2009 |
97 | EE | Ali Mili,
Frederick T. Sheldon:
Challenging the Mean Time to Failure: Measuring Dependability as a Mean Failure Cost.
HICSS 2009: 1-10 |
96 | EE | Frederick T. Sheldon,
Robert K. Abercrombie,
Ali Mili:
Methodology for Evaluating Security Controls Based on Key Performance Indicators and Stakeholder Mission.
HICSS 2009: 1-10 |
2008 |
95 | EE | Robert K. Abercrombie,
Frederick T. Sheldon,
Ali Mili:
Synopsis of Evaluating Security Controls Based on Key Performance Indicators and Stakeholder Mission Value.
HASE 2008: 479-482 |
94 | | Ali Mili,
Shir Aharon,
Chaitanya Nadkarni:
An Algorithm for Computing Loop Functions.
SEKE 2008: 448-453 |
2007 |
93 | EE | Ali Mili,
Frederick T. Sheldon:
Measuring Reliability as a Mean Failure Cost.
HASE 2007: 403-404 |
92 | EE | Ali Mili,
Tim Daly,
Mark Pleszkoch,
Stacy J. Prowell:
A Semantic Recognizer Infrastructure for Computing Loop Behavior.
HICSS 2007: 277 |
91 | EE | Ali Mili,
Alex Vinokurov,
Lamia Labed Jilani,
Frederick T. Sheldon,
Rahma Ben Ayed:
Towards an Engineering Discipline of Computational Society.
HICSS 2007: 281 |
90 | | Mustafa Korkmaz,
Ali Mili:
A Product Line of Software Reuse Cost Models.
ICSOFT (SE) 2007: 264-269 |
89 | | Yanzhi Bai,
Ali Mili:
Monitoring software technology evolution, one trend at a time.
SEDE 2007: 349-355 |
88 | EE | Ali Mili:
A Refinement Based Framework for Computing Loop Behavior.
SEW 2007: 144-153 |
87 | EE | Yi Peng,
Fu Li,
Ali Mili:
Modeling the evolution of operating systems: An empirical study.
Journal of Systems and Software 80(1): 1-15 (2007) |
2006 |
86 | EE | Ali Mili,
Frederick T. Sheldon,
Lamia Labed Jilani,
Alex Vinokurov,
Alexander Thomasian,
Rahma Ben Ayed:
Modeling security as a dependability attribute: a refinement-based approach.
ISSE 2(1): 39-48 (2006) |
2005 |
85 | EE | Walid Abdelmoez,
Mark Shereshevsky,
Rajesh Gunnalan,
Hany H. Ammar,
Bo Yu,
S. Bogazzi,
Mustafa Korkmaz,
Ali Mili:
Quantifying software architectures: an analysis of change propagation probabilities.
AICCSA 2005: 124 |
84 | EE | Ali Mili,
Frederick T. Sheldon,
Fatma Mili,
Mark Shereshevsky,
Jules Desharnais:
Perspectives on Redundancy: Applications to Software Certification.
HICSS 2005 |
83 | EE | I. Shaik,
Walid Abdelmoez,
Rajesh Gunnalan,
Mark Shereshevsky,
A. Zeid,
Hany H. Ammar,
Ali Mili,
Christopher P. Fuhrman:
Change Propagation for Assessing Design Quality of Software Architectures.
WICSA 2005: 205-208 |
82 | EE | Yaofei Chen,
Rose Dios,
Ali Mili,
Lan Wu,
Kefei Wang:
An Empirical Study of Programming Language Trends.
IEEE Software 22(3): 72-78 (2005) |
81 | EE | Ali Mili,
Frederick T. Sheldon,
Fatma Mili,
Jules Desharnais:
Recoverability preservation: a measure of last resort.
ISSE 1(1): 54-62 (2005) |
80 | EE | Vittorio Cortellessa,
Diego Del Gobbo,
Mark Shereshevsky,
Jules Desharnais,
Ali Mili:
Relational characterizations of system fault tolerance.
