
John A. Clark

John Andrew Clark

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49EESevil Sen, John Andrew Clark: A grammatical evolution approach to intrusion detection on mobile ad hoc networks. WISEC 2009: 95-102
48EEYow Tzu Lim, Pau-Chen Cheng, Pankaj Rohatgi, John Andrew Clark: MLS security policy evolution with genetic programming. GECCO 2008: 1571-1578
47EEXun Dong, John A. Clark, Jeremy L. Jacob: Threat Modelling in User Performed Authentication. ICICS 2008: 49-64
46EEYow Tzu Lim, Pau-Chen Cheng, John Andrew Clark, Pankaj Rohatgi: Policy evolution with Genetic Programming: A comparison of three approaches. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 1792-1800
45EESevil Sen, John A. Clark: Evolving Intrusion Detection Rules on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. PRICAI 2008: 1053-1058
44EEYow Tzu Lim, Pau-Chen Cheng, John Andrew Clark, Pankaj Rohatgi: Policy Evolution with Grammatical Evolution. SEAL 2008: 71-80
43EEJim Woodcock, Susan Stepney, David Cooper, John A. Clark, Jeremy Jacob: The certification of the Mondex electronic purse to ITSEC Level E6. Formal Asp. Comput. 20(1): 5-19 (2008)
42EEYuan Zhan, John A. Clark: A search-based framework for automatic testing of MATLAB/Simulink models. Journal of Systems and Software 81(2): 262-285 (2008)
41EEJuan M. Estévez-Tapiador, Julio César Hernández Castro, John A. Clark: Heuristic search for non-linear cryptanalytic approximations. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 3561-3568
40EEJuan M. Estévez-Tapiador, John A. Clark, Julio César Hernández Castro: Non-linear Cryptanalysis Revisited: Heuristic Search for Approximations to S-Boxes. IMA Int. Conf. 2007: 99-117
39 John A. Clark, Richard F. Paige, Fiona Polack, Phillip J. Brooke: Security in Pervasive Computing, Third International Conference, SPC 2006, York, UK, April 18-21, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
38EEHao Chen, John A. Clark, Jeremy Jacob: Human competitive security protocols synthesis. GECCO 2006: 1855-1856
37EEYuan Zhan, John A. Clark: The state problem for test generation in Simulink. GECCO 2006: 1941-1948
36EEFiona Polack, Thitima Srivatanakul, Tim Kelly, John A. Clark: Deviational Analyses for Validating Regulations on Real Systems. ReMo2V 2006
35EEPaul Massey, John A. Clark, Susan Stepney: Human-Competitive Evolution of Quantum Computing Artefacts by Genetic Programming. Evolutionary Computation 14(1): 21-40 (2006)
34EESusan Stepney, Samuel L. Braunstein, John A. Clark, Andrew M. Tyrrell, Andrew Adamatzky, Robert E. Smith, Thomas R. Addis, Colin G. Johnson, Jonathan Timmis, Peter H. Welch, Robin Milner, Derek Partridge: Journeys in non-classical computation II: initial journeys and waypoints. IJPEDS 21(2): 97-125 (2006)
33EEYuan Zhan, John A. Clark: Search-based mutation testing for Simulink models. GECCO 2005: 1061-1068
32EEPaul Massey, John A. Clark, Susan Stepney: Evolution of a human-competitive quantum fourier transform algorithm using genetic programming. GECCO 2005: 1657-1663
31EEYang Liu, John A. Clark, Susan Stepney: "Devices Are People Too" Using Process Patterns to Elicit Security Requirements in Novel Domains: A Ubiquitous Healthcare Example. SPC 2005: 31-45
30EEHao Chen, John A. Clark, Jeremy L. Jacob: Synthesising Efficient and Effective Security Protocols. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 125(1): 25-41 (2005)
