
Chang Hu

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8EEJaime Teevan, Edward Cutrell, Danyel Fisher, Steven M. Drucker, Gonzalo Ramos, Paul André, Chang Hu: Visual snippets: summarizing web pages for search and revisitation. CHI 2009: 2023-2032
7EEChang Hu: Collaborative translation by monolingual users. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3105-3108
6EEAlexander J. Quinn, Chang Hu, Takeshi Arisaka, Anne Rose, Benjamin B. Bederson: Readability of scanned books in digital libraries. CHI 2008: 705-714
5EEChang Hu, Qiong Liu, Xuemin Liu, Chunyuan Liao, Paul McEvoy: POEMS: A Paper Based Meeting Service Management Tool. ICME 2007: 1167-1170
4EEQiong Liu, Xuemin Liu, Chang Hu: POEMS: A Paper Based Meeting Service Management Tool. ICME 2007: 2
3EEHyunyoung Song, François Guimbretière, Chang Hu, Hod Lipson: ModelCraft: capturing freehand annotations and edits on physical 3D models. UIST 2006: 13-22
2EEChang Hu, Li Cao: A System Identification Method Based on Multi-layer Perception and Model Extraction. ISNN (2) 2004: 218-223
1EEChang Hu, Li Cao: ANN based load forecasting: a parallel structure. SMC (4) 2004: 3594-3598

Coauthor Index

1Paul André [8]
2Takeshi Arisaka [6]
3Benjamin B. Bederson (Ben Bederson) [6]
4Li Cao [1] [2]
5Edward Cutrell [8]
6Steven M. Drucker [8]
7Danyel Fisher [8]
8François Guimbretière [3]
9Chunyuan Liao [5]
10Hod Lipson [3]
11Qiong Liu [4] [5]
12Xuemin Liu [4] [5]
13Paul McEvoy [5]
14Alexander J. Quinn [6]
15Gonzalo Ramos [8]
16Anne Rose [6]
17Hyunyoung Song [3]
18Jaime Teevan [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)