
Olivier Curé

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20EEStefan Jablonski, Olivier Curé, M. Abdul Rehman, Bernhard Volz: Architecture of the DaltOn Data Integration System for Scientific Applications. CCGRID 2008: 701
19EEStefan Jablonski, Olivier Curé, M. Abdul Rehman, Bernhard Volz: DaltOn: An Infrastructure for Scientific Data Management. ICCS (3) 2008: 520-529
18EEOlivier Curé, Jean-David Bensaid: Integration of relational databases into OWL knowledge bases: demonstration of the DBOM system. ICDE Workshops 2008: 230-233
17EEOlivier Curé, Stefan Jablonski, Florent Jochaud, M. Abdul Rehman, Bernhard Volz: Semantic data integration in the DaltOn system. ICDE Workshops 2008: 234-241
16EEChahnez Zakaria, Olivier Curé, Kamel Smaïli: Conflict ontology enrichment based on triggers. ONISW 2008: 113-118
15EEOlivier Curé, Robert Jeansoulin: An FCA-based solution for ontology mediation. ONISW 2008: 39-46
14EEOlivier Curé: Data integration for the semantic web with full preferences. ONISW 2008: 61-68
13EEChristoph Bussler, Olivier Curé, Stefan Jablonski: ADI 2008 PC Co-chairs' Message. OTM Workshops 2008: 43
12EEOlivier Curé, Florent Jochaud: Preference-Based Integration of Relational Databases into a Description Logic. DEXA 2007: 854-863
11EEOlivier Curé, Stefan Jablonski: Ontology-Based Data Integration in Data Logistics Workflows. ER Workshops 2007: 34-43
10EEOlivier Curé, Robert Jeansoulin: Data Quality Enhancement of Databases Using Ontologies and Inductive Reasoning. OTM Conferences (1) 2007: 1117-1134
9EEMichel Treins, Olivier Curé, Gabriella Salzano: On the Interest of Using HL7 CDA Release 2 for the Exchange of Annotated Medical Documents. CBMS 2006: 524-532
8EEOlivier Curé, Raphaël Squelbut: Data Integration Targeting a Drug Related Knowledge Base. EDBT Workshops 2006: 411-422
7EEOlivier Curé: Ontology Interaction with a Patient Electronic Health Record. CBMS 2005: 185-190
6EEOlivier Curé, Raphaël Squelbut: A Database Trigger Strategy to Maintain Knowledge Bases Developed Via Data Migration. EPIA 2005: 206-217
5 Olivier Curé: Semi-automatic Data Migration in a Self-medication Knowledge-based System. Wissensmanagement 2005: 323-329
4EEOlivier Curé: Semi-automatic Data Migration in a Self-medication Knowledge-Based System. Wissensmanagement (LNCS Volume) 2005: 373-383
3EEOlivier Curé: XIMSA : eXtended Interactive Multimedia System for Auto-medication. CBMS 2004: 570-575
2EEOlivier Curé: Designing Patient-Oriented Systems with Semantic Web Technologies. CBMS 2003: 195-200
1 Olivier Curé: Overview of the IMSA project, a patient-oriented information system. Data Science Journal 1(2): 66-75 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Jean-David Bensaid [18]
2Christoph Bussler [13]
3Stefan Jablonski [11] [13] [17] [19] [20]
4Robert Jeansoulin [10] [15]
5Florent Jochaud [12] [17]
6M. Abdul Rehman [17] [19] [20]
7Gabriella Salzano [9]
8Kamel Smaïli [16]
9Raphaël Squelbut [6] [8]
10Michel Treins [9]
11Bernhard Volz [17] [19] [20]
12Chahnez Zakaria [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)