Sci. Comput. Program. 56(3): 343-361 (2005) |
2004 |
79 | EE | Ali Mili,
GuangJie Jiang,
Bojan Cukic,
Yan Liu,
Rahma Ben Ayed:
Towards the Verification and Validation of Online Learning Systems: General Framework and Applications.
HICSS 2004 |
78 | EE | Walid Abdelmoez,
Mark Shereshevsky,
Rajesh Gunnalan,
Hany H. Ammar,
Bo Yu,
S. Bogazzi,
Mustafa Korkmaz,
Ali Mili:
Software Architectures Change Propagation Tool (SACPT).
ICSM 2004: 517 |
77 | EE | Walid Abdelmoez,
Diaa Eldin M. Nassar,
Mark Shereshevsky,
Nicholay Gradetsky,
Rajesh Gunnalan,
Hany H. Ammar,
Bo Yu,
Ali Mili:
Error Propagation In Software Architectures.
IEEE METRICS 2004: 384-393 |
2003 |
76 | EE | Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova,
Ahmed E. Hassan,
Ajith Guedem,
Walid Abdelmoez,
Diaa Eldin M. Nassar,
Hany H. Ammar,
Ali Mili:
Architectural-Level Risk Analysis Using UML.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 29(10): 946-960 (2003) |
2002 |
75 | EE | Robert David Cowan,
Ali Mili,
Hany H. Ammar,
Alan McKendall Jr.,
Lin Yang,
Dapeng Chen,
Terry Spencer:
Software Engineering Technology Watch.
IEEE Software 19(4): 123-129 (2002) |
74 | | Robert David Cowan,
Alan McKendall Jr.,
Ali Mili,
Lin Yang,
L. Wang,
Dapeng Chen,
V. Janardhana,
Terry Spencer:
Software engineering technology watch.
Inf. Sci. 140(3-4): 195-215 (2002) |
73 | EE | Kamel Barkaoui,
Mohamed Jmaiel,
Ali Mili:
Guest editorial.
Journal of Systems and Software 60(2): 87-89 (2002) |
2001 |
72 | EE | Mark Shereshevsky,
Habib Ammari,
Nicholay Gradetsky,
Ali Mili,
Hany H. Ammar:
Information Theoretic Metrics for Software Architectures.
COMPSAC 2001: 151- |
71 | | H. Dieter Rombach,
Manfred Broy,
Michael Evangelist,
Ali Mili,
Leon J. Osterweil,
David Lorge Parnas:
Software Engineering Research Agendas Panel (SERA): What Can't We Do, But Need to Learn How to Do?
ICSE 2001: 698-698 |
70 | EE | Diego Del Gobbo,
Ali Mili:
Re-Engineering Fault Tolerance Requirements: A Case Study in Specifying Fault Tolerant Flight Control Systems.
RE 2001: 236-247 |
69 | | Ali Mili,
Senta Fowler Chmiel,
Ravi Gottumukkala,
Lisa Zhang:
Managing Software Reuse Economics: An Integrated ROI-based Model.
Ann. Software Eng. 11(1): 175-218 (2001) |
68 | EE | Diego Del Gobbo,
Ali Mili:
An Application of Relational Algebra: Specification of a Fault Tolerant Flight Control System.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 44(3): (2001) |
67 | EE | Lamia Labed Jilani,
Jules Desharnais,
Ali Mili:
Defining and Applying Measures of Distance Between Specifications.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 27(8): 673-703 (2001) |
2000 |
66 | EE | Hafedh Mili,
Joumana Dargham,
Ali Mili:
Views: A Framework for Feature-based Development and Distribution of OO Applications.
HICSS 2000 |
65 | EE | Ali Mili,
Senta Fowler Chmiel,
Ravi Gottumukkala,
Lisa Zhang:
An integrated cost model for software reuse.
ICSE 2000: 157-166 |
64 | EE | Ali Mili,
Senta Fowler Chmiel,
Ravi Gottumukkala,
Lisa Zhang:
Tracking, predicting and assessing software reuse costs: an automated tool.
