
Tor Stålhane

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34EETor Stålhane, Guttorm Sindre: Safety Hazard Identification by Misuse Cases: Experimental Comparison of Text and Diagrams. MoDELS 2008: 721-735
33EETor Stålhane, Geir Kjetil Hanssen: The Application of ISO 9001 to Agile Software Development. PROFES 2008: 371-385
32EETuulikki Gyllensvard, Tor Stålhane: Possibilities to Estimate Reliability in XML Format Data Communication in Web Based Distributed Applications. COMSWARE 2007
31EETor Stålhane, Guttorm Sindre: A Comparison of Two Approaches to Safety Analysis Based on Use Cases. ER 2007: 423-437
30EETorgeir Dingsøyr, Nils Brede Moe, Joost J. P. Schalken, Tor Stålhane: Organizational Learning Through Project Postmortem Reviews - An Explorative Case Study. EuroSPI 2007: 136-147
29EEFinn Olav Bjørnson, Tor Stålhane, Nils Brede Moe, Torgeir Dingsøyr: Defining Software Processes Through Process Workshops: A Multicase Study. PROFES 2007: 132-146
28EETor Stålhane: Implementing an ISO 9001 Certified Process. EuroSPI 2006: 16-27
27 Sven Ziemer, Pedro R. Falcone Sampaio, Tor Stålhane: A Decision Modelling Approach for Analysing Requirements Configuration Trade-offs in Timeconstrained Web Application Development. SEKE 2006: 144-149
26 Sven Ziemer, Tor Stålhane: Web Application Development and Quality - Observations from Interviews with Companies in Norway. WEBIST (1) 2006: 495-498
25EETor Stålhane, Tanveer Husain Awan: Improving the Software Inspection Process. EuroSPI 2005: 163-174
24EETorgrim Lauritsen, Tor Stålhane: Safety Methods in Software Process Improvement. EuroSPI 2005: 95-105
23EEJianyun Zhou, Tor Stålhane: Analyzing Time-to-Market and Reliability Trade-Offs with Bayesian Belief Networks. ICWE 2005: 618-620
22 Finn Olav Bjørnson, Tor Stålhane: Harvesting Knowledge through a Method Framework in an Electronic Process Guide. Wissensmanagement 2005: 107-111
21EEFinn Olav Bjørnson, Tor Stålhane: Harvesting Knowledge Through a Method Framework in an Electronic Process Guide. Wissensmanagement (LNCS Volume) 2005: 86-90
20EETor Stålhane, Cat Kutay, Hiyam Al-Kilidar, D. Ross Jeffery: Teaching the Process of Code Review. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2004: 271-278
19EEJianyun Zhou, Tor Stålhane: Using FMEA for Early Robustness Analysis of Web-Based Systems. COMPSAC Workshops 2004: 28-29
18EETor Stålhane: Root Cause Analysis and Gap Analysis - A Tale of Two Methods. EuroSPI 2004: 150-160
17 Jianyun Zhou, Tor Stålhane: A framework for early robustness assessment. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications 2004: 264-268
16 Jianyun Zhou, Tor Stålhane: A component-based reference model for web-based systems. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications 2004: 653-658
15 Sven Ziemer, Tor Stålhane: The Use of Trade-offs in the Development of Web Applications. ICWE Workshops 2004: 269-281
14EEJianyun Zhou, Tor Stålhane: Web-Based System Development: Status in the Norwegian IT Organizations. PROFES 2004: 363-377
13EEGuttorm Sindre, Tor Stålhane, Gunnar Brataas, Reidar Conradi: The Cross-Course Software Engineering Project at the NTNU: Four Years of Experience. CSEE&T 2003: 251-
12EETor Stålhane, Torgeir Dingsøyr, Geir Kjetil Hanssen, Nils Brede Moe: Post Mortem - An Assessment of Two Approaches. ESERNET 2003: 129-141
11 Jianyun Zhou, Tor Stålhane: Shorter Time-To-Market Through a Pattern-Driven Architectural Framework. ICWI 2003: 793-796
10 Louise Scott, Tor Stålhane: Experience Repositories and the Postmortem. Wissensmanagement 2003: 79-82
9EEAndreas Birk, Torgeir Dingsøyr, Tor Stålhane: Postmortem: Never Leave a Project without It. IEEE Software 19(3): 43-45 (2002)
8EEMaria Letizia Jaccheri, Tor Stålhane: Evaluation of the E3 Process Modelling Language and Tool for the Purpose of Model Creation. PROFES 2001: 271-281
7 Jørgen Bøegh, Mads Christiansen, Ebba Thora Hvannberg, Tor Stålhane: The Benefits of Networking. PROFES 2000: 193-203
6EETor Stålhane, P. C. Borgersen, K. Arnesen: In search of the customer's quality view. Journal of Systems and Software 38(1): 85-93 (1997)
5EEKari Juul Wedde, Tor Stålhane, Inge Nordbø: A case study of a maintenance support system. ICSM 1995: 32-41
4 Tor Stålhane: Development of a Model for Reusability Assessment. Objective Software Quality 1995: 111-123
3EETor Stålhane, Kari Juul Wedde: The quest for reliability: A case study. Journal of Systems and Software 26(1): 69-76 (1994)
2 Guttorm Sindre, Even-André Karlsson, Tor Stålhane: A Method for Software Reuse Through Large Component Libraries. ICCI 1993: 464-468
1 Tor Stålhane, Even-André Karlsson, Guttorm Sindre: Software Reuse in an Educational Perspective. CSEE 1992: 99-114

Coauthor Index

1Hiyam Al-Kilidar [20]
2K. Arnesen [6]
3Tanveer Husain Awan [25]
4Andreas Birk [9]
5Finn Olav Bjørnson [21] [22] [29]
6Jørgen Bøegh [7]
7P. C. Borgersen [6]
8Gunnar Brataas [13]
9Mads Christiansen [7]
10Reidar Conradi [13]
11Torgeir Dingsøyr [9] [12] [29] [30]
12Tuulikki Gyllensvard [32]
13Geir Kjetil Hanssen [12] [33]
14Ebba Thora Hvannberg [7]
15Maria Letizia Jaccheri [8]
16D. Ross Jeffery [20]
17Even-André Karlsson [1] [2]
18Cat Kutay [20]
19Torgrim Lauritsen [24]
20Nils Brede Moe [12] [29] [30]
21Inge Nordbø [5]
22Pedro R. Falcone Sampaio (Pedro Sampaio) [27]
23Joost J. P. Schalken [30]
24Louise Scott [10]
25Guttorm Sindre [1] [2] [13] [31] [34]
26Kari Juul Wedde [3] [5]
27Jianyun Zhou [11] [14] [16] [17] [19] [23]
28Sven Ziemer [15] [26] [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)