
Jerome H. Friedman

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11EEVito Di Gesù, Giosuè Lo Bosco, Jerome H. Friedman: Intruders pattern identification. ICPR 2008: 1-4
10EEVito Di Gesù, Jerome H. Friedman: New Similarity Rules for Mining Data. WIRN/NAIS 2005: 179-187
9 Jerome H. Friedman: On Bias, Variance, 0/1-Loss, and the Curse-of-Dimensionality. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 1(1): 55-77 (1997)
8 Jerome H. Friedman, Ron Kohavi, Yeogirl Yun: Lazy Decision Trees. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 717-724
7EEJerome H. Friedman: Adaptive Spline Networks. NIPS 1990: 675-683
6 Jon Louis Bentley, Jerome H. Friedman: Data Structures for Range Searching. ACM Comput. Surv. 11(4): 397-409 (1979)
5 Jon Louis Bentley, Jerome H. Friedman: Fast Algorithms for Constructing Minimal Spanning Trees in Coordinate Spaces. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(2): 97-105 (1978)
4EEJerome H. Friedman, Jon Louis Bentley, Raphael A. Finkel: An Algorithm for Finding Best Matches in Logarithmic Expected Time. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 3(3): 209-226 (1977)
3 Jerome H. Friedman: A Recursive Partitioning Decision Rule for Nonparametric Classification. IEEE Trans. Computers 26(4): 404-408 (1977)
2 Mary Anne Fisherkeller, Jerome H. Friedman, John W. Tukey: PRIM-9: An Interactive Multi-dimensional Data Display and Analysis System. ACM Pacific 1975: 140-145
1 Jerome H. Friedman, Forest Baskett, Leonard J. Shustek: An Algorithm for Finding Nearest Neighbors. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(10): 1000-1006 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Forest Baskett [1]
2Jon Louis Bentley [4] [5] [6]
3Giosuè Lo Bosco [11]
4Raphael A. Finkel [4]
5Mary Anne Fisherkeller [2]
6Vito Di Gesù [10] [11]
7Ron Kohavi [8]
8Leonard J. Shustek [1]
9John W. Tukey [2]
10Yeogirl Yun [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)