
David W. Forslund

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6EEDavid W. Forslund, James E. George, Sascha Koenig, Torsten Staab, Mary Kratz, Robert Carter: The Importance of Distributed, Component-Based Healthcare Information Systems: The Role of a Service-Based Architecture. CBMS 2001: 79-
5EEDavid W. Forslund, James E. George, Eugene M. Gavrilov: TeleMed: Wide-Area, Secure, Collaborative Object Computing with Java and CORBA for Healthcare. HPDC 1998: 30-33
4EEDoug Lea, David W. Forslund, Tom Barry, Don Vines, Rajendra K. Raj, Ashutosh Tiwary: Building Distributed Systems (Panel). OOPSLA 1998: 412-416
3 David G. Kilman, David W. Forslund: An International Collaboratory Based on Virtual Patient Records. Commun. ACM 40(8): 110-117 (1997)
2EEGary Mountry, David H. Bailey, Eugene D. Brooks III, David W. Forslund, Robert J. Harrison, Don Heller, Tom Kraay: Massively parallel vs. parallel vector supercomputers: a user's perspective (panel). SC 1993: 918-920
1 David W. Forslund, C. Wingate, P. Ford, J. S. Junkins, J. Jackson, S. C. Pope: Experiences in Writing a Distributed Particle Simulation Code in C++. C++ Conference 1990: 177-190

Coauthor Index

1David H. Bailey [2]
2Tom Barry [4]
3Eugene D. Brooks III [2]
4Robert Carter [6]
5P. Ford [1]
6Eugene M. Gavrilov [5]
7James E. George [5] [6]
8Robert J. Harrison [2]
9Don Heller [2]
10J. Jackson [1]
11J. S. Junkins [1]
12David G. Kilman [3]
13Sascha Koenig [6]
14Tom Kraay [2]
15Mary Kratz [6]
16Doug Lea [4]
17Gary Mountry [2]
18S. C. Pope [1]
19Rajendra K. Raj [4]
20Torsten Staab [6]
21Ashutosh Tiwary [4]
22Don Vines [4]
23C. Wingate [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)