
Cristian Pérez de Laborda

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13EECristian Pérez de Laborda, Stefan Conrad: Database to Semantic Web Mapping Using RDF Query Languages. ER 2006: 241-254
12EECristian Pérez de Laborda, Stefan Conrad: Bringing Relational Data into the SemanticWeb using SPARQL and Relational.OWL. ICDE Workshops 2006: 55
11EECristian Pérez de Laborda, Stefan Conrad: Relational.OWL - A Data and Schema Representation Format Based on OWL. APCCM 2005: 89-96
10 Cristian Pérez de Laborda, Stefan Conrad: Querying Relational Databases with RDQL. Berliner XML Tage 2005: 161-172
9EECristian Pérez de Laborda, Christopher Popfinger, Stefan Conrad: Dynamic Intra- and Inter-Enterprise Collaboration Using an Enhanced Multidatabase Architecture. DEXA Workshops 2005: 626-631
8 Jan Mendling, Cristian Pérez de Laborda, Uwe Zdun: Towards Semantic Integration of XML-based Business Process Models. Wissensmanagement 2005: 513-517
7EEJan Mendling, Cristian Pérez de Laborda, Uwe Zdun: Towards an Integrated BPM Schema: Control Flow Heterogeneity of PNML and BPEL4WS. Wissensmanagement (LNCS Volume) 2005: 570-579
6EECristian Pérez de Laborda, Christopher Popfinger, Stefan Conrad: DÍGAME: A Vision of an Active Multidatabase with Push-based Schema and Data Propagation. EAI 2004
5EEChristopher Popfinger, Cristian Pérez de Laborda, Stefan Conrad: Link Patterns for Modeling Information Grids and P2P Networks. ER 2004: 388-401
4EECristian Pérez de Laborda, Christopher Popfinger: A Flexible Architecture for a Push-based P2P Database. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2004: 93-97
3 Cristian Pérez de Laborda: Metadatenbasierte Konzepte für die Migration und Integration von Daten. BTW Studierenden-Programm 2003: 23-25
2EECristian Pérez de Laborda, Stefan Conrad: A Semantic Web based Identification Mechanism for Databases. KRDB 2003
1 Werner Degenhardt, Cristian Pérez de Laborda: Virtuelle Universität durch Sicherheit und Personalisierung auf der Basis von Novell NDS eDirectory. DFN Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze 2001: 245-253

Coauthor Index

1Stefan Conrad [2] [5] [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
2Werner Degenhardt [1]
3Jan Mendling [7] [8]
4Christopher Popfinger [4] [5] [6] [9]
5Uwe Zdun [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)