29EEJohn A. Clark, Susan Stepney, Howard Chivers: Breaking the Model: Finalisation and a Taxonomy of Security Attacks. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 137(2): 225-242 (2005)
28EEJohn A. Clark, Jeremy L. Jacob, Susan Stepney: The Design of S-Boxes by Simulated Annealing. New Generation Comput. 23(3): (2005)
27EESusan Stepney, Samuel L. Braunstein, John A. Clark, Andrew M. Tyrrell, Andrew Adamatzky, Robert E. Smith, Tom Addis, Colin G. Johnson, Jonathan Timmis, Peter H. Welch, Robin Milner, Derek Partridge: Journeys in non-classical computation I: A grand challenge for computing research. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 20(1): 5-19 (2005)
26EEPantelimon Stanica, Subhamoy Maitra, John A. Clark: Results on Rotation Symmetric Bent and Correlation Immune Boolean Functions. FSE 2004: 161-177
25EEYuan Zhan, John A. Clark: Search Based Automatic Test-Data Generation at an Architectural Level. GECCO (2) 2004: 1413-1424
24EEPaul Massey, John A. Clark, Susan Stepney: Evolving Quantum Circuits and Programs Through Genetic Programming. GECCO (2) 2004: 569-580
23EEMark Harman, John A. Clark: Metrics Are Fitness Functions Too. IEEE METRICS 2004: 58-69
22EEThitima Srivatanakul, John A. Clark, Fiona Polack: Effective Security Requirements Analysis: HAZOP and Use Cases. ISC 2004: 416-427
21EEHoward Chivers, John A. Clark: Smart dust, friend or foe?--Replacing identity with configuration trust. Computer Networks 46(5): 723-740 (2004)
20EEJohn A. Clark, Mark Harman, Robert M. Hierons: Editorial: Software testing in the United Kingdom. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 14(3): 165-166 (2004)
19EEThitima Srivatanakul, John A. Clark, Susan Stepney, Fiona Polack: Challenging Formal Specifications by Mutation: a CSP security example. APSEC 2003: 340-
18EEMatthew Russell, John A. Clark, Susan Stepney: Using Ants to Attack a Classical Cipher. GECCO 2003: 146-147
17EEJohn A. Clark, Jeremy L. Jacob, Susan Stepney: Secret Agents Leave Big Footprints: How to Plant a Cryptographic Trapdoor, and Why You Might Not Get Away with It. GECCO 2003: 2022-2033
16EESusan Stepney, John A. Clark, Colin G. Johnson, Derek Partridge, Robert E. Smith: Artificial Immune Systems and the Grand Challenge for Non-classical Computation. ICARIS 2003: 204-216
15EEHoward Chivers, John A. Clark, Susan Stepney: Smart Devices and Software Agents: The Basics of Good Behaviour. SPC 2003: 39-52
14 John A. Clark, José Javier Dolado, Mark Harman, Robert M. Hierons, Bryan F. Jones, M. Lumkin, Brian S. Mitchell, Spiros Mancoridis, K. Rees, Marc Roper, Martin J. Shepperd: Formulating software engineering as a search problem. IEE Proceedings - Software 150(3): 161-175 (2003)
13EEJonathan P. Bowen, Kirill Bogdanov, John A. Clark, Mark Harman, Robert M. Hierons, Paul Krause: FORTEST: Formal Methods and Testing. COMPSAC 2002: 91-104
12EEJohn A. Clark, Jeremy L. Jacob: Fault Injection and a Timing Channel on an Analysis Technique. EUROCRYPT 2002: 181-196
11EEJohn A. Clark, Jeremy L. Jacob, Susan Stepney, Subhamoy Maitra, William Millan: Evolving Boolean Functions Satisfying Multiple Criteria. INDOCRYPT 2002: 246-259
10 John A. Clark, Jeremy L. Jacob: Protocols are programs too: the meta-heuristic search for security protocols. Information & Software Technology 43(14): 891-904 (2001)
