
Miguel Arias-Estrada

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19EEJuan Carlos Moctezuma Eugenio, Miguel Arias-Estrada: Hardware/Software FPGA Architecture for Robotics Applications. ARC 2009: 27-38
18EECesar Torres-Huitzil, Bernard Girau, Miguel Arias-Estrada: Biologically-Inspired Digital Architecture for a Cortical Model of Orientation Selectivity. ICANN (2) 2008: 188-197
17EERafael Lemuz-López, Miguel Arias-Estrada: Ranking Corner Points by the Angular Difference between Dominant Edges. ICVS 2008: 323-332
16EEGriselda Saldaña, Miguel Arias-Estrada: Compact FPGA-based systolic array architecture suitable for vision systems. ITNG 2007: 1008-1013
15EEAlicia Morales-Reyes, Miguel Arias-Estrada: Stereo Analysis Extension Based on BRDF Reciprocity. CONIELECOMP 2006: 53
14EERafael Lemuz-López, Miguel Arias-Estrada: Iterative Closest SIFT Formulation for Robust Feature Matching. ISVC (2) 2006: 502-513
13EERafael Lemuz-López, Miguel Arias-Estrada: A Domain Reduction Algorithm for Incremental Projective Reconstruction. ISVC (2) 2006: 564-575
12EEGerardo Sosa-Ramirez, Miguel Arias-Estrada: 3D Recovery with Free Hand Camera Motion. ENC 2005: 145-151
11EELiz Castillo-Jimenez, Miguel Arias-Estrada: Super-resolution with integrated radial distortion correction. ENC 2005: 165-173
10EECesar Torres-Huitzil, Miguel Arias-Estrada: Real-time image processing with a compact FPGA-based systolic architecture. Real-Time Imaging 10(3): 177-187 (2004)
9EECesar Torres-Huitzil, Miguel Arias-Estrada: Configurable Hardware Architecture for Real-Time Window-Based Image Processing. FPL 2003: 1008-1011
8EEJuan M. Xicotencatl, Miguel Arias-Estrada: FPGA Based High Density Spiking Neural Network Array. FPL 2003: 1053-1056
7EESelene Maya-Rueda, Miguel Arias-Estrada: FPGA Processor for Real-Time Optical Flow Computation. FPL 2003: 1103-1106
6EEMiguel Arias-Estrada, Eduardo Rodríguez-Palacios: An FPGA Co-processor for Real-Time Visual Tracking. FPL 2002: 710-719
5EEMiguel Arias-Estrada, Juan M. Xicotencatl: Multiple Stereo Matching Using an Extended Architecture. FPL 2001: 203-212
4EECesar Torres-Huitzil, Miguel Arias-Estrada: An FPGA Architecture for High Speed Edge and Corner Detection. CAMP 2000: 112-116
3EESelene Maya, Rocio Reynoso, César Torres, Miguel Arias-Estrada: Compact Spiking Neural Network Implementation in FPGA. FPL 2000: 270-276
2EEJ. J. Vega, M. R. Reynoso, Miguel Arias-Estrada, Leopoldo Altamirano Robles: Bragg Curve Identification Using a Neural Network. IJCNN (4) 2000: 379-382
1EEA. Lecerf, F. Vachon, D. Ouellet, Miguel Arias-Estrada: FPGA Based Computer Vision Camera. FPGA 1999: 248

Coauthor Index

1Liz Castillo-Jimenez [11]
2Juan Carlos Moctezuma Eugenio [19]
3Bernard Girau [18]
4A. Lecerf [1]
5Rafael Lemuz-López [13] [14] [17]
6Selene Maya [3]
7Selene Maya-Rueda [7]
8Alicia Morales-Reyes [15]
9D. Ouellet [1]
10M. R. Reynoso [2]
11Rocio Reynoso [3]
12Leopoldo Altamirano Robles [2]
13Eduardo Rodríguez-Palacios [6]
14Griselda Saldaña [16]
15Gerardo Sosa-Ramirez [12]
16César Torres [3]
17Cesar Torres-Huitzil [4] [9] [10] [18]
18F. Vachon [1]
19J. J. Vega [2]
20Juan M. Xicotencatl [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)