ICSE 2000: 785 |
63 | | Sherif M. Yacoub,
Hany H. Ammar,
Ali Mili:
Constructional Design Patterns as Reusable Components.
ICSR 2000: 369-387 |
62 | | Habib Ammari,
Ali Mili:
Lattice Based Distances.
RelMiCS 2000: 1-10 |
61 | | Sherif M. Yacoub,
Ali Mili,
Chakri Kaveri,
Mark Dehlin:
A hierarchy of COTS certification criteria.
SPLC 2000: 397-412 |
60 | | Hany H. Ammar,
Bojan Cukic,
Ali Mili,
Christopher P. Fuhrman:
A comparative analysis of hardware and software fault tolerance: Impact on software reliability engineering.
Ann. Software Eng. 10: 103-150 (2000) |
59 | | Rahma Ben Ayed,
Jules Desharnais,
Marc Frappier,
Ali Mili:
A calculus of program adaptation and its applications.
Sci. Comput. Program. 38(1-3): 73-124 (2000) |
58 | EE | Rym Mili,
Jules Desharnais,
Marc Frappier,
Ali Mili:
Semantic distance between specifications.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 247(1-2): 257-276 (2000) |
1999 |
57 | EE | Ali Mili,
Bojan Cukic,
T. Xia,
Rahma Ben Ayed:
Combining Fault Avoidance, Fault Removal and Fault Tolerance: An Integrated Model.
ASE 1999: 137- |
56 | EE | Victor R. Basili,
Tom DeMarco,
Ali Mili:
Science and Engineering for Software Development: A Recognition of Harlan D. Mills' Legacy.
ICSE 1999: 710-711 |
55 | EE | Hafedh Mili,
Joumana Dargham,
Omar Cherkaoui,
Robert Godin,
Ali Mili:
View Programming for Decentralized Development of OO Programs.
TOOLS (30) 1999: 210-221 |
54 | | Ali Mili:
Desert Island Column: The Long Story of a Short Theorem.
Autom. Softw. Eng. 6(2): 199-204 (1999) |
53 | EE | Ali Mili,
Sherif M. Yacoub,
Edward A. Addy,
Hafedh Mili:
Toward an Engineering Discipline of Software Reuse.
IEEE Software 16(5): 22-31 (1999) |
52 | | Edward A. Addy,
Ali Mili,
Sherif M. Yacoub:
A Case Study in Software Reuse.
Software Quality Journal 8(3): 169-195 (1999) |
1998 |
51 | EE | Rahma Ben Ayed,
Jules Desharnais,
Marc Frappier,
Ali Mili:
Mathematical Foundations for Program Transformations.
LOPSTR 1998: 319-321 |
50 | | Rahma Ben Ayed,
Hafedh Mili,
Ali Mili:
Capturing pointer semantics and scoping rules.
RelMiCS 1998: 3-7 |
49 | | Jules Desharnais,
Ridha Khédri,
Ali Mili:
Towards a uniform relational semantics for tabular expressions.
RelMiCS 1998: 53-57 |
48 | | Ali Mili,
Rym Mili,
Roland Mittermeir:
A Survey of software Reuse Libraries.
Ann. Software Eng. 5: 349-414 (1998) |
47 | EE | Jules Desharnais,
Marc Frappier,
Ridha Khédri,
Ali Mili:
Integration of Sequential Scenarios.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 24(9): 695-708 (1998) |
46 | EE | Marc Frappier,
Ali Mili,
Jules Desharnais:
Unifying Program Construction and Modification.
Logic Journal of the IGPL 6(2): 317-340 (1998) |
1997 |
45 | EE | Lamia Labed Jilani,
Jules Desharnais,
Marc Frappier,
Rym Mili,
Ali Mili:
Retrieving Software Components that Minimize Adaptation Effort.
ASE 1997: 255- |
44 | | Marc Frappier,
Ali Mili,
Jules Desharnais:
Defining and detecting feature interactions.
Algorithmic Languages and Calculi 1997: 212-239 |
43 | EE | Jules Desharnais,
Marc Frappier,
Ridha Khédri,
Ali Mili:
Integration of Sequential Scenarios.
ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 1997: 310-326 |
42 | | Marc Frappier,
Ali Mili,
Jules Desharnais:
Detecting Feature Interactions on Relational Specifications.
FIW 1997: 123-137 |
41 | | Fatma Mili,
Ali Mili:
Algorithms = RelationaI Algebra + Ordering Relations.
RelMiCS 1997: 273-289 |
40 | | Rym Mili,
Lamia Labed Jilani,
Ali Mili:
Measures of Distances to Perform Approximate Retrieval.
RelMiCS 1997: 301-307 |
39 | EE | Rym Mili,
Marc Frappier,
Jules Desharnais,
Ali Mili:
A Calculus of Program Modifications.
SSR 1997: 157-168 |
38 | EE | Rym Mili,
Ali Mili,
Roland Mittermeir:
Storing and Retrieving Software Conponents: A Refinement Based System.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 23(7): 445-460 (1997) |
1996 |
37 | EE | Joze Zupancic,
Stanislaw Wrycza,
Ali Mili:
Guest editor's corner.
Journal of Systems and Software 33(2): 111-112 (1996) |
36 | | Marc Frappier,
Ali Mili,
Jules Desharnais:
A Relational Calculus for Program Construction by Parts.
Sci. Comput. Program. 26(1-3): 237-254 (1996) |
1995 |
35 | | Marc Frappier,
Ali Mili,
Jules Desharnais:
Program Construction by Parts.
MPC 1995: 257-281 |
34 | EE | Hafedh Mili,
Fatma Mili,
Ali Mili:
Reusing Software: Issues and Research Directions.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21(6): 528-562 (1995) |
33 | | Douglas R. Skuce,
Ali Mili:
Behavorial Specifications in Object-Oriented Programming.
JOOP 7(8): 41-49 (1995) |
32 | EE | Jules Desharnais,
Nadir Belkhiter,
Salah Ben Mohamed Sghaier,
Fairouz Tchier,
Ali Jaoua,
Ali Mili,
Nejib Zaguia:
Embedding a Demonic Semilattice in a Relational Algebra.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 149(2): 333-360 (1995) |
1994 |
31 | EE | Ali Mili,
Rym Mili,
Roland Mittermeir:
Storing and Retrieving Software Components: A Refinement Based System.
ICSE 1994: 91-100 |
30 | | L. Ben Arfa,
Marc Frappier,
Rym Mili,
Ali Mili,
Douglas R. Skuce:
A process for verification based inspections.
SEKE 1994: 100-107 |
29 | EE | Rym Mili,
Ali Mili:
Teaching a first course on data structures: a software engineering approach.
SIGCSE 1994: 21-25 |
1993 |
28 | EE | Noureddine Boudriga,
Yahya Slimani,
Ali Mili:
Relation-based semantics for concurrency.
Inf. Sci. 75(3): 223-252 (1993) |
27 | | Jules Desharnais,
Ali Mili,
Fatma Mili:
On the Mathematics of Sequential Decompositions.
Sci. Comput. Program. 20(3): 253-289 (1993) |
26 | | Jules Desharnais,
Ali Jaoua,
Fatma Mili,
Noureddine Boudriga,
Ali Mili:
A Relation Division Operator: The Conjugate Kernel.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 114(2): 247-272 (1993) |
1992 |
25 | | Ali Mili,
Noureddine Boudriga:
Computers in the Classroom: A National Proposal.
IFIP Congress (2) 1992: 116-122 |
24 | | Noureddine Boudriga,
Ali Mili,
R. Zalila,
Fatma Mili:
A Relational Model for the Specification of Data Types.
Comput. Lang. 17(2): 101-131 (1992) |
23 | | Noureddine Boudriga,
Fathi Elloumi,
Ali Mili:
On the Lattice of Specifications: Applications to a Specification Methodology.
Formal Asp. Comput. 4(6): 544-571 (1992) |
22 | | Fatma Mili,
Ali Mili:
Heuristics for Constructing While Loops.