9 Sun-Woo Kim, John A. Clark, John A. McDermid: Investigating the effectiveness of object-oriented testing strategies using the mutation method. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 11(3): 207-225 (2001)
8 John A. Clark, Jeremy Jacob: Two-Stage Optimisation in the Design of Boolean Functions. ACISP 2000: 242-254
7EEJohn A. Clark, Jeremy L. Jacob: Searching for a Solution: Engineering Tradeoffs and the Evolution of Provably Secure Protocols. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2000: 82-95
6 Nigel Tracey, John A. Clark, Keith Mander, John A. McDermid: Automated test-data generation for exception conditions. Softw., Pract. Exper. 30(1): 61-79 (2000)
5 Darren L. Buttle, John A. Clark, John A. McDermid, Alan Stephenson, Nigel J. Tracey: CONVERSE: A change-oriented process for engine controllers. IEE Proceedings - Software 146(3): 130-136 (1999)
4EENigel Tracey, John A. Clark, Keith Mander, John A. McDermid: An Automated Framework for Structural Test-Data Generation. ASE 1998: 285-288
3EEJohn A. McDermid, Andy Galloway, Simon Burton, John A. Clark, Ian Toyn, Nigel Tracey, Samuel H. Valentine: Towards Industrially Applicable Formal Methods: Three Small Steps and One Giant Leap. ICFEM 1998: 76-
2EENigel Tracey, John A. Clark, Keith Mander: Automated Program Flaw Finding Using Simulated Annealing. ISSTA 1998: 73-81
1EEJohn A. Clark, Jeremy Jacob: On the Security of Recent Protocols. Inf. Process. Lett. 56(3): 151-155 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Andrew Adamatzky (Andy Adamatzky) [27] [34]
2Thomas R. Addis [34]
3Tom Addis [27]
4Kirill Bogdanov [13]
5Jonathan P. Bowen [13]
6Samuel L. Braunstein [27] [34]
7Phillip J. Brooke [39]
8Simon Burton [3]
9Darren L. Buttle [5]
10Julio César Hernández Castro [40] [41]
11Hao Chen [30] [38]
12Pau-Chen Cheng [44] [46] [48]
13Howard Chivers [15] [21] [29]
14David Cooper [43]
15José Javier Dolado [14]
16Xun Dong [47]
17Juan M. Estévez-Tapiador [40] [41]
18Andy Galloway [3]
19Mark Harman [13] [14] [20] [23]
20Robert M. Hierons [13] [14] [20]
21Jeremy L. Jacob (Jeremy Jacob) [1] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [17] [28] [30] [38] [43] [47]
22Colin G. Johnson [16] [27] [34]
23Bryan F. Jones [14]
24Tim Kelly (Tim P. Kelly) [36]
25Sun-Woo Kim [9]
26Paul Krause [13]
27Yow Tzu Lim [44] [46] [48]
28Yang Liu [31]
29M. Lumkin [14]
30Subhamoy Maitra [11] [26]
31Spiros Mancoridis [14]
32Keith Mander [2] [4] [6]
33Paul Massey [24] [32] [35]
34John A. McDermid [3] [4] [5] [6] [9]
35William Millan [11]
36Robin Milner [27] [34]
37Brian S. Mitchell [14]
38Richard F. Paige [39]
39Derek Partridge [16] [27] [34]
40Fiona Polack [19] [22] [36] [39]
41K. Rees [14]
42Pankaj Rohatgi [44] [46] [48]
43Marc Roper [14]
44Matthew Russell [18]
45Sevil Sen [45] [49]
46Martin J. Shepperd [14]
47Robert Elliott Smith (Robert E. Smith) [16] [27] [34]
48Thitima Srivatanakul [19] [22] [36]
49Pantelimon Stanica [26]
50Alan Stephenson [5]
51Susan Stepney [11] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [24] [27] [28] [29] [31] [32] [34] [35] [43]
52Jonathan Timmis (Jon Timmis) [27] [34]
53Ian Toyn [3]
54Nigel Tracey [2] [3] [4] [6]
55Nigel J. Tracey [5]
56Andrew M. Tyrrell (Andy M. Tyrrell) [27] [34]
57Samuel H. Valentine [3]
58Peter H. Welch [27] [34]
59Jim Woodcock (J. C. P. Woodcock) [43]
60Yuan Zhan [25] [33] [37] [42]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)