnings and Early Development of Computer Science and Information Engineering CoRR abs/0811.2519: (2008) |
60 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Editorial. Comput. J. 51(6): 612-614 (2008) |
59 | EE | Hui Wang, Fionn Murtagh: A Study of the Neighborhood Counting Similarity. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(4): 449-461 (2008) |
58 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Jean-Luc Starck: Wavelet and curvelet moments for image classification: Application to aggregate mixture grading. Pattern Recognition Letters 29(10): 1557-1564 (2008) |
57 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Geoff Downs, Pedro Contreras: Hierarchical Clustering of Massive, High Dimensional Data Sets by Exploiting Ultrametric Embedding. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 30(2): 707-730 (2008) |
2007 | ||
56 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: On Ultrametric Algorithmic Information CoRR abs/0709.0116: (2007) |
55 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Josiane Mothe, Kurt Englmeier: Ontology from Local Hierarchical Structure in Text CoRR abs/cs/0701180: (2007) |
54 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: A Note on Local Ultrametricity in Text CoRR abs/cs/0701181: (2007) |
53 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: The Haar Wavelet Transform of a Dendrogram: Additional Notes CoRR abs/cs/0702067: (2007) |
52 | EE | Jean-Luc Starck, Jalal Fadili, Fionn Murtagh: The Undecimated Wavelet Decomposition and its Reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(2): 297-309 (2007) |
2006 | ||
51 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: The Haar Wavelet Transform of a Dendrogram CoRR abs/cs/0608107: (2006) |
50 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Editorial. Comput. J. 49(2): 134-135 (2006) |
49 | EE | D. Benaouda, Fionn Murtagh, Jean-Luc Starck, O. Renaud: Wavelet-based nonlinear multiscale decomposition model for electricity load forecasting. Neurocomputing 70(1-3): 139-154 (2006) |
2005 | ||
48 | EE | Kurt Englmeier, Josiane Mothe, Fionn Murtagh: How to Bridge the Last Gap of Detail for a Complete Integration of Web Services into Users' Tasks. ICWS 2005: 691-698 |
47 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Editorial. Comput. J. 48(4): 381 (2005) |
46 | EE | O. Renaud, Jean-Luc Starck, Fionn Murtagh: Wavelet-based combined signal filtering and prediction. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 35(6): 1241-1251 (2005) |
45 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Adrian E. Raftery, Jean-Luc Starck: Bayesian inference for multiband image segmentation via model-based cluster trees. Image Vision Comput. 23(6): 587-596 (2005) |
44 | S. Johnstone, Pedro Contreras, Fionn Murtagh, Paul Sage: Peer-to-Peer Information Access and Retrieval. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 10(1): 101-122 (2005) | |
43 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Xiaoyu Qiao, Danny Crookes, Paul Walsh, P. Basheer, Adrian Long, Jean-Luc Starck: A machine vision approach to the grading of crushed aggregate. Mach. Vis. Appl. 16(4): 229-235 (2005) |
2004 | ||
42 | Kurt Englmeier, Josiane Mothe, Fionn Murtagh: Information retrieval emerging from semantic web services. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 261-266 | |
41 | EE | Kurt Englmeier, Fionn Murtagh, Josiane Mothe, Maximilian Stempfhuber: Adapting the Communication of Web Services to the Language of Their User Community. ICWS 2004: 252- |
40 | EE | Kurt Englmeier, Josiane Mothe, Fionn Murtagh: Natural Language Expansion of Web Service Interoperability. PAKM 2004: 441-452 |
39 | EE | Vitorino Ramos, Jonathan Campbell, John Slater, John Gillespie, Ivan F. Bendezu, Fionn Murtagh: Swarming around Shellfish Larvae CoRR abs/cs/0412069: (2004) |
38 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Jean-Luc Starck, O. Renaud: On neuro-wavelet modeling. Decision Support Systems 37(4): 475-484 (2004) |
37 | EE | Christophe Collet, Fionn Murtagh: Multiband segmentation based on a hierarchical Markov model. Pattern Recognition 37(12): 2337-2347 (2004) |
2003 | ||
36 | Jean-Luc Starck, Mai K. Nguyen, Fionn Murtagh: Deconvolution based on the curvelet transform. ICIP (2) 2003: 993-996 | |
35 | EE | Feng Tao, Fionn Murtagh, Mohsen Farid: Weighted Association Rule Mining using weighted support and significance framework. KDD 2003: 661-666 |
34 | Fionn Murtagh, Tugba Taskaya, Pedro Contreras, Josiane Mothe, Kurt Englmeier: Interactive Visual User Interfaces: A Survey. Artif. Intell. Rev. 19(4): 263-283 (2003) | |
33 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Finding Structure in Brownian Motion through Correspondence Analysis CoRR cs.CE/0308009: (2003) |
32 | EE | Jean-Luc Starck, Fionn Murtagh, Emmanuel J. Candès, David L. Donoho: Gray and color image contrast enhancement by the curvelet transform. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12(6): 706-717 (2003) |
31 | EE | Münevver Köküer, Fionn Murtagh, Norman D. McMillan, Sven Riedel, Brian O'Rourke, Katie Beverly, Andy T. Augousti, Julian Mason: A Wavelet, Fourier, and PCA Data Analysis Pipeline: Application to Distinguishing Mixtures of Liquids. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(2): 587-594 (2003) |