Sci. Comput. Program. 18(1): 67-106 (1992) |
21 | | Noureddine Boudriga,
Ali Mili,
Roland Mittermeir:
Semantic-Based Software Retrieval to Support Rapid Prototyping.
Structured Programming 13(3): 109-127 (1992) |
1991 |
20 | EE | L. Kemayel,
Ali Mili,
I. Ouederni:
Controllable factors for programmer productivity: A statistical study.
Journal of Systems and Software 16(2): 151-163 (1991) |
19 | | Ali Jaoua,
Ali Mili,
Noureddine Boudriga,
J. L. Durieux:
Regularity of Relations: A Measure of Uniformity.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 79(2): 323-339 (1991) |
1990 |
18 | | Noureddine Boudriga,
Ali Mili:
A Database of Software Components: An Algebraic Structure and Its Implementation.
DEXA 1990: 162-166 |
17 | EE | Ali Jaoua,
Ali Mili:
The use of executable assertions for error detection and damage assessment.
Journal of Systems and Software 12(1): 15-37 (1990) |
16 | EE | Jean Pierre Finance,
Ali Mili:
A foreword to the special issue of the journal of systems and software on the Role of languages in programming (the Tenth Tunisian-French Seminar of Computer Science).
Journal of Systems and Software 12(2): 83-85 (1990) |
1988 |
15 | | Fatma Mili,
B. Alaya,
Ali Mili:
On the Analysis of Iterative and Recursive Programs.
Australian Computer Journal 20(1): 27-32 (1988) |
1987 |
14 | | Ali Mili,
Jules Desharnais,
Fatma Mili:
Relational Heuristics for the Design of Deterministic Programs.
Acta Inf. 24(3): 239-276 (1987) |
13 | EE | Ali Mili,
Sihem Guemara,
Ali Jaoua,
Paul Torrés:
On the use of executable assertions in structured programs.
Journal of Systems and Software 7(1): 15-28 (1987) |
1986 |
12 | EE | Ali Mili,
Jules Desharnais:
Formal Models of Stepwise Refinement of Programs.
ACM Comput. Surv. 18(3): 231-276 (1986) |
11 | | Ali Mili,
Xiaoyang Sean Wang,
Yu Qing:
Specification Methodology: An Integrated Relational Approach.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 16(11): 1003-1030 (1986) |
1985 |
10 | | Ali Mili,
Jules Desharnais,
Jean-Raymond Gagné:
Strongest Invariant Functions: Their Use in the Systematic Analysis of While Statements.
Acta Inf. 22(1): 47-66 (1985) |
9 | | Robert G. Babb II,
Richard B. Kieburtz,
Ken Orr,
Ali Mili,
Susan Gearhart,
Nancy N. Martin:
Workshop on Models and Languages for Software Specification and Design.
IEEE Computer 18(3): 103-108 (1985) |
8 | | Ali Mili:
Towards a Theory of Forward Error Recovery.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(8): 735-748 (1985) |
1984 |
7 | | Ali Mili,
Jules Desharnais:
A System for Classifying Program Verification Methods: Assigning Meanings to Program Verification Methods.
ICSE 1984: 499-509 |
1983 |
6 | | Ali Mili:
The Bottom up Analysis of While Statements: Strongest Invariant Functions.
IFIP Congress 1983: 339-343 |
5 | | Ali Mili:
A Relational Approach to the Design of Deterministic Programs.
Acta Inf. 20: 315-328 (1983) |
4 | | Ali Mili:
Verifying Programs by Induction on Their Data Structure: General Format and Applications.
Inf. Process. Lett. 17(3): 155-160 (1983) |
3 | EE | Ali Mili,
Donna Reese:
Representation and manipulation of information systems: A simplified approach.
Journal of Systems and Software 3(1): 85-93 (1983) |
1982 |
2 | | Ali Mili:
A Closer Look at Iteration: The Self Stabilizing Capability of Loops.
ICSE 1982: 48-57 |
1 | | Ali Mili:
Self-Stabilizing Programs: The Fault-Tolerant Capability of Self-Checking Programs.
IEEE Trans. Computers 31(7): 685-689 (1982) |