
Claude Kaiser

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20EEClaude Kaiser, Christophe Pajault, Jean-François Pradat-Peyre: Concurrent Program Metrics Drawn by Quasar. Ada-Europe 2008: 101-114
19 Samia Bouzefrane, Jean-Paul Etienne, Claude Kaiser: Handling Overload and Data-Relaxation Control in Distributed Real-Time Database Systems. I. J. Comput. Appl. 15(3): 187-200 (2008)
18EESamia Bouzefrane, J. Etienne, Claude Kaiser: Gestion de la surcharge dans les systèmes de gestion de base de données temps réel. Technique et Science Informatiques 27(7): 879-910 (2008)
17EEClaude Kaiser, Christophe Pajault, Jean-François Pradat-Peyre: Modelling Remote Concurrency with Ada. Ada-Europe 2007: 192-207
16EESami Evangelista, Claude Kaiser, Christophe Pajault, Jean-François Pradat-Peyre, Pierre Rousseau: Dynamic Tasks Verification with Quasar. Ada-Europe 2005: 91-104
15EESami Evangelista, Claude Kaiser, Jean-François Pradat-Peyre, Pierre Rousseau: Quasar: A New Tool for Concurrent Ada Programs Analysis. Ada-Europe 2003: 168-181
14 Samia Saad-Bouzefrane, Claude Kaiser: Distributed Overload Control for Real-Time Replicated Database Systems. ICEIS (1) 2003: 380-388
13EESami Evangelista, Claude Kaiser, Jean-François Pradat-Peyre, Pierre Rousseau: Verifying linear time temporal logic properties of concurrent Ada programs with quasar. SIGAda 2003: 17-24
12EEKamel Barkaoui, Claude Kaiser, Jean-François Pradat-Peyre: Petri nets based proofs of Ada 95 solution for preference control. APSEC 1997: 238-248
11EEClaude Kaiser, Jean-François Pradat-Peyre: Comparing the Reliability Provided by Tasks or Protected Objects for Implementing a Resource Allocation Service: a Case Study. TRI-Ada 1997: 51-65
10 Jean-Serge Banino, Jean Delcoigne, Claude Kaiser, Gérard Morisset: The DUNE_iX Real-Time Operating System. Computing Systems 6(4): 425-480 (1993)
9 Gerard Florin, Claude Kaiser, Stéphane Natkin: Petri net models of a distributed election protocol on a unidirectional ring. Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 1989: 287-312
8 Marc Rozier, Vadim Abrossimov, François Armand, I. Boule, Michel Gien, Marc Guillemont, F. Herrmann, Claude Kaiser, S. Langlois, P. Leonard, W. Neuhauser: CHORUS Distributed Operating System. Computing Systems 1(4): 305-370 (1988)
7 C. Gaude, J. Langet, S. Palassin, Claude Kaiser: Distributed Processing as a Key to Reliable and Evolving Software for Real Time Applications. IFIP Congress 1980: 315-320
6 Jean Ferrié, Claude Kaiser, D. Lanciaux, B. Martin: An Extensible Structure for Protected Systems' Design. Comput. J. 19(4): 315-321 (1976)
5 Erol Gelenbe, Claude Kaiser: Operating Systems, Proceedings of an International Symposium held at Rocquencourt, April 23-25, 1974 Springer 1974
4 Claude Kaiser, Sacha Krakowiak: Design and Implementation of a Time-Sharing System: A Critical Appraisal. IFIP Congress 1974: 247-251
3 Claude Kaiser, Sacha Krakowiak: Analyse de quelques pannes d'un systeème d'exploitation. Symposium on Operating Systems 1974: 188-207
2 Claude Bétourné, Jean Ferrié, Claude Kaiser, Sacha Krakowiak, Jacques Mossière: System Design and Implementation Using Parallel Processes. IFIP Congress (1) 1971: 345-352
1EEClaude Bétourné, J. Boulenger, Jean Ferrié, Claude Kaiser, Sacha Krakowiak, Jacques Mossière: Process management and resource sharing in the multiaccess system in ESOPE. Commun. ACM 13(12): 727-733 (1970)

Coauthor Index

1Vadim Abrossimov [8]
2François Armand [8]
3Jean-Serge Banino [10]
4Kamel Barkaoui [12]
5Claude Bétourné [1] [2]
6I. Boule [8]
7J. Boulenger [1]
8Samia Bouzefrane (Samia Saad-Bouzefrane) [14] [18] [19]
9Jean Delcoigne [10]
10J. Etienne [18]
11Jean-Paul Etienne [19]
12Sami Evangelista [13] [15] [16]
13Jean Ferrié [1] [2] [6]
14Gerard Florin [9]
15C. Gaude [7]
16Erol Gelenbe [5]
17Michel Gien [8]
18Marc Guillemont [8]
19F. Herrmann [8]
20Sacha Krakowiak [1] [2] [3] [4]
21D. Lanciaux [6]
22J. Langet [7]
23S. Langlois [8]
24P. Leonard [8]
25B. Martin [6]
26Gérard Morisset [10]
27Jacques Mossière [1] [2]
28Stéphane Natkin [9]
29W. Neuhauser [8]
30Christophe Pajault [16] [17] [20]
31S. Palassin [7]
32Jean-François Pradat-Peyre [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [20]
33Pierre Rousseau [13] [15] [16]
34Marc Rozier [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)