30 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Jean-Luc Starck: Quantization from Bayes factors with application to multilevel thresholding. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(12): 2001-2007 (2003) |
29 | EE | Jean-Luc Starck, Mai K. Nguyen, Fionn Murtagh: Wavelets and curvelets for image deconvolution: a combined approach. Signal Processing 83(10): 2279-2283 (2003) |
2002 | ||
28 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Statistics and Trends. Comput. J. 45(3): 259-259 (2002) |
27 | Fionn Murtagh, M. Luoys, Jean-Luc Starck, F. Bonnarel: Compression of grayscale scientific and medical image data. Data Science Journal 1(1): 111-127 (2002) | |
2001 | ||
26 | EE | Mokhtar Nibouche, Ahmed Bouridane, Fionn Murtagh, Omar Nibouche: FPGA-Based Discrete Wavelet Transforms System. FPL 2001: 607-612 |
25 | Alex Aussem, Fionn Murtagh: Web traffic demand forecasting using wavelet-based multiscale decomposition. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 16(2): 215-236 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
24 | EE | Feng Tao, Fionn Murtagh: Information Self-Organization for Knowledge Discovery. DEXA Workshop 2000: 489-493 |
23 | EE | Feng Tao, Fionn Murtagh: Towards Knowledge Discovery from WWW Log Data. ITCC 2000: 302-307 |
22 | Fionn Murtagh, Jean-Luc Starck, Michael W. Berry: Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality in Clustering by Means of the Wavelet Transform. Comput. J. 43(2): 107-120 (2000) | |
21 | Philippe Poinçot, Soizick Lesteven, Fionn Murtagh: Maps of information spaces: Assessments from astronomy. JASIS 51(12): 1081-1089 (2000) | |
20 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, G. Zheng, J. G. Campbell, Alex Aussem: Neural network modelling for environmental prediction. Neurocomputing 30(1-4): 65-70 (2000) |
1999 | ||
19 | EE | Hui Wang, David A. Bell, Fionn Murtagh: Axiomatic Approach to Feature Subset Selection Based on Relevance. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 21(3): 271-277 (1999) |
18 | EE | Mitchel Morehart, Fionn Murtagh, Jean-Luc Starck: Spatial representation of economic and financial measures used in agriculture via wavelet analysis. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 13(6): 557-576 (1999) |
1998 | ||
17 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Jean-Luc Starck: Pattern clustering based on noise modeling in wavelet space. Pattern Recognition 31(7): 847-855 (1998) |
1997 | ||
16 | EE | Alex Aussem, Fionn Murtagh: Combining Neural Network Forecasts on Wavelet-transformed Time Series. Connect. Sci. 9(1): 113-122 (1997) |
15 | EE | J. G. Campbell, Chris Fraley, Fionn Murtagh, Adrian E. Raftery: Linear flaw detection in woven textiles using model-based clustering. Pattern Recognition Letters 18(14): 1539-1548 (1997) |
1996 | ||
14 | EE | Alex Aussem, Fionn Murtagh, Marc Sarazin: Fuzzy astronomical seeing nowcasts with a dynamical and recurrent connectionist network. Neurocomputing 13(2-4): 359-373 (1996) |
1995 | ||
13 | Jean-Luc Starck, Fionn Murtagh, Albert Bijaoui: Multiresolution Support Applied to Image Filtering and Restoration. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 57(5): 420-431 (1995) | |
12 | EE | Alex Aussem, Fionn Murtagh, Marc Sarazin: Dynamical recurrent neural networks -- towards environmental time series prediction. Int. J. Neural Syst. 6(2): 145-170 (1995) |
11 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Interpreting the Kohonen self-organizing feature map using contiguity-constrained clustering. Pattern Recognition Letters 16(4): 399-408 (1995) |
1994 | ||
10 | Fionn Murtagh: Content-Based Information Retrival: New Tools for Textual Data, New Problems for Image Data. CODATA 1994: 13-20 | |
1992 | ||
9 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Comments on 'Parallel Algorithms for Hierarchical Clustering and Cluster Validity'. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(10): 1056-1057 (1992) |
8 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Contiguity-constrained clustering for image analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters 13(9): 677-683 (1992) |
1990 | ||
7 | Fionn Murtagh: Multilayer perceptrons for classification and regression. Neurocomputing 2(5): 183-197 (1990) | |
1988 | ||
6 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Conference Report: Astronomy from Large Databases: Scientific Objectives and Methodological Approaches. SIGMOD Record 17(2): 108-111 (1988) |
1985 | ||
5 | Fionn Murtagh: A Survey of Algorithms for Contiguity-Constrained Clustering and Related Problems. Comput. J. 28(1): 82-88 (1985) | |
1984 | ||
4 | EE | Fionn Murtagh: Structure of hierarchic clusterings: implications for information retrieval and for multivariate data analysis. Inf. Process. Manage. 20(5-6): 611-617 (1984) |
3 | EE | Fionn Murtagh, Adrian E. Raftery: Fitting straight lines to point patterns. Pattern Recognition 17(5): 479-483 (1984) |
1983 | ||
2 | Fionn Murtagh: A Survey of Recent Advances in Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms. Comput. J. 26(4): 354-359 (1983) | |
1 | Fionn Murtagh: Expected-Time Complexity Results for Hierarchic Clustering Algorithms Which Use Cluster Centres. Inf. Process. Lett. 16(5): 237-241 (1983) |